>builds the military-industrial complex
>warns about the military-industrial complex in farewell address
really makes you think
Builds the military-industrial complex
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there's literally nothing wrong with having a Military Industrial complex.
except it propagates continuous war capitalism and ensures the interests of the state are war and death so thats cool but no thanks
>builds the military-industrial complex
Uhh.. a little late there, buddy.
As long as the war and death aren't happening to me i'm cool
t. never looked at Roman Republic history
you're literally encouraging terrorism with comments like that
Good, more things to use our fancy weapons on
>sells anticommunist refugees to soviets during operaiton keelhaul
>suddenly hates his red comrades
MacArthur should've been the American Caesar.
>tfw you arent rome
>tfw china is
Wait until OP reads about what Harry Truman said to his biographer on his death bed about creating the CIA...
Did he say anything? I thought his final words were unknown.
It breeds secrecy and corruption.
>He ordered soldiers to shoot into the water near him so he could meme his return to the Philippines harder
Even if he was proclaimed the second coming it wouldn't be enough to satisfy his ego
united states needed the MID during the height of the cold war. even the taliban was an asset at that time
Punic wars when?
Are you serious?
That whole war it's been pants in the head retarded.
I'm exaggerating on the deathbed part. But it was close. His biographer became a pretty good friend of his. He told him about creating the CIA (at least, the thing that became the CIA), "If I had known what it would become I never would have signed the damned thing. It's the biggest regret of my life."
Remember, that's the dude who dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.
the cold war was a clash between two ideological,economical,industrial,military behemoths for the future of humanity. the only stupid thing about the cold war is the morons who though communism works. hopeless fools that should've been aborted before they were born
>. the only stupid thing about the cold war is the morons who though communism works.
If it's so stupid, how was the USSR a
>ideological,economical,industrial,military behemoth
Separating the two greatest producers of scientifical developments, throw humanity back 50 years, they hold science in the name of military secrecy and still do.
We have some of humanities greatest minds making bombs, while in the past they let the dumb ones go to die.
same reason nazi germany was a giagantic power in it's prime. people can believe in retarded ideologies and have completely functioning brain in all other fields of life
also the soviets never managed to surpass america. that's a standing proof communism is the inferior system
conflict is human nature, the cold war ended with the superior system triumphing over the inferior one
I don't understand your point.
The man most familiar with the necessary evil warns about it.
Who would you prefer your warning came from? A man with no knowledge of its existence?
Conflict it's in human nature but large escale conflict it's an afterthought.
You can't pretend that people actually like war, cause they don't and shouldn't, something of the reach of the cold war genocides more than one small country and made many technological advances into non-civilian assets.
>The Soviets never managed to surpass America
Russia only got rid of serfdom on the late 19th century. Was beaten by japan, they made a shit ton of progress very quickly. Unlike America which was built on slavery and had been built by super rich empires.
the reason russia lost is because communism is a retarded economical policy that even a ruthless country like the soviet union failed to sustain, go away vatnik
>allows the Reds to take Berlin
>later escalates the Cold War against them and their new territories
Really makes you think
Why did FDR put this p***y in charge? Why did Patton have to die bros?
>never win
lmao yes we do. They're all calculated bets, some pay off and some don't.
But he drastically decreased military spending.
>nearly destroy the whoel world and entire human race over a dispute of economic systems of each others respective societies
Yeah, nah, Reaganboos and Stalinboos are fucking cancer
>the space race never happened
>the cold war wasn't the largest jump in human development since the industrial revolution
>the Cold War ended
>reagan and stalin are responsible for the cold war
i remember reading somewhere that he only said that because he thought kennedy wouldn't be able to handle it like he had, being a former general and all
he was probably right, but we'll never know since jack barely lasted two years
This guy gets it.
>allows the Reds to take Berlin
because cripple in chief wanted this
>Why did FDR put this p***y in charge?
because he was his obedient tool?
well, to be precise, Stalin and his enabling fanboy, FDR, were responsible
The military-industrial complex had already existed by then. It originated in the 1870s, with the Transcontinental Railroad complete America's massive railroads needed a similarly massive security force to keep the peace out in the inland territories. And by "keep the peace" I mean have a mercenary force that is capable of securing the movement of trains from bandit raids, shooting farmers who refuse to sell, infiltrating and shooting organized workers and intimidating journalists who try to expose it.
This led to the creation of Pinkerton, America's most notorious detective agency. Over the years they have evolved to take on new roles, and are a major NSA contractor.
By the time WW1 happened it was already alive and well. Both world wars served to not only make it strong, but make it so critical to the continuity of the American government during the Cold War where nobody ever questioned their presence.
Eisenhower understood this, but he himself knew he couldn't fight it. So all he did was offer a last minute warning before he retired.