I was wondering what your thoughts are on this matter. I have an interest in both time periods, both Napoleonic Wars and the Late/Western/Eastern Roman Empire periods. Historical reenactments call for as reasonably accurate gear as possible, and I'm wondering which of the two may be more expensive to work with, in developing the starter kit? Which direction should I go? What are good online stores to look for historical reenacting gear?
Should I Get Into Napoleonic or Late Roman Historical Reenacting?
Napoleonic if you're UK based.
It's not a cheap hobby mind. A lot of the uniform tends to be made in house using well researched materials and is hand stitched.
Full redcoats uniform and firelock can cost about £1200.
But its a great community to be part of, and most groups have loan kit that they're happy for you to use until you can get your own stuff.
t. Rifles Re-enactor
I'm from the USA, but thank you for your advice! There's a possibility I may not join any groups, though, but just have the uniforms and gear for my own collection.
Whatever you do, don't go cheap. You can get cheap jackets made with mediocre wool and made by pakistanis but it tends to be ill fitting and you'll end up ditching it for the proper stuff anyways.
That sounds to be good advice. However, I'm allowing for the possibility to get cheaper stuff if it looks correct, and has reasonable durability.
>both time periods, both Napoleonic Wars and the Late/Western/Eastern Roman Empire
What does make you more hard, blackpwder firearms or shields and swords?
Both are good.
It's a UK based company, but if you're not too fussed about quality try "19th Century Tailoring".
You'll want as a start up, trousers, shirt and jacket, with leatherwork afterwards. That may be the trickier one to get your hands on though.
>Should I Get Into Napoleonic or Late Roman Historical Reenacting?
Search your feelings user you know it to be true
Which has more/better girls?
You should work on getting into a woman instead
>historical roleplaying
pick one
What kind of leatherwork, exactly? Also, isn't a waistcoat/vest basically required for clothing from around then, as well, or could some uniforms go without that?
>Late Roman
You are like little baby
It's early or middle 3rd century AD at most, I think.
Late Roman reenactment is far cheaper I'd say, my kit cost around £600
Though Napoleonic is probably far more popular
Where did you buy your gear? Which tunics, shoes/sandals, trousers, cloaks, mail armor, helmets, and swords and spears do you recommend?
i wish she was my gf :(
*boker face*
>he doesn't know that girls go to larp and reenactment events
Napoleonic era is definitely more popular and well known. Late Roman is still obscure.
>he doesn't know that only girls dragged along by their boyfriends or husbands go re-enactment events
Sorry, the only other girls are either in their late 40's with an excessive amount of testosterone or dumb stacies