BAT is going places. At least throw some chump change that way so you don't feel like a total fuckup when this thing exits solar system.
It's not hard
12k ready to launch!
I can't wait to see all these normans not owning BAT when it takes off and never comes back
I'll wait till it hits 3500 again.
All alts are in the red right now, and since it's basically a level playing field to set yourself up for when ALT money starts flowing back in...BAT is definitely a good choice.
Huge announcements for BAT coming next month. Along with the fucking insane conference for Nexus ($NSX).
My portfolio is currently 50/50 split between BAT and NXS which are set to skyrocket next month...getting in next month will be too late though, the time is now. Not only does this let me walk away from the stress of crypto for a bit and simply wait for their definite time to skyrocket, it also gives me ultimate peace of mind.
My new strategy is to plan for future pumps for the proceeding month, not try to catch them as/after they happen. People who got into pumps early made more money simply holding than ANYONE...Think ANS sub $10...
just a question, what do you think we can expect to see with the release of mercury this summer?
i hope they mean actual summer (JJA) and not equinox summer
>Le partnership with a browser that nobody will use
Nobody thought we'd stop using Netscape to switch to Firefox and chrome
Also, once they integrate BAT payments for attention-giving, imagine all the pajeets and chinks that will spent 25 hours a day clicking ads for pennies
Couldn't people just make a bot and abuse it?
lol no
Why not? Xx
No it's not.
BAT is a fucking retarded shitcoin.
kys pajeet
lol no
got it my dude
This is what I don't understand:
How does giving away coins make them worth more?
checkmate faggot.
Sounds like something Pajeets would do.
what the fuck is that?
>what is an allowance
git gud brainlet
The coins are not transferable to exchanges, do you even read my bro?
I bought 116 BAT how long til lamboland?
that's like $20. BAT would need to go up 10,000x for you to enter lambo land. so basically never
I have 151 you get huracuck I'll get a murciachado
But I also have over 2k SNT and that will go up over 1000x
Sounds good
The founder is the guy who created Javascript, for fucks sake. His connections in the industry and the team that he's assembled alone should be enough to convince you to invest
sorry guys i'm out. I don't want to miss the btc train.
I have 989,000 BAT. It's the only decent longterm shitcoin hold besides QTUM and NEO.
jesus youre gonna have ten million bucks
Thanks for the tips. Will confirm on my own, but if it's true, we're all gonna make it bruh.
I got into ans sub $10 and sold at $19... it hurts user.
I'm holding my 43,000 BAT until I'm fucking rich