So Veeky Forums, How differet would human histroy be if Hitler died in the trenches of WW1, and what effects would it have on the modern day?
So Veeky Forums, How differet would human histroy be if Hitler died in the trenches of WW1...
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The Weimar republic eventually recovers and there is no war. Everything is pretty chill and the cold war starts maybe 10-20 years early.
there would be someone with another name
he basicly hijacked the nazi party
>The Weimar republic eventually recovers and there is no war.
The Weimar Republic was already caught rearming the airforce and violating the Versailles Treaty. Carl Von Ossietzky was killed for treason after exposing German re-armament.
I know this isn't a very convincing argument, but I highly doubt it would be "pretty chill"
Nations like Britain, France, Italy and Japan maintain there status as world powers for a lot longer because they're not widdled down by the war
He was definitely the most effective leader of it though, balancing oratory skill, ruthlessness, ideology and actual competence. I think without him the Nazis would have found about as much support and gotten as much success as Fascist parties in Europe- at worst, a fringe political party that the established Conservatives consider a mild existential threat, at best a short lived dictatorship.
If the Nazi party survived maybe it would have had to moderate its eugenics policies to keep political power.
not killed, sorry. Convicted of treason
The Eternal German would find a way
If really there would be nobody like Hitler and Germany wouldn't have started the war, probably the Soviet Union would have started it a couple of years later and all in all things wouldn't look that much different, eastern europe under soviet rule and the West united unter american leadership to contain soviet expansion.
I doubt it. Stalin was very pragmatic. He decided to act only when Germany proposed to change the status quo and start a war.
Probably silly and cliche, but a Communist Germany is a very likely alternative.
this has been suggested by many and I don't undestand it.
The Soviet union was in no position to start an all-out war againist the west. They didn't have the industrial power to do so yet, and the most they would do would be to annex a few regions around it. Maybe he would also help Mao's rebels with lend-lease, but I doubt that Stalin would invade China.
If the Soviets improved their Industrialization during the years that would have been WW2, and counting the people that wouldn't die and the destruction caused by the war, then maybe they would consider an invasion in the West. But If Stalin died in 1953 as he did in History, who would know what path the Soviets would follow.
Meanwhile, would the powers in the West still try to develop the atom bomb? If so, then a WW2 at a later day would probably end up in a much worse scenario that would evolve several nuclear explosions, perhaps.
He grabbed clay eventhough Hitler was there. He annexed Poland and Finland. Of course he would have tried to grab the rest.
No. The Army and Elites were anti-communist. They already crushed a communist uprising in 1919.
Poland was an opportunity because Hitler invaded it. Stalin grabbed eastern Poland for their own protection and gain. But they wouldn't attack Poland first and provocking the Allies.
>Stalin dindu nuffin
>what is Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Because this is what they agreed on.
>Article I. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement in the areas belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern boundary of Lithuania shall represent the boundary of the spheres of influence of Germany and U.S.S.R. In this connection the interest of Lithuania in the Vilna area is recognized by each party.
>Article II. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement of the areas belonging to the Polish state, the spheres of influence of Germany and the U.S.S.R. shall be bounded approximately by the line of the rivers Narev, Vistula and San.
Eventually Lithuania ended up in the Soviet sphere of influence, but the Germans also agreed on this in German-Soviet Frontier Treaty.
>Stalin just grabbed the chance to grab a part of Poland because it was in his favor that Hitler attacked it first
>"hurr duur Stalin dindu nuffin"
Are you retarded? How am I supporting Stalin here? I'm just saying what happened and believe that he wouldn't attack Poland first in a different scenario.
Communism reaches all of Europe and a nuclear war occurs
he died of the abuse in prison.
It was the Nazis though, not the Weimar Republic.
they were in the position of small wars like winterwar
moldova, the bosporhus and germany would have to intervene otherwise would lose those places, step by step USSR positions are stronger
Wasn't he convicted of treason in 1931, though?
yes, but sentenced to only 18 months in prison, then he was released.
The Nazis persecuted him when they took over and tortured him until it was sure he'd die, then they released him.
Military Junta
If no other nationalist leader comes to power in Germany. Stalin would've invaded Poland and Eastern Europe. Then declared war on Weimar Germany. France and Britain would've declared war on the soviets in defense of Germany to protect geopolitical influence in Europe against the soviets. A lot of casualties on both sides until m'erika joins in on British side and destroys soviets. European and American forces gain Eastern Europe and cripple soviets.
But there would still be many jews living in Europe so it's a sour victory.
Soviets would have attacked Poland again eventually. Had Weimar only had 300,000 troops he might have been more emboldened.
Remember, he invaded Finland once he realized Germany would not get involved. If Germany remained a non-military power, he would have been more bold I believe.
That said, he might have gotten involved more in the Chinese conflict first to support Mao.
But to say Stalin wasn't a belligerent motherfucker is simply not true. He would have still annexed the Batlics, made Romania give up Moldavia, probaly fucked with Iran more and supported the Communists in Spain (oh and without Nazi help Franco might have no won so we'd have a communist Spain supporting Stalin).
He was smarter than Nicki so when the Nazis rearmed Germany he wasn't about to attack them head on.
The Weimar republic eventually recovers and is dragged into a war with Stalin who attacked Poland in 1940.
The German-Polish-British alliance manages to take Moscow, the communist regime collapses in the ensuing revolt. Russia is changed into a parliamentary monarchy and handed back to the Czar.
Polish-German relationships are as good as ever, especially because Poland takes half of Ukraine and Germany gets Stewardship over Balts & Finns
France gets somewhat pissed over Germany's dominance in Europe and their good ties with Great Britain, so the once again start a Franco-German war, just to be beaten again within 3 months. Germany takes back Elsass & Lohtringen. France has to cede all its Caribbean and Pacific islands, French-Guyana becomes Neu-Thüringen. The Japanese will use the opportunity to seize large chunks of Indo-China, triggering a war with Great Britain & the Netherlands.
Under German pressure Belgium is split up into Flanders, which is a autonomous republic in the united Netherlands with Brussels as its capital.
Austria is begging to return to Germany, an agreement is brokered, unified Germany is now called Grossdeutschland (Grossdeutsche Republik), Munich is chosen as the new capital. Subtle pressure on Italy makes them return South Tirol.
Europe enters a lasting phase of peace, nown as the Pax Germanica.
Due to leadership in commerce and science, German becomes the new lingua franca of the world.
Now that is some Wehraboo shit.
>describes a perfect world without Nazi shits
>gets called Wehraboo
Hitler was an Austrian though
That qualifies as German, barely.
A strong and peaceful Germany controls the fate of Europe and take humanity to a golden age of scientific wonders, prosperity and global peace.
The German Caribbean is known as one of the finest holiday destinations.
Denmark, Iceland, Sweden Norway, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia have joined the "Deutsche Bund", a multinational economic organization under German leadership.
> perfect world
> gomunizm still exist
>gomunizm still exist
>the communist regime collapses in the ensuing revolt.
Germany is strong and peaceful right now, the dominant nation of the EU and a wise mediator.
Just expand this to a non cucked version of Grossdeutschland, the world would be amazing, likely we would be colonizing Moon and Mars right now.
Nah there'd just be more slaves to german corporations and unelected eu officials.
>Scappa dibbly doo dah diddly da ba dang dang dibby do-do
Communist Germany, fascist Russia.
If not him, someone else would have taken his place
>Republican victory
Still Italian and Portuguese support and the disorder, uncooperative nature of republicans and poorer tactics would probably doom them
>France has to cede all its Caribbean and Pacific islands, French-Guyana becomes Neu-Thüringen
Rare sighting of a Reichswehraboo
Germany and it's volk would had ceased to exist. In 1932 there were about 270,000 recorded suicides in Germany.
The Soviets would had definitely pushed West and acquired all Scandinavian countries, entire Eastern Europe, plus South Europe and the Germany of that time. Perhaps the entire world would had ended in total Soviet domination.
Nope. Without Hitler's oratory skills the NSDAP would had never won enough seats to form a coalition and become a majority in the Reichstag.
Holy shit did you come straight from reddit?
Fascism would have been an obscure tidbit of history and Mussolini and Tojo would have never started WWII by themselves.
violating the Versailles treaty doesn't necessarily mean war, the reaction to the remilitarization of the rhineland and the anschluss was generally muted because many felt Germany was just taking back what realistically should belong to them. It was only the sudetenland crisis that caused widespread alarm, and even then it didn't lead to war.
the soviets might have kicked off ww2
the nazis might have still come to power,the desire to rearm and reclaim land was not exclusive to nazis tho.
dude nothing would be different, individuals don't matter lmao, the Holocaust would have happened the exact same way, it's not like Hitler had unique life experiences that caused him to act the way he did
>Russia is changed into a parliamentary monarchy and handed back to the Czar.
Yeah uhhh about that...
Where the Hell is America in all of this?
The soviet Union would still be around today.
The USSR was permanently fucked by WW2
Well, I think that if Hitler died in the trenches he probably wouldn't have been able to become the leader of Nazi Germany, because, of course, he would be dead. This would probably mean that very few people would care about Hitler and he would not have been studied so much in history.
[spoiler]this is a fucking retarded question, kill yourself[/spoiler]
Some other g*rman would ruin europe sooner or later
>a weimarboo exists
Now I have seen everything