Your total for this meal will cost you zero point zero zero one one four BTC

>Your total for this meal will cost you zero point zero zero one one four BTC.

Go back to 2025, OP. the pre-war waitreses will not succ for purified water or BTC in this time

>implying she wouldn't say 1,14 mBTC

>h-how about 3 billion dgb instead ma'am?

>Your total for this meal will be 140,000 satoshi, sir.
How about not being autistic?

yeahhhhhhhh bcc pump alert yee haw

>b- b- b- b- but that's too large!
niggers that's what prices in jpy and krw look like

Sorry babygirl i'll be back in a few mins when BTC moons again. I'm not some faggot with weak hands who's going to sell during the dip. Maybe you want to sit in my lambo with me while we wait? No I don't care that you're at work

good luck convincing the USA, the most powerful country in the universe, to use such a complicated system, there should be a coin that fixes 1 usd = 1 btcusd

140k satoshis, in korea it would cost 14k

not for a fucking burger, that's zimbabwe levels

good one!

we sure as fuck aren't going to us commas for decimals like you retards

Who is this demon demon

What is Monacoin?
(Or was, rip MONA)

theres usd tether but its thailand owned

>sorry sir that is nowhere near the price, we don't accept pennies

>there needs to be a statement of the price to scan a QR code
>fast food chains will have human interaction other than a manger floating around within the next 5 years

>"That will be a hundred and fourteen sats!"

that would be fucking stupid because of the high transaction fee

"Sir, your total for this meal is 1.14*10^−5 bitcoins."

bitcoin cash has replaced bitcoin in this LARP, user

>Angels like these taking your order
>mfw when its all fat negresses in glorious Trudeauland

D-do you take bitbeans?

I don't understand the argument against btc as a currency because of its volatility. Wouldn't it be possible to calculate price adjustment's to products on minute by minute basis instead of having the fixed prices we have today?

It's not the volatility, it's the fact that you have to pay a quadrafraction of a coin to make a payment. Also, too many decimals.

The volatility of the price can be fixed with transaction costs :^)

>calling others retards when you still use the imperial system

its all about microtransactions. if you dont understand the btc microtransaction dillema yet do some reading

Makes even less sense, we use decimals already and referring to everything in satoshis is an easy fix.

>what is mBTC

Couldn't those be aggregated and then confirmed simultaneously?