99% of biz will not make it

Big money is coming into crypto RIGHT NOW but most of you wont make it.

By selling your bitcoin you are literally being cucked by the banks out of your future millions.

Simple advice - buy bitcoin, hold bitcoin, don't fucking sell under any circumstances and do not try to time the god damn market.

You cannot pick the tops and bottoms, literally nobody can. What happened to all those retards selling before aug 1? still waiting for the dip?

The banks are buying up your shitty sell orders to make millions later on. Crypto is literally the antithesis of banking, yet, we are allowing them to beat us at our game.

Just HODL guys... let those bankers and normies suck our cocks while doing 300kmh in a lambo.

You are just another retard trying to get a lambo. Crypto is much more than that, and by holding you are not creating a market, you are actually stagnating it.

Mfw this retard isn't trading BTC in the bullets market of his life

Bro you're right. All these retards selling off their Bitcoin for shit coins are going to be crying in their beer like the saps that wasted their BTC on drugs in 2011. There have been multiple heavy hitters talking about a future where Bitcoin is 6 figures. Anyone not holding at least 1 or 2 for the long term will be on suicide watch 5 years from now.

OP is right and your combined IQs are lower than a nagger's. Even if you pull off a couple of decent trades, it is only a matter of time before you LOSE, and LOSE BIG.

Anons who want to make it, follow these simple steps:
1) Buy BTC, preferably at least 1.
3) Don't sell BTC, EVER, or at least not until you're filthy rich

This is actually sound advice.

Traders get slaughtered. Keep chasing PnD scams, I'll sit back and get rich.

yes, I should be a good goy and make multiple trades for the good of the 'crypto community' shouldn't I?

My point is a simple one, most people will sell their future out for the sake of a small win, or think they know how to time the market (which they don't).

Think back to this thread in 5 years, then realise how many fortunes were lost by the impatient.

I don't really care for lambos, it's a metaphor...

Take my advice or leave it, I wish you luck and future gains regardless, but you'll be part of the 99%


These cocksmokers acting like their Gordon Gecko are going to get burnt. You found a fucking goldmine, hang on to some of it.

I'm not conforming with fucking bronze when I could have got the gold. If you think this is a goldmine, then you don't realize the true prize is participating in this market.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but If you never sell, you are creating what's called a liquidity problem. What do you think will happen when buyers get tired of buying because they can't buy BITCOINS anymore but only fractions of it? Also, automated systems are programmed to pull out their orders if liquidity starts to vanish, and believe me, it will happen really fast.

You should at least trade a little, because holding your ENTIRE stash is just stupid.

Do you mind explaining how?

t. LARPing teenager with $300 to his name chasing pajeet shitcoins

Institutional buyers will eventually buy it up and us plebs won't have access because of astronomical prices. Take a look at a chart of Berthshire Hathway stock. That's Bitcoins future.

HODL BTC. Congrats your BTC increased against USD. 2x in the span of a fucking year.


Find undervalued coins, know when to sell and when to buy. Boom your BTC just went 10x in days.

You do know one of the main uses of BTC is to buy altcoins right? If fucking alts disappeared overnight about 2/3 of the use of bitcoin would die. .

>My point is a simple one, most people will sell their future out for the sake of a small win, or think they know how to time the market (which they don't).

you have no idea how it works kek
Daytrading isnt a meme. When you hold any coin besides bitcoin, you are taking a huge gamble. When you daytrade the swings with stop losses, you can easily make 5-10% a day

If you're cashing out for real assets that will enable you to live better - primary residence, rental homes, a good safe car then sure. You'll never make up for the missed time, might as well live in a great neighbourhood, start making passive income and drive a decent car while you're still young. Having said that, don't sell everything - people who bought grams of weed for dozens of bitcoins never thought it would reach these heights. Hell when the $1000 bubble popped, plebbit was full of an hero threads. This might be the best possible investment of your life, don't let it go.

You're an ignorant child.

The alt explosion is mostly fraud at this point. Alts exploit tech illiterate retards like you chasing "sweet gains" in an unregulated space. Almost every single coin is a worthless shitcoin. Successful ones are marketed and shilled the best. None of them actually go anywhere. They just have to survive long enough to ICO and then the team moves onto the next big thing.

It's a pathetic market and it's morons like you who enable all of it. It delegitimizes REAL crypto like bitcoin.

You're playing a rigged game. Don't you see how these people print this shit out of thin air? They're taking on absolutely no risk while you're putting up real money to own some.

You'll eventually lose it all. Just remember this post when you do.

Or lose that much... us btc hodlers are up 6% in the last 24hrs. I for one am getting drunk and watching tv; not looking at candles on shitcoin charts.

No, I'm doing my part driving the price up to a level where I'm comfortable with getting rid of one (ie, 6-7 figures). Supply and demand nigga.

Moreover, there will obviously be no such liquidity problem. I don't have a speakerphone to transmit this message to the entire world, only my fellow Veeky Forums anons who happen to be reading this thread. We can all count on those in the world of normies to buy, sell, and do whatever else they have to do. I appreciate their sacrifice and will try to spare them a thought one day when I'm balls deep in a small army of hookers.

> small army of hookers

Survey says.... reason 98% of autists want crypto gains

It's ok to be optimist, but you are assuming a looooot of things:

- Indefinite supply and demand
- Predictable supply and demand
- There will never be a liquidity problem
- Uninformed people always buy things they don't understand

You're up for a rude awakening if you don't start treating Bitcoin like the economic system it is.

Smart money is hold a large position in BTC that you never touch. Don't even look at it for years. Then hold a small position 1/3 in alts that are only used to accumulate more BTC. If your alt trading goes well, add it to your BTC in cold storage. If bad, then you shouldn't have been trading alts in the first place.

for each trade made there is a winner and a loser. subtract transaction fees from the net value of the trade and really it's only miners and exchanges that win with short term trades.

This. Only retards stick with one strategy and make optimistic assumptions.

>Congrats your BTC increased against USD. 2x in the span of a fucking year.

But BTC has gone up like 10x in a year's time

I made .111 this weekend. some of us are willing to take risks to change our lives.

The point is finding the diamonds in the rough. Yes most altcoins are shit, but by no means are all of them.