Did people in the past unironically believe in White Man's Burden?
Did people in the past unironically believe in White Man's Burden?
People still believe it today. These days they like to hide their racism behind progressiveness and tolerance though.
>We have to civilize the world
>Das Racist. Starving to death is dey culture and shii
Colonisation was not an act of charity. Any improvements made under colonisation was to increase productive capacity, not to civilise them.
American liberals still do OP.
> believe
It's like third world isn't eveloping thanks to Western businessmen.
They still do. It's still the window dressing of globalization. It's just changed to include words like privilege instead.
you mean the EU ?
Yeah its called a symbiotic relationship dummy.
You really think that, left to their own devices, any of those European colonies were gonna spontaneously develop a comparable civilization?
Yes, infact we still practice it, we now call it spreading Freedom and Democracyâ„¢
Japan modernizes by Westernizing.
Western "white" countries were more technologically advanced back then.
The white man's burden was based on observing simple facts.
They still believe it. Today we call them democrats.
Well looking at their current states, they seemed to have been better off before.
why wouldn't they? unless you're implying that they're naturally inferior, in which case
That explains everything, then. I'm now completely fine with British soldiers killing my offspring, raping my wife and making me a slave.
I'm so excited! After all of this human sufferign we will get rails, trains and fancy houses in which no fellow slav- sorry, citizen, will ever be able to live. You really figured it out, man.
woe to the conquered
By the time European started colonizing it, most North African countries were lagging maybe 50 years behind in terms of technology. Morocco in the 19th century and Ethiopia in the 20th were the worst cases: perfectly modern, functioning and diplomatic countries (Ethiopia was even in the SOI by the time Italians attacked) subjugagted and oppressed only for money, while always using the same old excuses related to the White Man's Burden argument.
Just admit it: just like everyone else in the past, our greatgreatgreatgreat grandfathers were thugs who responded to authorities who thought it was acceptable to takeover entire continents for money.
If there's a Hell, pretty much every colonizer is in it
Blacks have an average IQ between 70 and 80
What the fuck are you smoking, Ethiopia was literally a tribal slave state until the Italian invasion.
This is a serious case of wewuzzing.
I wonder how many missionaries and westerners risked their lives and health to try and improve Africa by bringing education, medicine, sanitation and Christian/Western Values. In terms of percentages I wonder how they rate vs the "exploiters".
rather than something about genetics, I'd say that they never had the elements europe had to develope as much as they did
It's not about race, it's about Africa being a shit hole and its civilizations being stagnated
The British ended slavery in slave states.
Maybe if the technology and ideologies were brought there naturally through trade and diplomacy instead of being used to exploit the land.
It was the only way they could morally justify raping a country of their resources.
Fuck off back to a Vietnamese brothel, Murray.
Ethiopia and morocco are extremeties
Sub Saharan was pretty tame, only being advanced with weapons taken from traders in exchange for slaves chieftains for the rest
nigga they STILL believe in it. SJW shit is all based on white privilege and white people need to help out the other races
Its sorta a thing. But it only takes 20-30 years of effort to industrialize a country properly.
Half the reason its called "White Mans Burden", is that it implies you are doing more than a shitty colonization effort in order to mine/farm/produce to some local product.
And generally by the same thing: Colonization will start with trade, missionaries and explorers. Then comes the actual colonization and big fat state corps.
Meanwhile Japan was pretty based in terms of burder, once they got their murderboner calmed, unlike Brits of Frenchies.
If modern numbers are anything to go by? 1/100 or 1/50. But generally most of them don't matter at all, because they don't build proper infrastructure, but makeshift structure to have a good time or do hobbies.
Not really barring the public who believed it and some other folk.
People in power didn't believe it at all and used it as a justification of their various actions
>Meanwhile Japan was pretty based in terms of burder, once they got their murderboner calmed,
Japanese colonial Asia would have been a hell for anyone non japanese outside of Taiwan and south Korea who need those people intact.
In theory yes in practice not exactly.
>If modern numbers are anything to go by? 1/100 or 1/50. But generally most of them don't matter at all, because they don't build proper infrastructure, but makeshift structure to have a good time or do hobbies.
Most Christianization was done by Africans ironically enough
it still exists.
just today it is seen as we have to give all our shit to them brown hordes. because we are rich, privileged, and exploited them in the past.
That is not white man's burden though
>what will WE to change our
>do TODAY Legacy of violence
look at the "progressives" they excuse the transgressions of blacks, muslims, etc with the Discrimination of Low Expectations.
It can seem that way. Progressives often attribute to white people an almost supernatural ability to influence the lives of people of color, who are cast as helpless victims unable to direct their own lives.
Eg. black incarceration rates are seen as evidence of whites criminalizing blacks, who are unable to tread any path other than the one laid out for them by whites.
That might have been applicable to some cases, but a fuckton of people, especially missionaries, risked their lives in a genuine attempt to help other people so they could stop living like uncivilized animals (unfortunately, said animals often responded by torturing and killing the missionaries).
The White Man's Burden is something SOME whites took on voluntarily, modern "White Privilege" might be functionally similar but it is imposed upon ALL whites, who have no option to avoid it.
>British soldiers killing my offspring, raping my wife and making me a slave
This rarely happened if ever.
The British would go to a Nawab and say "we've replaced the Mughal regent and pay higher prices for your tea, don't revolt and we won't replace you with a rival" and most of the time they agreed. The vast majority of the population saw only a change in management and maybe a brief disruption due to changing prices or whatever.
Nader Shah conducted a genocide of the entire population of Delhi, nothing remotely like this happened under the British Empire, but you'd rather hear about the horrors of the British accidentally using beef fat in ammo, banning widow burning, being unable to prevent acts of god that result in famine and building a railroad for reasons besides altruism.
Boo hoo.
Urbanized Indians like Tata could build a fortune in the new economy while their peers in China who refused Anglo Dominion suffered under rebellions and a corrupt isolationist government. After independence the population fell for the socialism meme (as did the Anglo to a lesser extent) leading to decades of economic stagnation until the market reforms of the 90s.
You, the leftists, the demagogues, the emotional whiners and easily spooked, were one of the bad guys holding everybody back and masturbating over your faux moral superiority. The good guys were objectively, as I have just proven, the Anglo international financiers and businesses whomst you could have learned from. They were true ubermensch (due to will, not race) as described by Nietzsche.
Strange but true.
no, they believed they need to buy food and pay rent and keep a job and they are treated like shit and worse shit happens overseas, and some people are literaly slaves, and massive militaristic empires rule the whole globe, and they dont have the time or willpower left to give a fuck
depends on how many people missed the point of the poem.
Fun fact, the poem White Man's Burden is the reverse of what you think it is
>This delusion
The British never did anything of value with their territories besides exploit the people and resources, they all became much better off once they achieved independence from their tyranny
Brits are a special species of.... dogfuckers.
They start out by doing a 1:1 replacement, but add in some trade connections to gough something, and then start doing harsh martial law or army expansions.
Then again, there is a large difference between British Colonies, Britsh Conquest and British "Proxy states" such as India.
Fuckton of missionariries were the tool of the state though.
>tfw he believes in 200 years old reductionist propaganda while still believing that he is intelligent
In theory and practice, lightyears ahead of literally any other race's efforts
sorry, only when 1 out of 10,000,000 people have a western income, you're country is still shit pajeet
>they were better because they had a big city
They have more cities now. They were shit in both dates.
Before it was exactly the same or worst, without the benefical part. So yeah, you're welcome but keep complaining about not being able to burn women alive.
>through trade and diplomacy
This is an history board.
Did you ask them?
>that one rock that says slavery
Progressives see THEMSELVES as individuals that way not, whites. Don't conflate general self-righteousness with invoking the idea of privilege.
>themselves as individuals
Well, maybe themselves, but not others. They generalize other groups just like everyone else.
The only case of that i can think of is jesuits in SA though