What is the equivalent of SJWs in the past?
What is the equivalent of SJWs in the past?
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Abrhamics and they not fun allowed practices.
you mean "decent human beings"?
>decent human beings
In the 90s it was pretentious artfags. Like Judy from Doug. Still are a few now, but most disappeared eventually once people realized how cancerous their opinions and modern art were
>modern art
Christian moralists such as preachers and abolitionists.
well meme'd
Suffragettes and prohibitionists were OG SJWs.
why are women so cancerous?
You mean beatniks? Thats who Judy was supposed to be.
19/20th century puritans and other protestants going around picketing and protesting sin, suffragettes, basicaly anything with a evangelical slant, like newatheists
savonarola was a massive '''SJW''' type, its like if the friendly local gender studies proffesor/es got complete power over a urban centre and mindfucked everyone into terrorising each other into submission and burning half their shit cause its ''incorrect''
the chinese cultural revolution was a great carnival of all things ''wrong'', ''primtive'', ''patriarchal'', ''traditionalistic'', ''reactionary'' etc being burned away by progressive and correct youth that knew everything they were told to read
theres a pattern to it all tho, the key is resentment and anger, which has to be directed, and a young brain is realy succeptible to structured systems of thinking, so thats usefull as a sort of machine to process and direct the resentment or frustration, and then if theres a element of group organisation against something, and thats inevitable with communication, and if theres elements of activism along with that, thats perfect, cause then theres a given structured identity, a given set of points and corses of action, structured ways to act out the agresson and resentment and whatever emotional overloads a 20 yo bitch of whichever sex might be going trough, and so thats perfect because they can be cunts to everyone and blatantly organise for violence in what they feel is safety
these are patterns that arent as dependent on the content political or otherwise, as much as on the modes of organising and directing emotion, setting irrational agendas for group behavior, basicaly its ways to both sublimate and find ways to express and satisfy the need for domminance, control, sex and violence, cause thats what young people are calibrated for, theres a constant urge to assert and act it out, but when it becomes a group behavior it starts to realise itself in some inevitably disfunctional way
I've tried to force a meme where we use Decent Human Being™ as an epithet meaning "lunatic anti-white freak" since lefties call themselves that all the time, but I do not give enough of a shit to force a maymay
>covering up insane amounts of black crime, or blaming the white victims when push comes to shove
>Decent Human Being™ approved
They provide good pleasure and produce children so it balances out.
>good pleasure
You've never had sex have you?
Sex is highly overrated. If it wasn't for the primal need for it, it wouldn't really be anything special.
Sex is for DWEEBS
This, it's pretty evident when you consider the thing you get called a SJW for that being a SJW is a pretty good thing. You don't mind both genders being equal before the law and have no problem with women voting.
>he never had sex
That's the opposite. Social justice is opposed to authoritarianism.
what is the equivalent of chinese legalists in modern day Europe ?
[insert random answer]
thats where your wrong sport
American Patriots or the Whigs as they were known at the time.
this, sjws want a totalitarian government, because its the only way to stop other "bad" opinions
Tell me more about savonarola. He sounds interesting.
>You don't mind both genders being equal before the law
What a shame that SJWs don't want this.
>Those aren't a think a REAL sjw strive for
ok buddy
>nazis watch out
TFW when the horseshoe theory has never been more true
>The president says that men and women should be paid equally for equal work
>The left pitches a fit over "For equal work"
you're like a rodent, sex is the lowest most base pleasure that demeans you and your partner
in the 19th century, nationalists
legit read about the era and how every five seconds it's "BUT WHY DOESN'T THIS REPRESENT MY CULTURE/LANGUAGE?"
Because weak men have allowed them to cause mischief
Sex leads to nothing but bad things. Don't do it
T. 18 yr old father
The Catholic Church
>everyone I don't like is a virgin
Bravo, user.
Puritans, but at least they were smarter and more cultured than SJW and actually built good societies. I doubt SJWs would be able to create half-decent societies.
Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution
florentine proto-protestant with a iconoclastic stance, big time preacher, got the whole city to turn full fundamentalist in the middle of a cultural boom, but apparently there were contradictions or whatever and people realy let themselves go, burning artworks and beating each other up and militant youths going around imposing order of one kind or another and so on, and then there was the fact he raved against the papacy
eventualy the pope got bored of his shit and burned him
that pope was a borgia
The narodniks in Russia had some pretty big similarities
They were revolutionary anti-Tsarist intellectuals who tried to get the peasantry to revolt and failed miserably because they failed to see that the peasants were not edgy intellectuals like them.
>good societies
Yeah protectorate England was so much fun
Ikko ikki
Basically any group that praises poverty and doesn't understand why power is purple
Much like Religion of Peace (TM).
Has good memetic potential.
Failing to understand power is purple comes from a lack of connection to mythic resonance. The psychology of thst is difficult for most of us to understand because most of us are overly sensitive to such. (see: flight4u, ebolachan, kek)