IQ tests

Why do so many people today still consider IQ a trustable measure of someone's intelligence? It's absurd that a number could represent the intellectual capability of a person.

It's not even scientifically considered a measure of intelligence, IQ is the result of a test that is designed to measure some aspects of what is commonly understood as "intelligence", and the value assigned is relative to the outcomes of others.

It's even been demonstrated that cultural aspects influence the score. For example, those who come from less educated families often score lower on the IQ test than the ones from higher educated families, although they score comparably on other, less generalized intelligence tests.

It surprises me that even people in academia believe in IQ testing. So how has it stayed popular for so long?

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it is accurate to within a margin of error and with extraneous factors removed, like ensuring the participants understand what kinds of questions they will be asked, you have to have a reasonable degree of intelligence to get past 110 and if you get past 140 when most of the population can't you must be doing something right, though it doesn't necessarily mean someone with an IQ of 150 is "more intelligent" than someone with an IQ of 115

>So how has it stayed popular for so long?
I'm not sure if this is b8, but here's Peterson explaining it pretty damn well

IQ = valid if my race > you're race

IQ = invalid if my race < you're race

Simple as that.

Lets throw in the standard IQ.

>average Asian-American: 106
>average White-American: 100
>average Black-American: 80

Here we can conclude multiple times whether or not IQ is valid.

>White > Black
Valid because race

>Asian > Black
Valid because race

>Asian > White
Invalid, because culture

>the only thing in psychology that withstood the scientific method isn't science
Blank Slatist please

It's the best we've got, until we find actual genes that determine intelligence.
Would you rather your child have 130 IQ or 70 IQ? If you answered 130, why?

Never heard anyone ever say that. The IQ test was invented and used by whites. The only ones whining about IQ tests are blacks like you.

Iq has its uses but not in the way idiots here think.

So if iq isn't a real intellectual measure what's the point of high-iq societies?

>Jordan Peterson

long winded as fuck

TLDW: IQ supercedes all other forms of so called "intelligence types" ie Emotional intel, musical intel. Other types are pushed by progressives or can't stand different and/or

jethus chrithst

The pinnacle of human intelligence


Please no these fuckers shit up Veeky Forums all the fucking time.

>implying you need an iq test to tell you if a person is dumb as bricks or a brainiac instead of a 30 second conversation
>implying you can't determine a person's intelligence through physiognomy alone

I took one of those tests when I was in school, if I remember correctly it was all just a bunch of math and questions that required logical thinking, to me it seemed a lot like a test in common sense. I think I scored something like 128, I can't really remember, I lost the paper they gave me years ago.

Obviously I'm not that intelligent though if I decided that signing up for the Marine Corps was a good ideaa

Asians and jews are the most intellugent

This right here

And this too except in cases of super autist with idiot savant abilities

iq means pattern recognition as far as i know, there is no real way to scientifically measure "intelligence". most people can't even reach a consensus what being intelligent means

Because people think mathematical intelligence is everything and IQ mainly measures mathematical intelligence. Also is right, the reason why we always see IQ tests brought up on /pol/ is because it supports their view. People just use it as a tool to support their agenda.

>the only thing in psychology that withstood the scientific method
No, even IQ is still considered a pretty abstract theory by many.


No, pattern recognition is separate from intelligence (at least to some degree). People who are very good at pattern recognition but are not very intelligent (or at least not very critical) believe in superstitions and become New Agers and whatever.

Anyways, people don't want to believe that IQ is valid because the idea that their intelligence can be measured and put on display for everyone to see (and for themselves to see) is terrifying. This is especially so in advanced societies where intellectual capacity is crucial for climbing to the top.

This is true, it's crushing knowing that I can't now take a test and see what little of a chance I really had.

But white people have way higher EQ, so this counter balance that pretty effectively... While Asians are fucking computers or ants, white people use their intelligence more flexibly, asians are not responsible for a single creation of a political change in the world

Average test are something if you are speaking about general ideas, but don´t think you are better then someone only based on race...

I Have an IQ of 130, I am mixed, was literally the top student of my class in a lot of tests, which had all sorts of people including white, black, Asian. I literally at least one day at the week would not even go to school because of laziness, if not more days, I almost had to stay one year more, the only reason they allowed me to finish is that despite that I had good grades, I do have some sort of ability in EQ

I am Brazilian BTW

are you trolling or are you stupid?

I don´t think you saw my point

>Be me
>Be in 99< percentile according to IQ tests
>Think IQ tests are bullshit
>Get told I'm stupid by people who say IQ tests are accurate.

Veeky Forums and reddit are the only place where IQ is mentioned. I've never come across it in academia.

Possible reasons
>Underage have no life experience so a number gives thier lives meaning
>Instantaneous superiority to others

Academia loathes hereditary aptitude except for athletics. They are sipping nurture tabula rasa kool aid and can't withstand being undermined so fundamentally. Learning ability matters for learning centers say it ain't so- and there is a statistically valid measure of it available too?

It's fucking incomprehensible. Also calling Asians ants or computers is trucking shitty of you. Comparing people to insects what kind of asshole are you?

>never come across it in academia
try looking harder and you might come across a copy of The Bell Curve in a department lab room.

>muh psychology isn't a science meme
Confirmed for never opening a psychology textbook.

If the score is under 94 then its correct as the IQ test is meant to find the morons in your population not smart people

Thus if blacks keep scoring 84 then they are fucking retarded.