Why is leftypol raiding?
Why is leftypol raiding?
Unironic communist are the most embarrassing thing ever.
desperate to gain a foothold on a relevant website for this shitty culture war because they are too stupid to realize literally no one gives a shit about them
Prolly because /pol/ started raiding.
>If your not an anti white cuck you're raiding
this is what leftypol actuially believes
Where's you proof?
Any real Veeky Forumstorian has a disdain for both stormnigger /pol/acks and lefty/pol/ tankies
>actual proof isn't proof
kill yourself, leftypol shill
Communism let's me prep my black bull and the racist neo Nazis of /pol/ do not allow me.
Bash the fash
There's literally nothing wrong with /leftypol/ (or /pol/ for that matter) being on Veeky Forums.
This, holy fuck.
True Veeky Forumstorians despise both
I wonder who could be behind this post
Every other thread being about "why niggers never invented anything" or some variation of it makes you every bit as annoying as the sjw's
Someone please tell me they still have that image from like 4 years ago that proved that stormfront and shit were doing this to all of Veeky Forums, particularly /pol/.
>if you're not a white nationalist you're raiding
and this is what pol actually believes
>If you aren't a liberal you aren't a Veeky Forumstorian
Wrong. I just keep my contemporary politics out of my historical politics
>being a white nationalist is bad
>but being a black nationalist is fine
why are leftypol such cucks?
why do you worship niggers?
>oh no I got called out on my horseshit
>I'll just call him a shill, that should do it
no one is saying that you stupid nigger, tankies and stormniggers get equally BTFO'd on this board
you haven't disproven anything, you anti white faggot
but your deflecting blame away from leftypol towards stormfront
you have an SJW agenda
That was a thread made in 2011, Veeky Forums was created in 2015, newfriend. Stormfront didn't raid /b/ or /pol/, /b/ always had the racism and anti semities. In fact, it was probably /b/ fags and /pol/ tards who went to stormfront who actively shilled stormfront on the sites.
So in actuality, /pol/ shilled itself on stormfront then stormfront shilled back. Or to put it in a non sperg manner, anyone has the right to post on 4chsn and as 4chsn became more popular, more people started posting on Veeky Forums.
Lmao. Are you triggered, nigger?
>if you don't agree with me, you're a anti-white SJW
I don't give two shits about stormfront, they're irrelevant anyways, I know there's a screencap of them doing some stupid shit from like 5 years ago but that doesn't prove that they're raiding Veeky Forums or anyone anymore.
Quit trying to make me or any of us to pick a side, lefty/pol/ and /pol/ are equally shit and I hope this board will keep calling them out. Keep your bullshit in your containment boards
.aybe you should go back to your containment website in leddit. Leftypol doesn't raid here, they have always been here same with /pol/. You liberals are such annoying faggots
>the leftypol shill desperately trying to act edgy
Fuck off you SJW faggot
I'm merely pointing out your own double standard bruv
>politics I like are good
>politics I don't like are bad
It's pretty simple. bruv.
this is the high level of discourse that keeps this board going. well done.
>containment website in leddit.
says the t_d transplant
I'm allowed to have double standards when you leftists defend black supremacists
>/b/ always had the racism and anti semities
There's saying nigger, and there's being obsessed with racial bullshit and going on every single board making the exact same fucking threads and getting nowhere. I'm not saying they brought racism to Veeky Forums, I honestly don't give a fuck about that. They DID ruin a good part of Veeky Forums by being imbeciles and spamming good boards until the people who came there to actually discuss shit left and /pol/ nonsense peppered every thread. Just look at /tv/, they still haven't recovered from uproar of Jonny Boyega being cast in Star Wars.
When someone from /v/ or /tv/ or whatever go to another board, they post about that other board's topic. Once in a while with a vague connection to their other board. /pol/acks go onto other boards to post about /pol/. They are actually the cancer killing Veeky Forums, not because they're racist but because they're so fixated on steering discussion on every board towards /pol/ and go in with little to no knowledge of the topic of the board. Even in Veeky Forums which is fairly well related to /pol/ in topic, they come in to /pol/ bait and it's obvious they have no idea what they're talking about.
Antifag confirmed
Go back to tumblr you cuckold
oh sorry, thought that version had leftypol in it
No one here is defending black supremacist.
Just because everyone, rightfully, dislikes you for being a white supremacist, doesn't mean they align to the opposite extreme.
History is a useless endeavor, and useless people make it their life's work. Liberals are useless people. There need be no raid to fill a History board with useless liberals. Never make anything, never produce anything, never create anything, just shuffle along regurgitating the same pablum they swallowed when they were little liberals. The world used to limit the number of useless people who survived; modern society has made it possible for useless people not only to survive, but to thrive. At being useless.
Here, take this one
>>politics I like are good
>>politics I don't like are bad
Explain how holding that stance is "a double standard".
You seem really butthurt
>Veeky Forums being involved in the action.
Someone needs to tell useless people that they're useless. They'll never figure it out on their own, because they're useless.
Remember to report meta-threads.
Fuck off reddit
Given the fact that /pol/fags and /leftypol/fags shit this board up all the time I'd say that Veeky Forums is involved in the action.
It must be tough to ascribe to such logic when it per definition makes you yourself incapable of telling whether you're useless or not.
Pray tell, what are your personal contributions to humanity?
>Swarmfront isn't real guys!
yeah i get what you mean, but pol is even dumber and regularly gets btfo on his, so there's that.
thanks friendo
>Where's you proof?
OP posted proof as the OP m8
this. so. much. this.
anti-semitism on Veeky Forums has been absolutely a non-factor until you know what
Why should i hate my own race?
Kill yourself, you anti white cuck
>this is what SJW shills actually believe