Chinese about to wake up

Chinese about to wake up

What do?

run around your room screaming

btw, im pretty sure chinese don't fucking wakeup at Noon, at least the non degenerate ones.

I am fully awoke

they're already up dipshit. have been for hours.

chinks have been up for several hours lol
source: am chink

just got done illegally teaching a kindergarten class in a tier 88 for 4000 rmb a month
crypto is my only escape

I think OP is referring to the true power in crypto...the Chinese NEETS.

The Chinese hive doesn't start Gathering until around 12 Beijing time.

lol all the chink versions of Veeky Forumstards. I can just imagine that. They're all just waking up ready to obsess over crypto to the dismay of their families.

But seriously, what coin will they pump?

Need to know so i can go to sleep comfy while making gains

A coin that will go live in 7 mins on binance.

bitcoin now with the goldman sachs thing
the litecoin pump last month ago or so was literally "hey zhang, this mistranslated english article says that ltc is partnering with amazon" and then they pumped it from 35 to 55
chinks love that shit and are gonna listen to the mansack


chineee don't sleep you wayciss roundeyes

Not that you guys dont know this:

The Ping govt is trying to clamp down on capital flight out of RNB and they are figuring a way to stop money exiting by coin, when they do the small time Chinese coin spec'ers dump their coins en mass and there will be a Chinese red candle you bet your ass!

how many times a day do the fucking chinese wake up people?

Anyone sign up on that exchange? how is it?

and Whats the point of BNB?

It's good, the trading views are nice actually. But the mobile site is stupid as fuck, no labels on the graphs.
BNB is used as fees on their exchange at a 50% discount, and currently there's no fees.

so if the exchange is popular, BNBs will go up in price?

Thinking of sending over $600 worth of BTC and buying BNB before i go to sleep. Hopefully theres a pump

Here in Beijing most people get moving around 10 but it's mostly 24hrs, it's not like everyone sleeps at the exact same time unless you work in the govt dpt like me, then they zombie it. - I'm a foreskin traslattorr.

youve already missed the pump

assuming crypto traders even sleep,

probably OMG sinceits at the bottom of its meme triangle