have humans reached the end of their socio-cultural timeline? will there be some grand revolution of ideas and government in the foreseeable future that will shake things up and create a new and interesting chapter in history? or has modernity given us the "ideal" civil society, one that cannot make its own history but can only look back at past history in objective cynicism?
The end of history
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advancement in AI could very easily change the entire structure of government and society
Actuall ai is the worst idea humans have come up with so far
thanks for your thoroughly unnecessary opinion
For example in what way?
Depends on if they are able to come to their own conclusions for example here's the most comm fear:
Train them to protect us and they decide the only way is to protect us from ourselves.
What happens when they begin to see us as inferior something to enslave, control, manipulate or worse eradicate.
Possibly they could be quite beneficial but there are too many variables and just like any intelligence their main concern would likely be survival so what would hinder that?
Space exploration would be like the age of discovery but with different aesthetics.
Space exploration is only guarantee of making it for a long period of time. If we spread ourselves out far enough and find a way to sustain likely that would spark the most development since we wouldn't have to fight to survive so much(considering we have only been "modern" for around 100 years a chunk of time would definitely help). Hopefully at that point we will all become closer to getting along so if we meet another party we won't be seen as a loose cannon.
I wasn't asking for bad genre fiction.
I asked you to make a guess about the ways in which AI could influence the current structure of government and society especially as to defy the observed up until now historical patterns.
No problem m8
It wasn't genre fiction buddy many of our top scientists agree that AI could leave us quite vulnerable given enough time to develop
But to answer the good. I imagine that our culture would be drastically changed for the period they are fully developed. I can imagine most of our machinery being controlled by them to some degree. Cars, planes, boats factories etc. striking the working class out and allowing the raw talents that were previously unused to flourish.
Postmodernism is the end of everything; it's the human race giving up.
>truth is the end of humanity
It's not 'giving up'. It's the natural result of a critical appraisal of human limits of perception, senses and communication.
Postmodernism directly refutes the idea that there exists objective truth.
It's giving up.
How is it 'giving up'?
Yes. Inflexible Anglo rationalism is the end of history and all else is just a reversion to superstition. In the case of postmodernism they just switched from traditional superstitions like evil spirits to a kind of ad hominem whereby any opposing argument that can be loosely called a narrative or a social construct is wrong.
Rationalism results from a loss of sensitivity to mythic resonance. Postmodernism is a desperate cargo cult cobbled together from vague memories of what myth felt like.
>Implying AI could be done anywhere close to humans
I work as a developer and I can say, AI´s are far from actually creating content, hell they are even far from being limited humans. humans are only able to do that because of complex mutations and exchange of material genetic in each cell and neuron...
And this brings quantum mechanics, but this is all quantum mechanics are, a fucking dream
A function to do the same would be infinitely harder then the actual function to prevent weather conditions(which itself it is not even finished until today)
AI´s are nothing more then a dream, to my knowledge even fusion energy is kind of becoming a dream we may never reach.
The truth no one wants to admit, is that we actually are reaching the peak in several fields, for instance thought history, war was always something that motivated technological progress, but in modern age we reached a place were today this is not possible, we literally have the power to destroy all life in the planet, therefore, we reach a limit.
Humanity it is just reaching his peak before the environment disaster, maybe the disaster will be the next trigger to evolution in technology, but even so this is a big maybe...
Yearly companies and government expend billions if not more in new ways of energy, when it come to simple physics, it does not matter if you create a battery 50% more efficient then what you have today, it is probably going to be made of rare components(that is why no one discovered earlier) and it still going to be way less effective then gasoline
You guys have no idea, maybe fusion will open some windows, but if it fails, the humanity will probably stagnate badly.
Wow thank you for your academic input. You can go watch the matrix again now if you wanna.
Oh really? I assume you have spent a great deal of time reading about it I assume. Right?
>human race
You mean Westerners.
Africans haven't given up.
I am still a sucker for myth/romanticism/fantasy, I just can't accept it as true. The general path goes like this.
1: have some kind of yearning or dream
2: try to accomplish it in the real world
3: realize one must embrace reality to have the slightest chance of success
4: doing so utterly transforms your view of it
5: realize your original dream was a spook
6: decide to use your newfound outlook to achieve mundane practical goals instead
Postmodernists also have the exact same feelings, they just associate it with other things.
Two issues I have with this:
1. You don't need to embrace reality too closely to succeed, unfortunately.
2. I don't think embracing reality will lead you to rationalism.
No, user. You have it wrong; you err at point 4.
>4: doing so utterly transforms other's views of you
>5: realize you can't stand people thinking less of you or judging you
>6: decide to slink back to unhappiness, mediocrity, and bitterness, at best yearning for a way to make your dreams a reality in a way that people won't look down on you for, at worst actively engaging in fox-and-sour-grapes and crabs-in-a-bucket mentality and angrily tearing down others for trying to make their dreams a reality
≥implying we'll ever be able to leave this solar system
peak jej
The number one reason why this is all complete horseshit is because advanced AI will need to mimic organic AI at some point to reach our plateau, and somewhere between AI being on our level and outpacing us, we will mutually invent cybernetic brain enhancements that will develop human brains to be on par with potential super intellect AIs.
Our brain enhancements will most likely be derivative or parallel to AI development anyway, and we may develop it before AI outpaces us.
Therefore, we will never be overthrown by AI; we will simply merge with technology until sentient entities are intellectually indistinguishable regardless of body.
God, anti-AI fear-mongerers are so retarded and know nothing about the very field they fear, much less are even capable of comprehending that a myriad of other fields prevent AI from being developed in a vacuum.
>mimic organic AI
Should read: mimic organic intelligence
Thank you.
japan will go extinct. the west will turn Islam and the world will go back 1000 years in 200 years
AI makes niggers and everyone with low IQ's useless for society
Aka it's the best thing ever
I don't see how it can lead anywhere else, unless there is some revelation you're about to drop.
Well, if someone goes down that route, after they have calmed down they can reflect on the idea of not believing anything without sufficient proof and how this relates to their dream, irrespective of public opinion or their emotions.
>post-modernism is just bullshit!!!!111!!!1XD
Please, advance past the most basic misinterpretations presented in popular culture and filtered down through mass media of post-modernism.
If you lived 100+ years ago, even during the height of modernism, it's incredibly unlikely you would even have questioned whether or not the way in which people thought was inaccurate. The only reason you even bother to question it now is because you've been inundated by post-modern thought since you were most likely a child.
You'll grow out of this phase as long as you bother to learn what you're trying to talk about.
>do some googling because this post piqued my interest
>Seriously, what are the principles of their theories, on what evidence are they based, what do they explain that wasn't already obvious, etc? These are fair requests for anyone to make. If they can't be met, then I'd suggest recourse to Hume's advice in similar circumstances: to the flames
Cursory research would indicate that post-modernism is bullshit, Noam Chompsky blew it the fuck out, and all French people should be killed.
Jesus, and I thought it was bad now. This depresses me more than it should. Humankind is honestly doomed.
AI makes niggers out of all of us
>Cursory research would indicate that post-modernism is bullshit, Noam Chompsky blew it the fuck out, and all French people should be killed.
>Noam Chompsky blew it the fuck out
Go on...
That second line of greentext is a quote by Noam about postmodernist philosophers.
>hopefully at that point we will all become closer to getting along so if we meet another party we won't bee seen as such a loose cannon
You know as well as I that that isn't going to happen.
We'll always be a loose cannon of sorts
ruthlessly lethal when someone/something tries to fuck with all of us, but as soon as we're all safe from outside threats, we immediately start infighting and throwing our own shit at one another
although I really do hope that we can one day get our shit together and start exploring the stars.
Read Heidegger
quite philosophical fampai
literally this but with AI
the green revolution was a fucking mistake
Giving up on disastrous modernism, sure. But now since we have evironmentalism, protection of indigenous rights, reassessment of history, it doesn't seem like giving up at all -- rather it seems like preservation, restoration.
It's not 'giving up'. It's the natural result of a critical appraisal of human limits of perception, senses and communication.
Even if AI doesn't end up apocalyptically destroying mankind, I believe that the likely impact of AI and technology on modern society through its impact on the workplace will still be devastating- low level jobs are being replaced by technology as we speak, and more skilled work is likely to be automated soon too. The idea of working from 16/18 to retirement will become outdated within our lifetimes and society must address this fact
That's rather dark, though I'd like to know if other anons agree with your input.
>the German people as a whole will choose its future, and this future is bound to the Führer
>The Führer has awakened this will in the entire people and has welded it into a single resolve.
>We have witnessed a revolution. The state has transformed itself. This revolution was not the advent of a power pre-existing in the bosom of the state or of a political party. The national-socialist revolution means rather the radical transformation of German existence.
continental philosophy a shit, no wonder everyone is so triggered by rationalism
>If you lived 100+ years ago, even during the height of modernism, it's incredibly unlikely you would even have questioned whether or not the way in which people thought was inaccurate.
Modernism included questioning yourself and questioning what is considered truth.
Postmodernism is not about questioning truth it's about denying truth.
t. butthurt modernist
The Second Coming is coming.
Truth doesn't exist.
Reality doesn't exist, stop spooking yourself. 'success' is a spook. preacticality is a spook
>Truth doesn't exist.
and that's the truth is it?
Truth doesn't exist. Modernism supposes a boat, post-modernism burns that boat and drowns.
No, it's my will.
Are you retarded user? Watch literally any interview with a CEO of just about any tech company and they will all tell you that A.I. is the future.
Even better, read some research papers on the topic.
Also being a ''developer'' doesn't mean that you know shit about data science. For all we know you could be a JS code monkey.
They're doing it to cash in. Hyping a subject makes it sell.
>No, it's my will.
"will" you fuck off?
Okay user. I guess all those tech giants are just falling for fads then and those billions of dollars they are investing as we speak will be tragically lost as the predictions of the best analysts money can buy pale in comparison to your infinite wisdom.
Thanks for enlightening us from the confines of your 2 bedroom apartment.
Clever. 'no'
Yes, they are. So are you. Eat shit.
>/v/ gif
Go back
>Modernism supposes a boat, post-modernism burns that boat and drowns.
High school