Childhood is idolizing Luther.
Adulthood is realizing Calvin made more sense.
Childhood is idolizing Luther.
Adulthood is realizing Calvin made more sense.
>being literally a muslim christian
>still believing fairytales
my friend, I...
Calvin is just another Zwinglian.
What are the differences between them?
minor differences in Skydaddism, like in what form Christ is present during mass and shit.
God is omnibenevolent
The God of Calvinism is pure evil
Therefore Calvinism is wrong
Cogito ergo sum!
>enters theology thread
>refuses to discuss theology
"Islamic Christianity" is not far off for a meme. Calvinism leans heavily on predestination, both for the world and for souls after death. God directly puppets all of Creation around to do more or less arbitrary stuff that is automatically defined as good because he's God. Non-Calvinist Christianity has typically laid out a coherent Aristotle-type natural order that sort of works on its own even if God created and/or sustains it. This allows reason and human knowledge to have some philosophical validity, which is nice.
*adulthood is realizing Christianity is garbage and Protestantism is somehow even worse
*causes you to de-legitimize your theology*
Pssh nothing personnel kid
Calvinists are basically
>if you're gonna make us believe in this crap we're gonna be damn good at it.
True adulthood is realizing that, as gifted as he was, Calvin was not the Luther of the Reformed movement, but was one among many formative theologians, including Heinrich Bullinger, Peter Martyr Vermigli, Martin Bucer, Girolamo Zanchi, Johannes Oecolampadius, Wolfgang Musculus, and others.
>God directly puppets all of Creation around
Determinism was introduced into Calvinism largely by Jonathan Edwards in the 18th century. The Calvinists preceding him, and of his own era, held to a view providential view of the world which was contingent, and a human freedom which includes freedom of contradiction and freedom of contrariety. They certainly held to what they considered an Augustinian view of predestination, and that is entirely dependent on the gracious will of God, but that is not the same way that the universe in general is governed.
That's a pretty hermeneutically sound bedrock of American culture you've got there.
Would be a shame if something happened to it.
>Not realizing that Natural Selection rewards the most wicked
>Not realizing the physical world is a wicked evil only explicable via the existence of a malevolent Demiurge
>Not realizing that Natural Selection rewards the most wicked
Um, no Sweetie.
Cooperation only evolved to reward defectors all the more.
What are you even talking about and how do you back this up?
Game theory. The most fit member of a species is a defector in a society of cooperators.
I'm mainly meming, though.
Calvinism is the most cynical belief system I've ever heard of.
Why would that matter?
Okay nice meme.
It is true though. It's why the most successful people are defectors. It works, so the Demiurge is real.
I can't tell if you've read it. Defecting is long term strategically unfit. If you're dealing with rational people, they will punish you by counter-defecting. Populations of cooperators will stop playing the game with you. There's a bit of truth in what you're saying though. Defecting is optimal if you're sure you won't meet the other player again.
I'm not saying it would but what I am saying is I don't even....
Yeah, I haven't read the book, but I know Evolutionary Game Theory. It perfectly models human society, as once the whole system becomes saturated with defectors, the system is overtaken by cooperators and the process begins again.
The problem with these small tests is that they don't account for this cycle, as the test groups are either more basal animals or small groups of children.
Having looked back at the book, there's a kind of formal proof of attenuation towards nice strategies given in chapter 8. Pic related is from ch9.
>I know Evolutionary Game Theory. It perfectly models human society, as once the whole system becomes saturated with defectors, the system is overtaken by cooperators and the process begins again.
I'm personally interested in this area and if you can provide a specific reference I would love to read it.
Yeah, there's TIT for TAT and then the forgiving TIT for TAT.
As for reference, I don't know, I took all my evolution classes in University.
Can I have a quick rundown on these two?
Servetus was a madman who devised his own theology and got burned to death by Protestants for being so radical.
Funfact, he also discovered that the blood flowed to the lungs.
As for the second guy, I'm assuming he developed fundamentalism
He annotated the bible in a way that was lastingly significant apparently.
C.I. Scofield was one of the most influential popularizers of dispensationalism, the theological backbone of modern fundamentalism. Abandoning the more covenantal theologies of their Protestant forebears, Dispensationalism removes salvation as the animating rubric through which to read the Bible, divides the Church and Israel, insists on a highly literalistic interpretation of Scripture, particularly of end-times prophecy, and insists on a premillennial eschatology which insists on a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth after the Second Coming, and instructs followers to compare global events to the book of Revelation to know when the end will come. The Left Behind series, Christian Zionism, and similar fundamentalist end times chicanery were all made possible because of Scofield and the reference Bible he produced back in the early 20th century.
So boys, what's the stuff about American protestants? Which branch of protestantism do they follow?
Here in Mitteleuropa Calvinism is a pretty big thing in a lot of places and I see so much difference between us and American protestants.
A lot of Calvinistic aspects did end up here with all the Huguenots that arrived, and you can see manifest in strains of Protestantism today, but outside of Southern Evangelicals the most followed sect is usually Episcipol or other high church forms.
very good post
That could go for all Christian denominations in general.
>Dispensationalism removes salvation as the animating rubric through which to read the Bible
It does no such thing. It points out that salvation has always been by faith, and by the grace of God, and that God has dealt with mankind in different ways over the ages. Which is just insanely self-evident.
>divides the Church and Israel
These are two distinct groups. Of course they're divided.
>insists on a highly literalistic interpretation of Scripture, particularly of end-times prophecy,
Which is again absolutely and mind-blowingly self-evident
>and insists on a premillennial eschatology which insists on a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth after the Second Coming,
Which is literally spelled out in the bible a dozen times.
>and instructs followers to compare global events to the book of Revelation to know when the end will come.
Of course you should know how close the Second Coming is. Maybe not the day or the hour, but certainly the season! Again, as directly stated in the bible!
>The Left Behind series, Christian Zionism, and similar fundamentalist end times chicanery were all made possible because of Scofield and the reference Bible he produced back in the early 20th century.
You have a problem with the Scofield bible? How about you show all the errors it contains?
It's absolute garbage. I see my dream of a idol worshiping papist free board has not yet been realized.
Do you ever say or post anything that makes sense?
Revelation 20
Satan Bound 1,000 Years
20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3 and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished.
Gee, a thousand years seems pretty prominent here!
Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.
Gee, more thousand years talk! When will this bible get it???
Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison
Not yet!
Never go full brainwashed. Go read Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, and Jonathan Edwards and sort yourself out.
senilehood is idolizing Jan Matthys
>spot the spiritual Semite