(Pre)Historic Adam

Can a literal Adam exist in the context of the fossil record, and if so, what would he have looked like?

No. Evolution doesn't work like that; you don't suddenly end up with an individual that represents a distinct new species. Things are much more gradual than that.

OP there's a mitocondrial eve so Adam would be that female's mate. Also there's some theologian that argued Adam and Eve were not the first humans in the taxonomical sense but the first humans with rational souls granted by the tree of knowledge. All of modern humanity has descended from those two, thus we all have rational souls/original sin.

>Neanderthals get shit on
>Erectus gets shit on
>Naledi gets shit on
>Hobbits get shit on
Yeah nah.

There was some douche from 100,000 B.C who is the common male ancestor of all humans right now.

Must have been bad for neanderthals since they were surrounded by retards.

> first humans with rational souls granted by the tree of knowledge.
Dafuq? Are you serious?

>mitocondrial eve
Mitochondrial Eve wasn't the first Homo sapien, just the oldest woman everyone is related to. Whoever she mated with would be more like Noah.

>OP there's a mitocondrial eve so Adam would be that female's mate

REEEEEE. This is why & humanities is retarded

>souls granted by the tree of knowledge

Wow, thanks Satan


Don't know for sure but probably looked had robust features and the genetic variability to lead to the rise of different races of humans such as homo erectus, homo neanderthalis, and the h sapiens. Along with the different modern races we see today(mongoloids, caucasoids, ect.).

*but probably had.



No single organism can have genetic variation, for it would be variant compared to what?

FALSE. Soul was given through the breath of life from God.
Eating from the tree of knowledge allowed Adam and Eve to know right and wrong. This allowed for sinning to be down while knowing they were sinning.
In the bible it says that those who sin through ignorance will be forgiven. Having knowledge of right and wrong allowed them to truly sin with impure intent.

Nice try.

Do you really think Neanderthals were mentally superior to humans when they stagnated for over 400,000 years in Europe and the Middle East? They were about as intelligent as us, though some parts of their brain were less developed/more developed than ours. Having a large brain does not always equal superior intelligence. Hell, Cro-Magnons and Homo sapiens idaltu all had the same brain size as Neanderthals, it's just that our brains shrunk over time.

dinosaurs never existed. They were invented by the british royal society

But the mitochondrial Adam and Eve are tens of thousands of years apart? Their existence isn't proof of anything since any model of any population predicts the existence of most recent common patriarchs/matriarchs within any given species.

He was Germanic(Nordic)

Neanderthal DNA is the cause of Autism.

Can someone explain what is the difference between Cro-Magnon and Homo Sapiens?
It seems that population of Europe pre-Indo-European spread used to be Cro-Magnon. Were Indo Europeans Homo Sapies or Cro-magnon?

Language != DNA

You didn't answer my question.

Yes I did, the Cro Magnon either died out or were assimilated, there wasn't a huge invasion of people that happened to speak an Aryan language.

>there wasn't a huge invasion of people that happened to speak an Aryan language.
But that's wrong.

No it's not.

Indo European male lineages dominate Europe

Language != DNA

Vargite moron. Indo-Europeans spread IE language in Europe along with their IE seed.

DNA proves otherwise.

Cro-magnons were early modern homo sapiens that lived in Europe and were more muscularly robust, possibly because they were the populations infamous for breeding with Neanderthals. Cro-magnon man shows up about the same time Neanderthals are on the tail end of extinction across Europe and Asia
To answer your question - yes, both groups are technically modern humans, just the likely ancestors of whatever groups first became language bearing

