while the alt-right and antifa are too busy killing themselves, we are here making money sitting in a chair
>feels good to be in the only 'right' side that there is and will ever be
while the alt-right and antifa are too busy killing themselves, we are here making money sitting in a chair
>feels good to be in the only 'right' side that there is and will ever be
Fuck I know this feel. My normie friend STILL thinks I give a shit about Trump or antifa, and literally argues with bots on Twitter all day.
Told all my alt right buddies to invest in NEO when it was Antshares, hoped they listened
>tfw just sit on Veeky Forums all day watching people get rich because my financial situation is so bad I can't even buy fractions of shitcoins
>get a credit card and max it out after the next btc dip
>ride the next wave and buy good alts when btc is a the top (and alts are crashing)
>sell 75% of the alts for btc when btc dips (and alts go up)
my dream is using crypto riches to fund a militia of angsty far right teenage radicals and commieloving anarchist fags, and put them against each other for my own personal enjoyment
mfw watching percentages while these fags fight each other
reminds me of this youtube.com
Or lose it all and kys
fuck those idiots fighting and dying for 'ideology'.
The only ideology that matters in my country is hard cold crypto, nigglets
when will retards learn the only thing that matters in the world is money. meanwhile far right fags and antifa cunts fight it out thinking their beliefs actually matter
Rule of Acquisition number 34
War is good for business
don't worry, despite what you might think no one here is actually getting rich
only if you're an arms dealer, how many businesses do you think existed here?
So you're saying you aren't white, OP? Because if the "Nazis" lose then we're fucked, those of us who are white - the left wants us broke and dead. Trump was going to decrease taxes and make them easy to file but that's probably not going to happen now. The more money I make the more this shit matters to me.
I felt like a bad person this week. All my friends were really upset about the events in Charleston and I only care about crypto news
tfw happy chats about crypto with a few people this week and no one i know has mentioned that hilarious incident
Well that shit was fake and your friends are retards.
I must admit that I find people actually espousing an admiration for the nazis in public quite disturbing.
It's definitely a sign, and not a very hopeful one. However I don't believe it's really going to catch on. Not this time. People aren't falling for this shit again.
>mfw laughing at that stupid nocoiner bitch who got ran over while making $100 off of altcoins
>mfw simultaneously switching tabs between watching the epic alt-right shitshow of angry white people chimp out while tracking NEO/OMG
>mfw going to make a lot of money and do a bunch of white shit with it
Hospital bills for Antifa shills and crypto for the eternal anglo my friends
I mean that yes, the weak and susceptible minds have allowed themselves to be brainwashed on the internet, but otherwise real, healthy people see it for what it is. I feel confident that it ain't going very far.
Most of those dudes don't actually believe in Nazism, there were just a few weirdos waving nazi flags and seig heiling and the media plastered them everywhere.
Most were normal white dudes who are sick of hearing anti-white shit in the media, college, from HR departments, ect.
They need crypto tho
>admiration for the nazis in public quite disturbing
Oy vey!
>weak and susceptible minds have allowed themselves to be brainwashed on the internet
Self-hating whites and antifa are the worst, yes.
>Hospital bills for Antifa shills and crypto for the eternal anglo my friends
Just hospitalized 100k!
>normal white dudes who are sick of hearing anti-white shit in the media, college, from HR departments, etc.
The kikes always push the Nazi angle, I wish more whites understood this.
>get fired for wrongthink
>live off crypto income instead
The dream is real.
>implying you won't be right wing when the democrats try to tax the shit out of your milllions
I feel bad for you. I hope you find whatever experience you need to realize you're going the wrong way. I don't really have all that much optimism that you will though before your life is seriously damaged. Oh well. Better luck next time.
>being this much of a cuck
as a millionaire id care less about tax than i would if i were earning $1200 a week and giving the government $400 of it. at least with the millions you can afford a good tax accountant.
everyone in that picture unironically look like degenerates
As a Christian I appreciate your sentiment but if you are a white man you need to wake up. If these animals will steal shoes and liquor they will not hesitate to empty your bank account if they obtain enough political power.
how do you know she was a nocoiner
>nationalists that put their money in globalist coins
Some people just completely lack self awareness...
there you go
nice reddit meme
I've taken .05 btc to 6.8 so far - being white doesn't make me /pol/, does it?
lmao. she could very well indeed have had 100k btc sitting in a wallet on her laptop.
>not co-opting projects such as Aragon and voting it into a decentralized death squad
Politics is for poor faggots who have no ambitions.
You guys have no idea how comfy it is from up here and laugh at the monkeys fight while we make the monies
Literally just wagecucks fighting over who they pay taxes too
I'm guessing neither of you are white either.
Who cares. A white man would still jump through a hoop for the right price.
>groups of people marching through the city carrying torches and chanting "blood and soil"
>somehow this is not white supremacy
man those russian trollfarms sure work well
Is it still white supremacy if everyone was black?
Nazis? Oy vey. Not us, oh no.
I make money while these faggots fight.
It's amazing.
you would know
Uh yeah sure
We're making money haha yeah
Just look at my blockfolio with a trillion dollars haha
The thing that really gets me is that people consider the nazis to have been white supremacists, they weren't. They were German supremacists. The nazis started a war that killed tens of millions of white people.
I'm white in a western yuropoor town so despite the gains there isn't much comfiness. I see new faces straight from subsaharan Africa every day. Better than the local arabs, but still a different culture. Not my culture. I notice whenever I see another white person now, it has gotten so rare. Can't remember the last time I saw someone with blonde hair in this town either. I never cared much for ethnocentrism, but living through displaced demographics starts to make you feel differently on the topic. At this point, all I want is to retreat from this environment until I make enough money to fuck off to a country that won't collapse in the next 20 years.
>mfw this is actually what Soros does
What are alt-right and antifa coins and where can I buy them?
>the left want us broke and dead
Kid you need to take your meds asap.
yup, i only cared because I had a lot (at the time) betting on him to win. that win was the most satisfying social media sentiment analysis ever.
I did that too, made 4k there.
>blacks better than arabs
Nigga WUT?
At least arabs arent violent and doesnt look like monkeys.
>Nigga WUT?
>At least arabs arent violent and doesnt look like monkeys.
The only thing worse than muslims aka arabs are black muslims and fucking gypsies.
ethnic cleansing when
>unironically using the term alt right
you wont last a minute in the crypto world, i bet you fell for digibyte
sounds like you are projecting a bit
Hahaha yeah thats real good advise
Spoken truly like an European. I feel ya.
>be me eurofag
>actual descendent of commie-killing nazis
>grow up non-political, centrist
>fed nonstop white guilt in school
>live in small town
>suddenly somalia tier bulb-head niggers popping up out of nowhere
>fireworks going off on ramadan
>next big city 50% nonwhites now
>non-stop anti-white propaganda in the (((media)))
>people surprised I embrace the political views of my forefathers
yep we nazi now