We all know Goldman Sachs predicted BTC to go to "4800", just like they predicted BTC to drop to "2000" when it went to 1800.

Well here we are, in the middle of the night, they're executing their plan.
In mere seconds, BTC price has crashed $100 and is climbing downwards

Get out now, get back in if it recovers. This might be it, they may go for broke with this.

I don't sell bitcoin, son. I buy bitcoin.
enjoy never owning a lambo

Down to 4240

The Jews are behind everything

When you say "they may go for broke with this." Do you mean they are gonna dump it as hard as possible to ruin BTC's reputation?

Or shake everyone one, buy it low and then skyrocket it out of everyone's reach?

The dump is real

dubs decides where this ride ends

FUDDERS never learn




going down to $3760

drop so i can buy



It's been having these drops all the way up to each new ATH. At 4000+ a 100 move is nothing


$50 and the warthog is coming in HOT

The ride never ends

Cheap enough so we can buy it easily before it goes back up.

1500 maybe.

It will be 5k by morning

Unfortunately for them BTC either doesn't bend like they want it to or they're just plain scamming you guys. You can figure out where BTC is going by looking at past trends.

20 lambos

it ends near 27k



Shit won't even break 4k

>post ends in dubs
>the ride never ends

op is not a very good whale, coming from a whale this is very normal. bitcoin will easily be over 4.5k in a few hours

check em'

who the fuck is goldman sach again? some isis terrorist leader?


>price steady in $4300-$4400 range

pick 1

BTC is trading at a 99% discount to its value 3-4 years from now

you faggots are getting swindled by FUD being spammed by banks desperate to get their hands on some before the real moon mission starts

Fuck Goldman n Sachs - this is never going to be their domain

It is unless the exchanges start cracking down on spoofing.

Know what happened foggots? user delivered. He made it alive to the SEC with that flash drive. 3061849. Goldman Sachs BLOWN. THE. FUCK. . OUT. along with their alt sell walls and paid bitcoin shills.HAHAHAHSHSHAHAHAHAHAHAH



Thread 3061849 will explain it. Check the Archives. OP of that post delivered.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is the Goldman intern or some other associated faggot that wrote this. Be ready for more 3d like

over $10k

OK scrubs, gather 'round the Oldfag. See, Bitcoin was made to end debt slavery to TPTB. Now, TPTB are in a tug of war with Anonie Mouse over Bitcoin..DROP. THE. ROPE.


- 9999


stfu and let us fud ok, you might think biz isnt a lot of people but we need people who fall for fud to get btc at a discount

7k by friday
praise kek

It'll be ~5k$ by the time segwit gets activated.

>dubs decides
>post has dubs
fuck, its never going to end boys