Ways you have actually made money other than crypto coin gambling

>ways you have actually made money other than crypto coin gambling

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Botting RuneScape and selling the gp

a job

Sued someone after a drunk fight for fractures and cuts I had gotten earlier that night.
Got a few Gs out of him.

Boosting league of legends bronze v accs to gold

those retars literally paid me 100 dollar each

Sht was like minimun wage but beter thn a cuck job

Sports betting

what was the dumbest thing you ever saw

>a job


t. neet

I work as a freelance web dev. And a bartender a few nights a week.

The web dev job is feast an famine, but the bar job is easy money. Its a high end place in san jose where I get to stare at women and drink at work. I make ~250 a night if its busy plus 12 an hour. Wage cucking isnt so bad it it involves booze and hot asian womenz

I opened a crate on PUBG and sold the pants for 11$

>content sites with ads
>affiliate marketing
>flippin virtual real estate in second life

>making money off second life
Do you still scrub as hard as you can in the shower yet never feel clean?

I make Unity Asset Store assets
I make about 2K~ a year from it
I'm working on a simple game I wanna launch through Steam Direct, but for now I got more work to do on it. Plus I gotta make an LLC

second life is still a thing, wtf I am amaze.

he's probably a furfag

I also sold a lot of WoW gold. During Warlords I scammed people out of BoEs for like a week and made 500k gold that I used to pay for my account and other stuff

I sell lemons and apples from my tree out the front of my house

sadly that would probably make him one of the most wealthy people on this board
I always wondered where the fuck furries got all there money
never thought it would be cryptocurrency

Not anymore, I left after the peak, SL peaked maybe in 2010 or so.

I had a ton of random stuff in SL making combined $1k-$3k/mo and then after a couple years it tanked to just hundreds a month and I moved on. It was fun while it lasted.

I think it went downhill around when they
>banned gambling
>tanked real estate market adding more land no one wanted
>made rules on what you can even have in game
>began competing with businesses their users setup
>age gated it and enforced it unlike sites like facebook
>banned people from reselling Lindens or being able to use Lindens for anything non-SL related

They have SecondLife 2.0, a completely separate virtual world coming soon. Ill give it a try when it comes out but have no expectation of it being decent at all.

SLs original creator Phillip Rosedale left Linden Labs and developed "High Fidelity" but it doesnt seem that great. Less features, trying to use VR stuff.

I have a friend who still makes stuff to sell in SL. I think he makes a couple hundred a month since they integrated selling products onto the marketplace on their site.

Not a furfag just bought and sold, made stuff for new users and flipped land.

I did buy an average house with my SL money though.

Probably could make a lot of money doing any kind of project furry related. Sexual niches usually have people willing to pay a lot for their fetish crap.

sex does sell
if i get my dream firearms factory up and running with my job money and investment money, i'd open up an injection molding dildo factory
then i'd be legally and literally fucking my customers

Oh shit, just remembered. In 2011 I got my first bitcoin by trading SecondLife Lindens to some guy. I think it was like $10 worth of SL money for 1 btc. Back in 2011 on bitcointalk people were using SL money to buy/sell bitcoin.

I fucked up though like most people and didnt buy a ton of bitcoin at the time so even today I have less than 1 btc.

>fucking my customers

Thats the dream right there.

What? Where did you sell it?

damn, bet that feels like you were gifted an original apple share and didn't think much of it
if only we had time machines

go to your inventory in the steam client and you can sell it there

Oh, for sure. I liked the idea behind bitcoin but no one I talked to thought it was interesting. There wasnt really much to even do with btc back then. I messed around with it in 2011 and then again in 2013 but was always busy with other stuff.

Back when I got my first btc, I sent like 0.01 to a wallet on a laptop to test the sending out to see how long transactions took. I then deleted the wallet and moved on. I found the wallet.dat the other month digging in some old files.

Its like completely bonkers though to discard a penny in 2011, and then find it and its worth $40.

This but diamond because the gold boosts weren't worth it.

>I always wondered where the fuck furries got all there money
Furfag here, many furries view being a furry as a lifestyle choice rather than just a sexual fetish. It's not that they necessarily have a lot of money, they just feel justified in spending a huge percentage of their income on commissioning pictures of their original character having a three way with their ERP partner's original character and a character from a children's cartoon. Or spending thousands on a costume of their ERP character to wear in public.

Though it should be noted that your average Veeky Forums furfag won't fit into this mold and are just in it for the porn.

NUGT/DUST and LABU/LABD intraday, SPDR sector rotations for longer time horizons. Occasional options usage during big, volatile news stories (VRX, DB, etc).

Cryptocurrencies have never interested me. Heresy, surely....

And a job. That helps.

Dedicate time and Labor for a service to someone in exchange for currency


then i gambled all my money on shitcoins

I did this but used scripts lolol back in season 3 when they had no anticheat