>Nazis = racist antisemitic totalitarian socialists
>Marxists= racist antisemitic totalitarian socialists
Literally the same thing.
Nazis = racist antisemitic totalitarian socialists
Marxists are internationalists, so no. Try again.
Yep. Tankies and Nazis btfo. Left libertarians are fine, but really they need to quit the weed and wisen up.
Karl Marx came from a family of rabbis for at least 200 years
>what his parents did makes his opinion invalid
Which he clearly didn't think highly of...
Hitler's genetic samples seem to imply he was Ashkenazi too.
Well Nazism isn't socialism and Marxism isn't totalitarian inherently, but yeah those people are often the same
National SOCIALIST WORKER'S party.
>durr durr it has socialism in the name so it's socialist durr durr
Fuck, you'd think the North Koreans would understand how democracy works and not vote for the same guys over and over. But hey, they call themselves democratic so I guess that's how it works there.
Right on time
>marxists are too dumb to form a coherent ideology
This is supposed to be an argument?
Why do commietards get so arseblasted about this?
Your ideology sucks, just accept it.
Socialism in One Country.jpg
There is literally nothing contradictory about those two panels.
Still very clever, though.
Not even a communist. You can stop making assupmtions now, buddy.
not one of those were from Marx though.
None of those ideologies were inspired by Marx in any way?????
Why would the bourgeois or whoever is represented by people in those hats be more concerned about nationalism than workers? Why would workers be less concerned on the "National" than the 'Socialist"?
Seems like communist propaganda
>Why would the bourgeois or whoever is represented by people in those hats be more concerned about nationalism than workers? Why would workers be less concerned on the "National" than the 'Socialist"?
Because they were. We don't have to provide a theory, we have the evidence first hand.
Poor have much more pressing concerns than something as amorphous as national pride
This is why most Jihadis in the Arab world come not from the working classes, but from the middle income population
not in the not being isolationist way. Stalin was rewritting the bible to those fucks when he proposed communism in one country, and even that was just a temporary measure. Although Im sure their eventual place in the world and cold war had much more to do with Russian interest rather than any adherence to marxist ideology
If Marx even said that, it's not an opinion that made it into Marxism. Similarly, Confucius could have hated beans, but that didn't make it into Confucianism. Meanwhile anti-Semitism was more than just Hitler's personal quirk, it was central to Nazism.
But marx was jewish
His grandparents actually, his parents didn't give a fuck about religion either.
Not in any sense but genetic. Also, I see you post the same pic every day, I assume you are some kind of shill.
>Not in any sense but genetic
Anti-semitism and racism in general have to be based on this. Hitler was a genuine anti-semite because he discriminated against genetic jews. There's nothing anti-semitic about disliking the jewish religion or state or even culture.
Sure, but the implication of a conspiracy needs a relation to judaism beyond genetics to make sense, unless you think the conspiracy is transmitted genetically (which some stormniggers are retarded enough to believe)
Anti-semitism is just irrational hated of Jews. It isn't inherently genetic. Racism is however.
>you're retarded for not being a white guilt cuck
this is what SJWs actually believe
The Bolshevism that went into the USSR was international; the Bolshevism that went into Nazi Germany was nationalistic.
Same ideology.
Tyranny is of the left. Always has been, always will be.
when the french are monopolizing ones industrial output nationalisation looks real attractive, especially when it involves making german industrialists shareholders in such.
>OP = sucks cocks
>fags = sucks cocks
Literally the same thing.
Not really a fan of teither, but racism is essential to Nazism while it isn't essential to Marxism.
Also kind of related but you shouldn't confuse religious criticism of Judaism with the belief that Jews are undesirables because of biology.
If anything that lends weight to Marx's opinions on the Jews, as a removed Jew himself he was able to see his people for what they are.
& Humanities was a mistake.
They were influenced by John Locke as much as they were influenced by Marx
Not really, he didn't consider them his people nor did he have more contact with them than any other non jew of his time. And as a result his view on them was pretty trivial and the usual for his time.
t. Ben Shapiro
>He had no contact with the Jews being genetically Jewish with Jewish relatives but somehow felt obligated to warn people about them
>When the progenitors of Marxism and Anarchism warns people about the Jews and yet no one listens
Pretty fucking ironic.