Is Islam just the next dominant religion?
Like how Christianity did Islam has been growing and expanding since its inception, is it possible it will overtake Cheistianity?
Is Islam just the next dominant religion?
Like how Christianity did Islam has been growing and expanding since its inception, is it possible it will overtake Cheistianity?
>Is Islam just the next dominant religion?
Atheism is
Yes, God wills it.
In number of souls yes, dominant in the sense of being in a dominant position, not necessarily.
But in terms of actual worshippers Islam is growing the most.
And it seems like less Muslims convert to atheism than Christians.
Dominate what? Once oil starts running out how are the Saudis and gulf states going to be able to fund their Wahhabbi mosques?
They pick up far fewer Western converts than they lose through people leaving the religion both officially and semi-officially.
Many of the "refugees" convert to Christianity so that they can't be sent back. It's yet to be seen what sort of people the 4th and 5th generation immigrants will be in Europe but the more integrated they become the less religious they become.
Atheist don't have children, or have very few; muslims have lots of children, they breed like rabbits. Atheism is nice, but it's digging it's own grave. If atheism and science are to continue being a thing of the future, atheists need to realize they have to start fucking and having kids until it's not to late
>the only form of Islam is saudia-founded wahabism
>le breeding meme
Back to pol fag
Literally thousands of Europeans are converting daily to Shiite Islam, all the mosques are built buy public funding hehe
>They pick up far fewer Western converts than they lose through people leaving the religion both officially and semi-officially.
>Many of the "refugees" convert to Christianity so that they can't be sent back. It's yet to be seen what sort of people the 4th and 5th generation immigrants will be in Europe but the more integrated they become the less religious they become
Not even /pol/ but you are literally making shit up.
Prove it.
>Dominate what? Once oil starts running out how are the Saudis and gulf states going to be able to fund their Wahhabbi mosques?
>They pick up far fewer Western converts than they lose through people leaving the religion both officially and semi-officially.
>Many of the "refugees" convert to Christianity so that they can't be sent back. It's yet to be seen what sort of people the 4th and 5th generation immigrants will be in Europe but the more integrated they become the less religious they become.
Yeah, and cows will learn to fly.
No, all the Islam heavy areas are going to be the worse hit by climate change.
Next dominant? No religion has ever been "dominant". They've been dominant without certain areas, but even then there's a distinction between dominant on a political level, as was the case with the Catholic Church for a long time, and dominant culturally, which was the case with say Protenstantism in many countries. Obviously Islam is going to be the largest religion in places where a lot of people are atheists rather than members of another religion, but it's not like many of those places are actually going to replace their laws with Sharia law.
>No, all the Islam heavy areas are going to be the worse hit by climate change.
Yeah, i wonder where they will go.
I dunno, to far more secular places where coming generations of Muslims will adopt more secular viewpoints?
>where coming generations of Muslims will adopt more secular viewpoints?
Of course they will. There'll always be some who become more radicalized as a result, but they'll be a distinct minority. And for that matter, things will quiet down considerably when ISIS are finally defeated once and for all. The entire reason ISIS had fundamentalists so heated up was the promise of a Caliphate right then and there. The Caliphate is a huge thing in Islam. With the defeat of ISIS, there will be no Caliphate to go down and conquer for. There will of course be other groups, such as al-Qaeda, who fight for a Caliphate, but al-Qaeda has none of the draw that ISIS had, since al-Qaeda "fight" for a far less tangible Caliphate sometime in the future. Besides, ISIS have probably acted as a sort of "fundie drain", in that the people drawn to a struggle for the Caliphate have now gone down there, and are getting BTFO. Who's left? The ones who didn't want to fight for ISIS. How many of them are going to start fighting for a Caliphate AFTER ISIS have failed, really?
>Of course they will. There'll always be some who become more radicalized as a result, but they'll be a distinct minority. And for that matter, things will quiet down considerably when ISIS are finally defeated once and for all. The entire reason ISIS had fundamentalists so heated up was the promise of a Caliphate right then and there. The Caliphate is a huge thing in Islam. With the defeat of ISIS, there will be no Caliphate to go down and conquer for. There will of course be other groups, such as al-Qaeda, who fight for a Caliphate, but al-Qaeda has none of the draw that ISIS had, since al-Qaeda "fight" for a far less tangible Caliphate sometime in the future. Besides, ISIS have probably acted as a sort of "fundie drain", in that the people drawn to a struggle for the Caliphate have now gone down there, and are getting BTFO. Who's left? The ones who didn't want to fight for ISIS. How many of them are going to start fighting for a Caliphate AFTER ISIS have failed, really?
I have never in my life seen so much shit come out of one mouth. No, seriously. If you actually think Jihadism will die out because ISIS went from a state entity to a Jihadist group like Al-Qaeda let alone make Muslims abandon Islamic culture in droves for the Liberal Hedonistic Materialistic lifestyle of the West, then you are in for very rude awakening you imbecile.
Okay, but true believers are in a vanishingly small minority to those who don't believe or simply don't give much of a shit.
Of for goodness sake, you sound like you have never met a Muslim in your life. If you honestly think most Muslims living in Western countries are Wahabbi style nutters screeching pitifully about "Liberal Hedonistic Materialistic lifestyles" then you are just off your rocker.
Yes. It's been estimated to overtake christianity by 2050
that pisses me the fuck off.
That's how it works in America
It has already happen, the stats showing more christians than muslim count hyper-generously, for exemple it says 60% christians in France even if most french are atheists/agnostics.
They're establishing Sharia zones and lobbying for all women to wear berkas you dumb shit
What complete horseshit, most of their women don't even wear burkas you retard.
Did Islam strt as a big scam?
>Businessman "talks to god"
>creates a religion that's copy+pasted from older religions
>focuses on a pilgrimage to Mecca
>merchants made a killing in the pilgrimage
was it all for money or am I missing somethint?
>you sound like you have never met a Muslim in your life
You complete and utter fool. You couldn't be farther from the truth if you tried. You know what? Suit yourself. Keep parroting that Cognitive Dissonance of yours, until the day comes where the bubble you are hiding in bursts.
It started as a reason for Mohammed to murder the shit out of everybody and fuck pre-pubescent girls.
Most religions copy and paste from other religions. Jesus was very similar to some Indian god.
You haven't got the slightest idea what the hell you are talking about I literally lived and worked in a Muslim majority area in a major European city and worked for a business with a large number of Muslim clients and Muslim co-workers including women.
Why does it matter which set of bullshit people believe?
People genuinely think that all Muslims are die hard wahhabists who want Sharia law.
Aisha was pubescent before the union was consomated.
Muhammad got tired of seeing his people worshiping statutes that were made out of Dates, and decided to adopt a Semitic Abrahamic religion to unite Arabia, and make his people more than just a bunch of nomadic traders. Most the stuff that is in Islam isn't something that is unique to it, but is standard Abrahamic things. Stoning people to death, underteen marriage and forbidding people to eat Bacon are all in the Bible, Muslims are just not hypocrites and actually follow what their book says. Most modern day ''Christians'' are just Liberals who believe in a deity, but they don't follow what the Bible says, or believe in it. Hell, even Sharia law isn't something that is unique to Islam. Halakha law is just as brutal if not even more than Sharia. The difference is that Jews have stopped following it for Western law, while Muslims didn't.
Most muslim countries don't even pretend to applie islamic law, they just have a law slightly inspired by sharia.
They are funding global hijra to parasite off hajj money until the end of days. Terrorists just happen to be best tourists.
None of them should have even been there in the first place. They have been trying to invade europe for centuries and now they are invited in by the government because of a race mixing globalist world order agenda. Read about the coudenhove kalergi plan.
>You haven't got the slightest idea what the hell you are talking about I literally lived and worked in a Muslim majority area in a major European city and worked for a business with a large number of Muslim clients and Muslim co-workers including women.
And i have lived my entire life in Saudi Arabia. When the people here think about the ''The West'' they don't think about Freedom of speech, Secularism, or any of that shit that you Lionize and Glorify. They think about Abortion, mentally ill cross dressers who cut off their genitals, kids with Anime hair who screech that you are a Bigot for being something other than a Liberal, declining birthrates, Adultery and the death Marriage. They have nothing but pure and utter contempt for your culture and lifestyle, and the fact that you think you are morally superior and keep invading their countries, makes them hate you even more.
I never said or implied any of that, you dumb fuck. Address what I say, not what you expect some imaginary group of "librul" boogeymen to say. I said that the world has seen a huge wave of terrorism since the Iraq invasion and the forming of ISIS and the subsequent war of annexation since, and that a lot of it is indeed tied to ISIS and the prospect of a Caliphate. And that very ISIS is on the way out. Expecting terrorism to remain at the same level when one of the demonstrably strongest motivations for recent terrorism is gone is nonsensical.
Many of those doing terrorist attacks are multi generational invaders.
>atheist becomes pro-Christian because other religion grows stronger
This is why people laugh at reactionaries.
Saudi Arabia is hardly representative of most Muslim countries let alone most Muslims living in the West.
They can lobby for whatever the fuck they want, it's not gonna happen. Do you have any idea how deeply entrenched Western laws are towards that kind of thing? If you're gonna talk about Western culture of whatever then at least learn something about the laws you defend.
>you're stupid, you're wrong, and I'm gonna pretend that's a good enough argument so I don't have to come up with a real one
GG no re
Ain't even no fucking Saudis moving to the West.
Except for multicultural tolerance eschewing assimilation and promoting the parallel societies. The more Muslims in Germany the sooner Oktoberfest gets cancelled for good.
No we don't amerit*rd, now do back to rebbit.
>I said that the world has seen a huge wave of terrorism since the Iraq invasion and the forming of ISIS and the subsequent war of annexation
And it hasn't declined even a bit, in fact it actually increased.
>and that a lot of it is indeed tied to ISIS and the prospect of a Caliphate. And that very ISIS is on the way out. Expecting terrorism to remain at the same level when one of the demonstrably strongest motivations for recent terrorism is gone is nonsensical.
The Taliban controls 40% of Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda controls 33% of Yemen, Boko Haram and Al-Shabab also control similar degrees in Nigeria and Somalia. Fucking ISIS used to be a branch of Al-Qaeda but split off. ISIS been beaten in Syria and Iraq simply means that other groups will fill the vacuum like Al-Nusra. Shia groups like Hezbollah are also starting to rise too. ISIS getting kicked won't make all these groups give up on a Caliphate. Just like how the Taliban even after 16 years of warfare with America never gave up and refused the U.S puppet government in Afghanistan. The Taliban right now literally control more of Afghanistan than they did before America went to war with them. Don't even for an atom of a second think terrorism is gonna calm down just because ISIS have beaten.
where are you from, user?
Possibly, but does it matter when half of them are inbred and inherently low IQ?
Also, they're all going to be literally baked by climate change in the next several decades.
>2 million go on Hajj
>heat index of 130 degrees F
>tens of thousands dead
It doesn't promote illegal aspects of is, as far as I know. In the cases it does, it should be opposed, absolutely. I'm not for letting immigrants get a free pass on human/individual rights violations in any way.
>And it hasn't declined even a bit, in fact it actually increased.
ISIS hasn't been defeated yet. I'm saying they're in the process of being defeated, and then things'll change. And if we're talking about those other groups, then, well, they haven't targeted the West in any notable extent so far, as far as I known. Maybe they will start, but I want to see that happen first. Or maybe I've just missed those instances, in which case I'll of course reconsider if you can provide some examples.
>muh moral decay!
>proceeds to fuck cousin
>proceeds to fuck cousin
Oh, yes. I forget to include that in the things the West tolerates. I wonder when we will start seeing Incest pride parades.
Litteraly nothing wrong with that.
>b-but it double the risks of deformations!!
So does having kids with a 35 yo woman, the risks are still pretty low anyways.
>Do you have any idea how deeply entrenched Western laws
Don't delude yourself mate. The age of consent in most Western countries has been 12 until the 21th century. The Founding Fathers were a bunch of ambitious rich slave owners who realized that the central government that ruled over them was an ocean away, they didn't believe in ''Freedom'' or ''Egalitarianism'', or any of that nonsense you cherish. They literally banned immigration to anyone who wasn't a free Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Western morality and ethics today are the exception, not the norm or universal in any way shape or form.
Charles Darwin married his cousin.
desu shia islam is preferable over sunni islam
>declining birthrate
>bad thing
Onwards to the future of gigantic overpopulation
Shia is ok, but sunni islam is closer to tye will of God i think.
They are not very different anyways.
I guess it's because in a way I see certain Shiite rites/thingies as almost parallel to catholic, more at home if you will.
That's because atheism is inherently self-destructive so there is less of an urge to reproduce.
Why exactly we arent killing africans?