How do we start our own coin?

How do we start our own coin?

Biz coin

I mean not a shit one.

haah uh haah uh haah uh WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF

If you're asking you're not qualified.

Cuck Coin.

What happened to that Veeky Forums coin, ive been so invested in Neo that I havent seen anyone shilling for it anymore for weeks now?

If it wasn't shit it would be worth more wouldn't it you low test smegma hodling faggot.

we already hadone

looking for Chancoin?


Oh yeah it's from Veeky Forums so it should be called Chancoin and have the Veeky Forums logo xD how creative


There's also a Veeky Forums extension that lets you tip posters with chancoin, so the devs are hoping to make it bigger here

We were considering changing the name to clovercoin, but thought it'd be a bit late for that

Also, chancoin is way higher than dogecoin, so it's not entirely shit

>fork BTC
>change the name in a few places
>change the logo

Welcome to every Veeky Forumscoin that wasn't just a waves token


U can go on tje waves platform and make one u stupid nigger

git clone bitcoin

Chan coin is a complete scam never buy it. Deva are a bunch off assholes to. They will dump on you to get more BTC.

it all begins with a sharpie in the pooper

I've never bought a single chancoin, but i still have 1600 of them.
The devs do giveaways all the time

We did this like 20 times