NEO - What will be the next move?!

Hello fellow Veeky Forumsillionaires.
I made up some quick predictions about the next NEO moves. Place your bets - what are we aiming for today since BTC is fly high at ATH?!

here is my autistic art of ta.

the meme lines are definitely looking good and hype is still building.

plus if youre going to shill you should probably mention the abnormally high dividends neo is offering

>Be Neo bag holder
>Don't even know about dividends

you have to use their wallet that you download from their site.

i have ~850 neo and have been generating 1.5 gas per week for a couple weeks now

I predict a 0.021 moon



Look at volume and meme lines.
We're still going up. Fibonacci never lies.


Do you guys think the price will drop down to 20-30$?


When I transfer my neo from exchange should i transfer X.1 or just X.
ex: Sending 50 NEO from trex to wallet. Send 50.1?

Yeah. Bittrex rounds down to integers, and its fee is 0.1 NEO, so transfer 50.1.

t. did it yesterday for my 10 NEOs

>sfer my neo from exchange should i transfer X.1 or just X.
>ex: Sending 50 NEO from trex to wallet. Send 50.1?

you probably talk in a way nobody understands without even realizing it irl too

>NEO dipping against BTC
>BTC dipping against USD
Who /JUST/ here?

I tried protecting my gains by buying ETH.
Down by only 1% but still feel like a fool. It's not the first or second time this tactic fails me.

We are the neomarines

OP here.
Just a little update to keep this three alive.

Hopefully $100, but I sold a little, because I don't like more than 50% of my portfolio being in 1 coin.

Used to be 30% but then it mooned, and not even my SAFEX and DNT could prevent it from getting to 60%.

No other reason to sell at all, we still going to the moon, bae

bagholders shouldn't concern themselves with breaking even but rather think of how many times their bag shall multiply

You said that @ $8, retard.

>neofag reading comprehension

Back to $20 and all 5 stages of grief.

Goes sub 30 briefly then shoots up like a fucking rocket

Game over, man. Game over!


>Back to $20
you wish

Don't we all? Made heaps off this coin. And I got in on the June all-time-high like a dumbass

Hahaha...haha... nobody would actually invest a bunch of money into a stupid Chinese ant...
