Try to rebut this Veeky Forums
Pro tip: You can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wong board retard
>let hitler is not history. Le hitler is politically incorrect!
Pick one
You posted a plain bait video with a baity thread description to go along with it.
What kind of person desiring to discuss hitler's persona starts a thread with:
>Try to rebut this Veeky Forums
>Pro tip: You can't.
Just fuck off and stop shitting up the board, /pol/ exists for a reason so low IQ beta males like you can gather and dribble from your chins in privacy.
>low iq
>uses the word "beta male"
Pick one
Is it too hard for your monkey nut brain to argue without using Veeky Forums references ? God, you're a certified dumbass.
You're using the 'pick one' meme wrong.
>its a "stormfag post a video of one of hitlers speeches but with emotional music from some super hero movie dubbed over it in order to make it more emotional and uses this cheap appeal to emotion as if it means anything" episode
Its interesting how stormfags treat speeches as if they are these historical documents or something
Dude has the same intelligence as a plank of wood lol
Discussing Hitler in his historical context is history, discussing the validity of his opinions is politics.
>speeches have no relevance in history
Leddit logic everyone
Do you even know how to use "pick one"?
He fell for the bait
>claims to have high iq
>uses words like "beta male" unironically
>realz over feelz amiright
>omg look at this emotional hitler speech, I love totalitarian genocidal regimes now
>I was pretending to be retarded
>I fell for a bait knowing he was pretending to be retarded
Who's the retard again?
>speeches that convey and form of emotions is invalid
Time to go back leftypol
>imaginary quotes
>pretending that everyone that isn't a literal stormfag is from some obscure board /pol/ uses as scapegoat
Seriously, back to your containment board already.
>>pretending that everyone that isn't a literal jew/Anglo/commieboofag is from some obscure board /leftypol/ uses as scapegoat
>self projecting this hard
But I didn't pretend that in any way. Fucking hell /pol/tards are fucking braindead.
There you are doing it again
>I dindu nuffin
ebin, upboated XDDD
why dfo anit white SJWs want a safespace?
you´re right! germans arent allowed to watch this
why do anti white SJWs want a safespace?
aww, is the puny anti white cuck triggered?
The shill has arrived.
>anyone who isn't an SJW is a shill
kill yourself, leftypol
>video claims Hitler was fighting against New World Order
>Nazi plans for the "remodeling" of Europe was literally called the "New Order"
Really fires up those electrically excitable cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals.