McGregor vs Mayweather

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bet all your life savings on mcgregor, if you win you're going to have a lot more life savings

sell concessions at the fight

all in on the leprechaun

[spoiler] STOX [/spoiler]

Buy STOX now & dump it the day of the fight. Textbook gains


Wagerr is now taking bets on the Fight of the Century!
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fucking buy stox

also bet on mayweather


by shilling about it on a pakistani cotton-farming site.

no ones betting on Mayweather to win the fight. The point of gambling is to win money

t. babbie who wasnt even alive for the manny "fight"

Go to Vegas and give queuing punters 10 dollar blowjobs.

I literally just made a thread about this lol.

$10-$25 by the 26th.

They'll be on other exchanges a week prior to the fight to boost sales. will also be the 1st prediction for its platform regarding the fight.

ALOT to look forward to this coming week.

I wouldn't doubt if it doesn't hit $3 by the end of today.

Just drop a grand on Mayweather. Don't let you're greed and the rush of long odds get in your way, and get the easiest 200 bucks you'll ever make.

What if you started with 1k and had always bet on mayweather and reinvested every time over? Would you be richer than mayweather?



first 4 McGregor, after that he will gas out. So Mayweather for the rest.

surprised nobody has said the most obvious

>bet 880k on mayweather

It's a boxing match with one boxer. You take it from there

Bet on McGregor going the distance

alright seen as you people are just too honest for your own good, please dont do either of these, dont be a scumbag

> sell fake tickets for the fight
>run fake competition for a fight ticket+package online that nobody wins

He's only good for scoring points.
He will get KOTFO.
t. watched (part of) the match with the chink (fell asleep for the end)

all in(or go small if you're a pussy) Macgregor and hope that Mayweather throws because of his money problems

>I'm going to bet on the guy with no boxing experience professionally instead of the literal undefeated boxer

This is why retards spam wojak memes all day

thats a shit bet. There is a good chance Floyd will KO/TKO Conor cause he has superior cardio for a boxing match and his punches are not be underestimated when Conor is gassed af and cant defend himself properly anymore...

conor wont be able to defend himself properly round 1

Floyd is a pillowfist, his last real KO is against Hatton, 7 years ago.
McGregor is young, he have a pretty good chin and his one and only hope is a lucky punch, Mayweather know that.

*10 years ago

he will. his boxing is not as shit as every boxing cuck wants you to beleive. If he doesnt get that improbable KO by round 5-6 he is in fucksville though and floyd will obliterate him.

i can only go by what ive seen of him boxing on youtube, he looks awful.

Yeah his last 20 fights were all world class boxers though that trained all their life for this particular sport.
Also boxers have way harder punches than mixed martial artists. Bisping and other UFC athletes have talked about this.
Im not saying its absolutely impossible that this will go 12 rounds but imo its a shit bet cause there is a very good possibility it will end in a KO/TKO

Bet on the guy who has actual boxing experience.

look i hate illiterate nogs as much as the next guy but hes gonna run circles around conor more than he did with manny

could have had a juicy middle when the fight was announced.
now its too late

>looks like zuckercuck
can't get the image out of my head, regardless of tits

Buy stox, sell on the day of the fight for 10x.

Wait a few more days when casuals start putting money in mcgoobs. Then go all in on mayweather the day of fight. It seems to me that mcgregors camp is banking on a gimmick punch to knockout floyd. Any the ring anything can happen but its stupid to think mcgregor is going to ko floyd when mcgoobs obly has 2 kos in the ufc. Even if he managed to knock him down, mcgregor needs to do that again another 2 times in the same round in order for the ref to stop it. This is box and you can bet your asses that floyd will recoeve the slowest 10 count in history. Smart money is floyd by tko(ref stoppage) in thw middle to later rounds.

Bet 1000 dollars on Mayweather, make 20% return tax free in less than an hour. Wow that's not winning!

Or: buy Stox when everyone is dumping during the fight.
Don't follow the masses.

nice, just put 100k on mcgregor

mayweather ko/tko is the bet to make
mcgregor's cardio is trash, he gassed in both diaz fights
if you think he can last 36 minutes in a professional boxing ring you're delusional

why? it has no value besides the Mayweather hype. it's a complete vaporware.

True, and now where can i place bets?

>Mayweather hype
They will continue to advertise it in the future...
This is just the first fight they're sponsoring. Have some foresight, for goodness sake.

>Veeky Forums in charge of martial arts knowledge
do you know how fucking exhausting it is to grapple?

>gassed after 1 round of standup in first fight
>gassed after 2 rounds of standup in 2nd fight

fucking lmao delusional conor stans

lol /pol/ will be so butthurt and this memer will be crushed

Is this shitcoin a good investment?
I have only 90 dollars and I will buy 30 dollars worth of STX.
Will I make some money to buy some good food?

this is a boxing match. Need I remind you how he lost to Nate Diaz?

boxing is fundametally a sport where "one shot" can change a fight. and people who dont know any better think that a guy will land "one shot" thus it depends on how many people can be convinced of it.

this is why the "would you fight mike tyson" question exists, or why random drunk guys see a boxing/mma pro and try to fight them. because of "that shot" - meanwhile you wouldnt play federer at tennis or swim against phelps. but those are just as hard, its just that anyone can throw a punch.

add the "one shot" dynamic to the "its an individual sport so someone can jsut throw the fight" and you get yourself a mighty good argument that the large underdog can win.

so wait til the hype pushes the line to somewhere you feel comfortable, and then something like mayweather -400 or 1/4 or whatever you use, and you'll get a decent return to invest in your magic coins