Trader who called the btc top here...

trader who called the btc top here. expect a rebound from "buy the dip" idiots then a big crash at 9:00 am new york time.

we are looking at sub $3000, with the vast majority of the losses taking place today. again there's a rebound coming up but don't fall for it.

as for a position, i'm long on eth/btc. eth is going to randomly swing +20% in a single day, like it always does, so don't miss that.

This is a much more complex prediction than simply calling the top.

Got any TA to back all this up?

can you please provide some information?

if it were you then you would post in your thread to confirm your ID, so gtfo faggot.

There is always a dead cat bounce after a hard dip, every single time in every single market.
Play it safe and wait for mid $2000's at least.

Isnt whats bad for the King bad for its peasants too? If anything you make me want to trade my shitcoins back to btc

it's literally the same thing that happened in June when it peaked

good fuck bitcoin
bitcoin cash you fucking niggers


Thanks broo, godspeed

i'll let OMSIEgo moon first (double bottom formed) and then ill head to eth....see you out west

I believe it. Thank you for the info, sir.

>muh TA

It's already recovering fast...thanks for the cheap BTC dumb fucks.

fundamentals, actually. technicals are mostly a joke but i use them occasionally to show a trend.

btc topped. some people still believe in $4800 so they will get wrecked when everyone else wakes up to sub $4000 panic which should happen in about 2.5 hours. a rebound before that is obvious, dont need meme triangles to predict that.

eth is the obvious goto coin with a hard fork coming in less than a month and hard fork == bankloot to normies. the actual tech in the hardfork is copypaste from zcash (same dev) to make anonymous transactions.

the +20% eth rise is mostly a retrace from the panic over the last few days causing sub 300 eth.

That's wishful thinking. If I set my orders that low, I seriously doubt they will hit.

should I be going to ETH then fiat or another ALT?

this dude is what is causing the retrace. btc maximalists will hold btc no matter what. like the goldbugs posting about 0s and 1s being worthless on other trading sites

no asset rises forever without a correction and crypto corrections historically have been 60% retraces

saved. These doom and gloom panicers repeat themselves every few weeks.
Why on earth would this 'crash' be like the 2013 one and not the more recent Mid June crash.
The 3% drop oh the horror!!!!

> eth is going to randomly swing +20% in a single day, like it always does, so don't miss that.

What do you mean by "don't miss that". As in don't miss the opportunity to buy into eth?

eth till $350 then back into bitcoin probably. remember the goal is to spend crypto on stuff, not sell for fiat. personally i never touch fiat due to taxes

>because there is never a dead fag bounce.

tldr: buy the dip

yes eth isnt going to go to $1000 each or anything silly. itll go to like $350 because of the hard fork fomo. buy now, sell when btc bottoms out for some free btc.

My main point of curiosity concerns how you arrived at your target for the floor level price -- sub 3k. You don't think there's any support until then?

Also, if technicals are joke then how did you call the top?

>personally i never touch fiat due to taxes

man unless you manage to trade anonymously, you dont know what youre talking about and feigning ignorance wont save you from the penalty. also going back into ETH after a 60x gains since november 2016 when no coin has been able to hold 10x in a 12 month period... you are going to be one pink wojak

Noob here just watching this board and learning up on crypto.
What is wrong with selling your BTC now and re-buying the dip if you're happy to sit on it?

Is this bizarro world? Most coins still red, but SIA, RDD anddddd DGB are green by 10% lol

based on historical data from various alts and btc itself tho realize gox was an exception and no crashes are going to be that bad again

sub $3000. easy. historically retraces are 60% and that would put btc at a $2000 floor but im actually bullish on btc right now even while its crashing. i see a rebound at like $2800.

That's exactly what people do who think that they are smart enough to time the market.

True day trading skill comes from the ability to accurately assess optimal exit and re-entry points, and most people utterly fail at it.

solid autism post but 1.) no TA here and 2.) this rally had nearly everyone surprised. I took profits early and bought in again at 3.3 once I realized it was going to hit 4k. Sold all at 4.4k

Thanks, user. This is actually my first night ever buying crypto. One hell of a night to start.

I will definitely agree that 2800$ is a huge support zone, but I also see some minor support between 3200 and 3600. We will see though, the day is young.

meant to reply to

there will be support sure. how much support did eth break crashing from 420? what about the flippening? or ltc, what about being better than btc in every way?

at the end of the day, crypto always retraces down 60% because thats roughly how much leverage people have (2.5-3x). bubbles are caused by credit/loans. support levels don't mean shit when people get liquidated

Eth will dip now to around 277
Btw will dip now to around 3783

After this
Eth will pump to around 360
Btc will pump to around 4800

After that everything is possible between big dip and horizontal movement

I advise to buy in now gradually at multiple lvls, then let it run to 360 and 4800

fuck that queer shit, got my 1.5 btc x8 leveraged short open on btc @4220

Already can close for a fucken incredible gain, dont listen to this grandpa advice, high leverage is the only true way to quick gains.

eth crashed from $420 to sub $300.
why won't btc crash from $4200 to sub $3000? also eth/btc ratio is going to trend towards 0.1 because of metropolis

what wallet should i use and what guide should i read if i want to get into btc????

Because BTC wants your tendies.

Yes quick gains and big losses when you lose your discipline or temper


this (((id)))

No its different, this big move and the first big move are linked together to form an even bigger move (timescale wise). The next big dip can be pretty big but not as big as the one in july. But the dip after that one will be big.


Youre not wrong, but this is semi-educated gambling

Well BTC is going up, and ETH/BTC is crashing again so. I think the whales are always going to try and do what the least number of people are expecting. They got it down to a science.

>Buy my dumb shitcoin instead

op here, 1 hour 10 minutes till the rebound is over. predictions on point so far

but if btc is going undr wouldn't it be better to sit in FIAT then buy then bottom?

how high will rebound be?

no, the advice i give is not for trading hourly. its a one trade a day sort of thing. if you do more than that the bots and fees rape you.

1 hour 6 minutes until the crash of all crashes. rebound won't pass 4200.

i figure support at 3600 today, with the crash going on with small rebounds for a week as the eth/btc ratio approaches 0.8

0.1 is targeted for September

sub $4200, its not going to be a sharp peak but float just under for a bit till more people realize the trend and bail

>eth is going to randomly swing +20% in a single day
Any reasoning on that? Every time BTC has tanked it has taken everything including ETH with it.

eth is going to randomly spike 20% in a day. when you see that 20% rise, sell and buy btc. usd is ok if you want no extra profits but extra safety


Eth hf? Bring me up to speed

yes, eth gets a hard fork in september. sometime soon there will be an announcement (its already been discussed in the dev meetings) on the exact date and on the announcement you will gain 20%. eth already lost a fuckton of value so the buy in is about now

user, I-i....

What's up with that role playing recently.

wait 56 minutes and see then
im making verifiable claims backed by public info

Good boy, ill be back in 56 min to laugh some more

my exact prediction is that btc will rise to just below $4200, within an hour, crash hard, at which point eth/btc ratio will begin to approach 0.08. need to see what eth does short term to call further out.

its literally just an hour so wait, then call bullshit but all my predictions so far over the last few days have been spot on

When btc crashes in this coming 9am mega crash of epic proportions neo will go to 100$

>trader who called the btc top here

And also a million times before. You're an idiot.

I'm screencapping this OP for future laughs.

You guys seem pretty spicy.

Nice one, just 43 minutes till we can laugh at OP for being a faggot

do you think it would be smart to go all in neo now?

dont think you are an idiot. you have some valid points here. if the market will do what you predict is - yeah up to the market. wish you best of luck

isn't that just a chinese eth ripoff? if it goes south you'll be stuck with the bags for weeks posting wojaks. too risky imo, i like steady guaranteed gains.

So why are you skeptical of the $4800 price target goldman sachs predicted yesterday?

dont trust the jews. they want to crash the market so they can buy more bitcoin

yes you're right, just buy cheap btc after the correction

because they made a dozen predictions by a dozen different people and historically they've done this to make 11 wrong predictions, 1 correct one, and then brag about that 1 correct one.

also $4400 was clearly the ceiling when it attempted and failed to hit $4500 about 5 times then started down treading.

here are my technicals. misses $4200, and notice how the arcs look like they're about to break support within the hour

I agree BTC is going down but don't see how you think ETH is going to gain of even maintain value as hundreds of millions are removed from crypto as people sell for fiat.

network upgrade in september

biggest alt about to become anonymous (ie no more tax man) and about to have less inflation than btc

people are THIRSTY for gains after losing a ton from shit coins, and with btc on the downtrend and eth at historic lows with an upgrade coming, and the fact that network upgrades have ALWAYS led to sharp price increases....

at the very least, we'll see a 20% rise in eth price when an official release date is announced. i don't see it dropping more than 5%-10% against usd short term anyway, but against btc it's clearly trending towards 0.08

30 min till sides go into orbit

When you buying back in? Do I need much more TA than Bollinger bands and RSI?

op here, 25 minutes actually

So when will be the best time to buy ETH?

>biggest alt about to become anonymous


fuck off ethtard. you're shitcoin won't be doing jack. BTC going back to $5k while ETH shits itself and you get margin called.

How long do you predict eth to stay low? I'll jump on btc when it's around 3200 but I'll need time to get fiat on my exchange

It'll fall for days, getting back in will be easy if you use big bars.

Long term trend. Shilled tether because I thought it would bounce off top red. Feels bad man

maybe putting something in iota?

15 min

the dev from zcash has implemented anonymous transactions on eth that hide your output addresses, optionally. one transaction and all your eth is off the radar.

this update, along with many others (including allowing people to send to your address without a fee) are included in an update called metropolis that's finished and in testing at the moment. the official release date is going to be announced soon, but in the latest dev call they said sometime in early september

Where do you read latest developments for coins?

also, the issuance of ether is slowly being phased out. ultimately, there will be around 100 million total ether created and no more. this phasing out starts in september, and is basically eth's halving event.

>no taxes
>hard fork fomo
>other cool shit

a 20% rise is conservative

Well god damned this is BIG?? Or am I reading wrong into this?


they post their full dev meetings on youtube

Nah, I see no justification for it's current marketcap.

ok ;-)


I don't see the crash. Can we laugh at OP now?

It has been less than 5 minutes and we already have the start of a red candle, relax, your BTC will fall soon.

I was already laughing

What a cuck. OP left the thread.

Looks like it's going to stabilise around $4100, maybe it will swing around that for the rest of the day, then tomorrow will begin to climb again. A typical -2.5% correction.

OP was trying to make you sell your BTCs cheap.

Heyyyy look it's 9 o clock and nothing happened. OP is a larping faggot what else is new?