What are your thoughts on the medieval hanseatic league?
The Hanseatic League
Least favorite start date. All the could shits already happened and there's only a few hundred years left.
Only time Plattduutsch/low german was actually relevant
Judging by the name of it, it was supposedly lead by Hans.
Very good at trolling danes.
*blocks your path*
Wat nun Ältermann?
Wat nun Störtebecker?
baltic jews
>Germans are peaceful and trade
>Germans are militaristic
What would you like to have, then?
Great lads, wish we had a northern-central European trading block even now.
Best start date is earliest tbqfh
You want the HRE? Cause that's who built it, if that's the arch in Lybeck.
Lübeck was a member of the Hanseatic League at the time, and the city built it, not some imperial entity.
Was it? I remember reading about the HRE on the structure it self.
If I remember correctly Lübeck was atleast for a time the most important city of the Hanse.
German Jews
I just checked Wikipedia, it says the city improved the city walls because it became more wealthy through the Hanseatic League.
Lufthansa still bears the Hanseatic League's name
I love it.
>when the Hansa is the scale tipper in Swedish-Danish medieval power struggles
Anybody have good book recommendations for the Hanseatic League?
Hansa: History and Culture by Johannes Schildhauer
The new ships were their undoing, there was less need to make frequent stops at all the Hanseatic cities or use the Hamburg-Luebeck overland route.