>the Bohemian Grove that I attend from time to time... it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine
What did he mean by this?
>the Bohemian Grove that I attend from time to time... it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine
What did he mean by this?
It's not really a world-controlling cult, but rather a bunch of rich guys doing shitty fraternity hazing rituals.
>ywn relax with Jack London in the BG
> They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second
but what did he mean by this?
Bohemian Grove is really faggy though. Its made specifically for the San Frnscisco/Californian coast elites in the late 1800s and is mostly just cross dressing and theater type of shit.
This is exactly how I would expect some poor kid to react to entering this type of world.
Hello /pol/. Leaving soon?
If you're saying the American theater community isn't largely homosexual, you know nothing about theater or homosexuality. It's not a bad thing.
I've been told by people who work in that theater is literally full of faggots.
>getting this upset at someone using the word fag on Veeky Forums
Faggot detected
Imagine old dudes having massive gay sex orgies and worshipping moloch
Nixon grew up a farmer and wasn't into art. Same is true for most politicians, Nixon was just the most vocal about it.
he wanted a jew as his secretary of state
It's a extremely faggy
Hamilton was literally written by a gay Mexican with AIDs
Why do leftists want a safespace on Veeky Forums?
Nothing to do with politics and everything to do with being respectful and not an idiot that calls everything faggy, cucky etc.
Why was he so foul-mouthed?
Because he was in dubya dubya two.
He's saying that it's full of foppish elites doing weird hazing rituals. Nixon was a farmboy Quaker, he had no patience for that silly libertine shit.
"An ever-pullulating brood of greedy, needy, frivolous dilettanti-- as often as not foully licentious, utterly effeminate, incapable of any worthy achievement, but withal the polished exponents of high breeding and correct 'form'... Now and then a better man did emerge; but one just man is impotent to avert the doom of an intellectual Sodom... A pretty showing, indeed, these pampered minions and bepowdered poetasters might be expected to make."
Lol faggy homo kill yourself
>call others frivolous and effete
>proceed to use every 10 dollar word you can jam in
He meant that he felt ashamed that the republicans being grown men were role playing some stupid ancient cult bullshit when he just wanted to go to a party and talk politics.
Based Nixon.
The more I learn about Nixon, the more I like him.