Why do they hate each other?
Why do they hate each other?
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Geopolitics. A polity based in Anatolia will fight a polity based on the Iranian plateau because they both have defensible natural borders, but the land between them is easy to conquer and reconquer.
Iranians are butthurt that Turks and Turkics have been their ruling dynasties for 1.5 millennia
former subjects tend to hate their colonial masters
Never seen any iranian online or irl talk about turks we never think about them.
Turks on the other hand are obsessed with us for some unknown reason?
>Why do they hate each other?
Who doesn't hate Turks?
the k*rdish question
Idk about Iran but Turks seems to really hate Iran
can someone PLEASE redpill me... I hear mixed things about Iran, although compared to the other large middle eastern countries they seem to be more favorable.
I just wonder, had there been oil in Iran instead of say, Saudi Arabia, would the Middle East be better off?
No, we don't.
>oil in Iran instead of say, Saudi Arabia,
user, i...
Oh there's plenty of oil in Iran, the former Shah and king of Saudi Arabia were once friends and casually discussed oil dealings. What probably sets Iran from other middle eastern countries, aside from not being Arabic, is that it is in the American sphere of influence. The Islamic revolution during the 70's threw off the Shah who was more or less a western asset and replaced it with a theocratic-sequel Shia government. This has pretty much set Iran at odds with America and all it's Sunni allies like Saudi Arabia.
They have oil and they have Islamic laws as harsh KSA. Turkey is only relatively sane country in MENA.
Turks and Persians dont hate each other
Azeri Turks hate Iran/Persians though
>Turks and Turkics have been their ruling dynasties for 1.5 millennia
Persian elites were Indo-European, not Turkic or Turkish.
Your post makes no sense.
>Turkics have been ruling for 1.5 millennia
Butt hurt fake Turks can't deal with the fact they're Persians turkified
No, we don't?
Turks hate everybody.
It really doesn't go past internet shit-posting. The border between the 2 countries has been stable for centuries; Turkish culture borrowed a shitload from Persian culture; even today, despite the two being on opposing sides in the Syrian civil war, trade remains at an all time high.
it's a meme
nobody hates iran here other than hardcore
braindead islamists which is somehow still a minority
wtf you talking about
turks literally don't care about anybody to hate them
everyone hates turks because they're the only non-europeans to never succumb to europe and that's problematic for europeans
They don't. Turkey and Iran have relatively cordial relations.
Iran might be a theocracy but they're not nearly as insane as the KSA. Under their interpretation of the Sharia their women are legally equal to the men. Not to mention they have a semblance of modern state institutions unlike KSA which is still a tribal monarchy.
You lost WWI, you therefore succumbed to Europe. Not too mention the Russian wars which the Ottomans frequently lost.
I see lots of Turk shitposting on /int/ like then again it probably just Veeky Forums
Not him.. but Severes would be pretty harsh on Turks but based Ataturk put a end to that. In the end the Turks didn't lose much Turkish majority land and even gained a lot of land for their nationality. now compare this to the treatment Hungarians got in Trianon or how hard the Arabs got cucked
Because the Turks are basically Anatolians
>hardcore braindead islamists
>hating post 1979 iran
>Under their interpretation of the Sharia their women are legally equal to the men.
Post proofs. I highly doubt this is true. I know in Iranian court you need multiple female witnesses (forgot the exact number) to equal 1 male witness.
lost ww1, then kicked europeans back like it never happened, therefore never colonized
Timely reminder to repost this great piece of work: redmoonrising.com
>got raped by Russians
>got raped by the English
>thinks countering Greeks post-WWI equates to "kicking Europe's ass"
>got raped by russians
literally when
>got raped by english
literally where
don't give me meme answers you balkanigger
>literally when
Literally almost ever war.
>literally where
Everywhere sans Gallipolli, Memet.
Try harder, roach.
Tbh from both personal and online experiences I unironically believe pic related
There's a reason why the world hates Turks.
Stop projecting. Not everyone is a butthurt autist.
"There's a reason why small penis white men hate Turks"
You don't have to be a autist to dislike Turks, berkay. Most people dislike you.
Bringing up cocks unprompted, like a typical filthy, faggot turk.
>everyone hates turks because they're the only non-europeans to never succumb to europe and that's problematic for europeans
Do you think all europeans through history were stereotypical hicks who "don't like em brown folks" just because? Read more history books.
Hello cockroach. I see you are already under the guise of using the Turkic shitposting defense tactic #1, projection and homosexuality.
>Most people dislike you.
No, they don't.
Why are you so assblasted?
t. Igor Igotatinypenisov
>Western Europe dislikes Turks because they're shit immigrants, and because they riot on their streets
>Greece dislikes Turks for invading and occupying Cyprus
>Balkans dislike Turks because of the Ottoman Empire
>Russia dislikes Turks for shooting down their plane
>China dislikes Turks because the Turkmen in Xianjang keep rebelling against the government and/or stabbing people
>Israel and Egypt dislike Turks for supporting Hamas
>Iraq and Syria dislike Turks for supporting ISIS
Frankly, Erdogan has done a poor job of making friends and influencing people.
>w-we don't care if you don't like us!
Hence why you changed your alphabet to be more like us. Because you don't care. Typical response of a resentful failure - 'I never cared anyway!'
>everyone hates turks because they're the only non-europeans to never succumb to europe
That's what Turks think of themselves, and it gels with their disgustingly arrogant, laughable chauvinism.
You did 'succumb to Europe' anyway, we hollowed you out and used you like a puppet because you were too feeble an imperialist power to properly contend with Russia.
That's it. You act like Turks have ever been an oppressed people, just because they are non-European, that's partly why people who know this stuff really hate you.
Yes, they do. See? I can do that too!
Nobody likes Turkey, and whoever has strong feelings about it probably has negative feelings.
Turks get asspained about their well earned terrible image, so they pretend they don't care and never have, and use it as another reason to puff their little chests out and act cocky.
I've met Turkish freshers who got incredibly pissy the moment I mentioned Syria, and these faggots lived in Sweden.
You are the worst jingos in Eurasia and you pretend that everyone else is the problem.
That's why nobody likes you.
Turks are decent as long as you don't bring up politics. Even the most open and secular Turks start autisically spazzing out at Armenia genocide or Ottoman brutality.
Name me one Empire who wasn't brutal at some point
The problem isn't that they did bad shit, it's that they continue to do bad shit, and continue to lie about the bad shit they did in the past.
So why do you think your sources are true but Turkish testimonies are lies by default?
we didn't change the alphabet to more like you fucking retards who have no knowledge of history other than eu4
arabic alphabet is not suited to turkish, that's why
in the end, the very base of turkish hatred is we never gave in
I've been all over Turkey, people don't hate outsiders compared to outsiders' hate towards us
That's why ever kind of refugee could find a home here