How many of you ponzi scheme jokers don't even have a degree?

How many of you ponzi scheme jokers don't even have a degree?

You can't keep making money out of nothing. You're in a niche market that will never hit the mainstream, because people will never trust fake money backed by nobody. You're only buying and selling from your fellow neckbeard autists, and there's a hard cap on that population.

Get out and get an education and a real job. Contribute to society.

>Contribute to society.




>because people will never trust fake money
I have bad news for you OP

>Being a slave to jews
I rather die

I mean Goldman Sachs is paying analysts just to follow and comment on BTC price, the price is also in a bunch of newspapers and normie news channels. It's not secret neet money like it was 7 years ago.

>contribute to society
I'm taking money away from idiots and neckbeards. That's a net positive.

"Purchasing power" is a meme.
My phone would have cost billions ten years ago.

>"Purchasing power" is a meme.
Retard detected. Your lack of education doesn't make a basic economic concept a meme.

I'm a middle school dropout and I make more money than you ever will

t. kike mad that goyum are getting to play kike games like printing free money and not paying taxes

>How many of you ponzi scheme jokers don't even have a degree?

>You can't keep making money out of nothing. You're in a niche market that will never hit the mainstream, because people will never trust fake money backed by nobody. You're only buying and selling from your fellow neckbeard autists, and there's a hard cap on that population.

>Get out and get an education and a real job. Contribute to society.

Implying a degree actually makes you smarter.
Top kek.

the jealousy of nocoiners never ceases to amaze me.

It does.

Studying for four years makes you more informed on your field of choice, being able to complete it in the first place shows you are part of a group that is more intelligent on average than the general population.

A non-shit degree literally makes you smarter, not just more informed. It shows you new methods of reasoning and problem solving that you can apply to anything.

t. CS/Economics double major.

It's like being a crypto twitch slut. I dig it.

>implying neckbeards cant reproduce
>tfw true

>making money
Speaking of making money, is there any way to actually gain something when everuthing is crashing like today?

YOU WILL (and alone)

>ponzi scheme

Obviously you didn't go to school because you don't even know what a ponzi scheme is

>four years

back to bebbit ya go
I'll be studying contracts

didn't econ teach you to cut the fat

also genetics makes me smarter
jd makes me sharper

>have degree
>have job
>still shitpost and get rich with cryptos

u mad OP?
yeah u mad

>he doesn't know what inflation means
you uneducated spacker

I am almost done my degree and I work a well paying job on the side. I am here to participate in the newest technological frontier, and free myself from wage slavery.

>Contributing to society
No thanks, society doesn't deserve me.

>money backed up by nothing

>money backed up by government

Notice the rising distrust of governments around the world, once the normies found whats going on.

Why doni even bother

You're seriously implying crypto currencies aren't a jewish scam
You for real?

>yet another buttblasted nocoiner

You say that like if it were a bad thing or something. I guess that is what scares gregarious sheep the most.

>the rising distrust of governments
Nice meaningless sophistry

>falling for higher education debt slavery

i have no degree, no debt and work from home making just over 100k. if i couldn't program i'd probably be a welder, electrician or mechanic because i'm not about to take out a 7 percent APR, un-defaultable loan to have a piece of paper that says I completed high school part 2

Inflation is estimated. What I'm saying is that those estimations are bullshit and shouldn't be taken seriously.

>contribute to society

You mean the same society where most people don't give a fuck about science and philosophy? The same society that's all about mass producing/selling pointless toys and trinkets at the expense of the planet's biosphere and the economic slavery of lower classes?

No thanks. By the way, accumulating society ponzi tokens (aka fiat) through trading, without actually 'contributing', feels even better knowing it trigger pointless tools like you.

>using the price of an electronic consumer good that benefits from huge gains in manufacturing technology to measure inflation

not sure if you're trolling or genuinely retarded

*keeps fedora on*

Epic meme, you got me good bra.

Not doing so is a fallacy.
Have cars doubled in price in 30 years or are they twice as good? For inflation it is radically the former. In my opinion a true measure would fall in the middle to the cheaper side. Everything has evolved even housing and potatos.

I have a degree in Lambo orders

suit yourself

cars are cheap because of refined manufacturing like automation.