why do SJWs want to turn Veeky Forums into a leftist safespace?
Why do SJWs want to turn Veeky Forums into a leftist safespace?
Other urls found in this thread:
control history, control the world
Reminder that this is a shill that makes the same threads and posts every day:
Reminder to sage and ignore.
Reminder that any attempt to engage the OP is futile and will get a reply saying "why do you want a safespace?".
its true though, you SJWs do want a safespace
Well the sad thing is that it's true, as evidenced by your response and those to come. The moment that an opinion (often times fact desu) comes into your realm to counter your leftist view point, you instantly start your autistic screeching and it's impossible to have any sort of meaningful discussion. Just look at all the threads on Africa. You idiot liberals derail it every time. Please just get off Veeky Forums and stick to reddit
Fuck off retard
why, does people exposing your shilling trigger you?
>why do people derail the thread that gets made 5 times a day
Gee I wonder
Why don't you try making a quality thread for once?
I said fuck off faggot
>this persecution complex
leftists are really pathetic
not your safespace, SJW
Don't care, fuck off faggot
why are you so triggered that someone know bout you leftypol shills?
Nope you're just a faggot. You and your buzzwords can eat shit.
there not buzzwords if its true, leftypol
Calling someone a faggot, how intolerant for a lefty.
This might actually be one of the laziest shitposts I think I've ever seen.
Fuck off faggot(s)
>Why do people derail a thread that is clearly not going to go anywhere, given that FIVE of them appear a day and none of them go anywhere
Gee I wonder
Give him a break, he does this every day for a living.
Oh look, you actually changed the pic you've been spamming here a little. Refreshing. But still not in any way topical.
If they don't go anywhere why do you care that they're getting derailed? Do you believe the pseudoscience that people post in those threads?
Veeky Forums is like both of them except we argue more with ourselves than we do with anyone on the outside. Just try to start an X appreciation thread. Veeky Forums will chimp out five posts in.
>Just look at all the threads on Africa. You idiot liberals derail it every time.
How is it possible for someone to be this delusional?
>threads about how right wing views being expressed is somehow "raiding" is fine
>but an organized raid by subhuman leftists is somehow off topic
The point is I don't care if they're getting derailed, but you obviously do, and continue starting the same thread to be derailed again instead of moving to do something new or just leaving. I get some enjoyment participating in it all, but you just seem to loathe it.
Are leftards look like shit because they are leftards or they are leftards because they look like shit?
Any claim that reddit is morally superior to Veeky Forums is delusional. Any medium in which the majority can outright silence the minority is beneath an unbiased system.
>nb4 your right wing antics can't fool antifa and the mighty left! Freedom of speech is evil! Especially if it protects unpopular opinions! Which is the only reason we're still around!