Why exactly is racism a bad thing? I understand it's unfair to institutionally discriminate but why am I not allowed to dislike blacks, Mexicans, Jews, anglos, etc...?
Why exactly is racism a bad thing...
Nothing wrong with that.
Everything is unfair.
There's no problem with disliking groups of people, since that's just your thoughts and it should be nobody's job to be the thought police.
The issue is that, often, thoughts turn into actions, and being rude to people just because they're a part of a denomination is wrong, because being a dick (in general) is often wrong. Having a sort of taboo against thinking racist thoughts is a sort of jury rigged solution to the problem - sure, it'll probably cut back on crime / dickery between the races, but it's not the ideal solution to the problem.
You can think whatever you want but when you act on those thoughts dont be surprised that those who disagree with you act on their thoughts
Well depending if you are from the United States, no one is going to arrest you for shouting racial slurs or being a racist. It's inciting violence is what people hate about "racists" in general. Its your opinion if you want to hate other groups of people, and as the previous poster just stated its the actions that you do is why people think racism is a bad thing. Don't be dick in real life.
Socially accepted racism leads to violent consequences. People's individual beliefs are given power when they come into contact with the mob, a situation that isn't too uncommon. In that case, it's best to be avoided.
People are allowed to discriminate on the basis of everything, attractiveness, height, money demeanor when choosing who to associate with except for ethnicity or race, suddenly it's a massive faux pas, white women especially get brow beaten when they say they don't find black guys attractive, it's massive bullshit.
>it's massive bullshit
I don't see what's so upsetting about this. You're both equally entitled to be discriminating in your personal interactions. You're perfectly entitled to discriminate in your personal life based on ethnicity or race. They're perfectly entitled to discriminate in their personal lives based on their beliefs.
You're under no obligation to associate with anyone and nobody is under any obligation to associate with you.
Being racist is like being a pedophile. If you can control yourself and not act out of your irrational desires then that's fine. Basically keep it in your head but don't ever act on it unless you are willing to take responsibilities for the repercussions. But given human nature, this will eventually be acted out on by someone or some people.
Listen you cuck, Europe is getting raped right now. We don't have time for singing kumbaya and holding hands with mudslimes and being multiculturalists. We're at war snowflakes, so go back to your safespace. And call me a /pol/tard I care not cuck. Racism is rational when your country and your cultures are under attack.
>Listen you cuck, Europe is getting raped right now.
What can I tell you man, you reap what you sow. That's just life.
Funnily enough racism is only a bad thing in in rich countrys or countrys where the populations has many races or nationalitys (see:Russia and all of South America)If you go to poor as fuck countrys they tell you the German who recently moved here can fuck off back to Africa or wherever he comes from. Not everywhere but in most poor states,
The problem with this approach and what most liberals won't admit because it ironically proves the right correct is that this assumes that everyone is equal when they aren't. Whites have an inherent advantage when it comes to pretty much everything so it's not fair to say "let just everyone be racist who cares" because racist blacks don't really cause any harm whereas racist whites have significant influence.
Not him, but I'm not European and I'd like to see both Yuropoors and Jews get fucked up. You deserve it.
>and Jews
Ni**a they are slaughtering you in the middle east and have control of most Companys in the world. If anything they will move muslims to europe while expanding Israel.
I agree with what you're saying but I don't see how it proves the right correct. You just described the concept of priveledge (why peepo got it easier) and said liberals won't admit it
>We're at war
Most boring war I've ever read about.
>Assist the US in destabilizing the Middle East
>Complain when victims of that destabilization show up on your shores
Really activated my almonds.
Disliking people for no reason is not a good way to be happy.
>Listen you cuck, Europe is getting raped
This. I was racist in my past and when I looked back on it I realized all it did was serve to bring me down.