Would Hitler and the National Socialists be given free helicopter rides by this guy?
Would Hitler and the National Socialists be given free helicopter rides by this guy?
they're no different from leftists
I had a friend tell me that he hired escaped Nazis for his regime.
Meant for
If the nazis opposed Pinochet he would had them killed, if not they would have been accepted. For some reason people seem to forget that Pinochet was not an ideologue. He supported capitalism because of realpolitik.
this is such a uniquely stupid comment that it can piss off any part of the political spectrum
they weren't communists or their shock troops
Yes, they were collectivists and opposed free markets and individualism
>copyright rexcurry.net
You can't copyright historical facts, Rex.
You still didn't refute him
no because they weren't socialists and they killed those wanted to be (i.e. Strasser). Please look this up before posting this stillborn meme ever again
>20 million
Where do the Jews even get these numbers? Are they blaming Hitler for every death in WWII?
>they're no different from leftists
Lemme guess.
You're American.
If you add up everyone that the Germans killed, 20 million sounds about right. Why not blame Hitler?
Hitler already destroyed the socialist part of the movement in 1934 when he allied himself with the bankers and conservative elites. After that the regime was "socialist" in name only.
Hitler already did the work of Pinochet during the Night of the Long Knifes.
>allied himself with the bankers and conservative elites
The Shrirer lies continue to stay afloat. Even he had access to documentary that proves otherwise. Just a question: did Uljanov do the same thing in your opinion, especially regarding industrialists and bankers?
>After that the regime was "socialist" in name only.
You are right that Röhm was one of the more mouthful socialists in the party, but what exactly changed in reality after that event? The mainstay of socialism, both Russian and German: concentration camps, *insert year here* year plan, which purpose was rapid armament, nationalisation of heavy industry and pervasive security organs, all which went as before after the Night of long knives. There was no large collectivization of the agriculture in Germany and that remains the only large realsocialist difference between the two.
Or weren't they socialist in Russia either? No Real Scotsman, right?
>"socialist" in name only.
Let's talk about "private enterprise" and public works in Nazi Germany...
>Uljanov do the same thing in your opinion, especially regarding industrialists and bankers?
Uh, I would say probably not but I don't even get what you're trying to say.
>no large collectivization of the agriculture in Germany
That's actually a very important issue, especially when you have the Junkers owning a large surface of the agricultural land in Eastern Germany. A more socialists regime would have been a threat to that.
The alliance with the Hitler meant that they would keep their wealth. There was no large scale redistribution of land.
Industry was formally nationalized but not to the degree it was in the Soviet Union, with the industrialist keeping much of their power.
>public works are exclusively a "Socialist" thing
American detected
Last part meant for
Did Uljanov allie with industrials and bankers? Because there is absolutely no difference between him and Hitler how he 'allied' with them: with bayonets, with no option whatsoever given by the new rulers.
>Industry was formally nationalized but not to the degree it was in the Soviet Union, with the industrialist keeping much of their power.
They didn't keep any power. The Party - i.e. Hitler - told what was to be manufactured and what was to be payed for the product. Only power they kept was the grassroot level of manufacture, but not even the hiring was on their hands.
The agriculture is or was not a very large issue in Germany: the population wasn't 80% communal peasants like in Russia, but that real 'proletariat'. The Junkers 'power' had diminished to a very low level right after Bismarck and to zero during Weimar republic.
And maybe you should take a look what was the output level of that Eastern 'farmland' before the Great War, during Weimar and finally during the Third Reich.
And really: what is the big objective of trying to differentiate Russian Communism and German National Socialism, when their negative aspects were identical, only just much larger with the former? In theory international was replaced by national, but in reality even that turned into Great Russian nationalism during Dzugasvili era.
I understand the need to differentiate Italian Fascism from German National Socialism and Russian Communism, because the former didn't engage in mass repression or genocide or destruction of core society (but actually connecting the link between Catholic and Italian - something thought impossible by previous liberal rulers).
>poor industrialist, they were forced by the regime and oppressed just like in the Soviet Union
>Italian Fascism
>didn't engage in mass repression or genocide
So, the Great War was 'mass repression' and 'genocide', because poison gas was used? Yes, Italy did engage in atrocities and maybe even war crimes in the Ethiopian adventure.
From March on Rome to 1926, provincial Blackshirts and Socialists beat and killed each other in 'street' fights in pretty much equal numbers - a situation which Mussolini tried and eventually succeed in diffusing (the provincial ras were largely out of his control, to whom Fascism seem to have meant largely street thuggery).
There was no 'red terror' or 'brown terror' in Italy done by security organs and there was no genocidal action like the extermination of Don Cossacks, killing of 'kulaks', exiling (to unhabited taiga) of 'untrustworthy' nationalities or like the hunger-genocide of Ukrainians in Soviet Union and obviously there wasn't genocide of Jews like in Germany and German occupied Europe, even if Mussolini eventually passed the 'racial' laws in anticipation of German-Italian axis, but which affected Jews very little; only when Hanns occupied Northern Italy and inserted Mussolini as a puppet, Jews received raw deal.
Thousands were indeed arrested and sentenced on political charges and exiled to Italian outer islands, but these exiles were not Solovetsk or Magadan and although the sentences were brutal - 30 years of prison - majority were exempt after year or two and regularly amnestied. The first two tyracides were exempt, not executed; a situation unthinkable in the two other totalitarian states or even the United States, Britain or France. Third was cut to pieces by the crowd after the attempt.
Says it all, really.
You know, if you have total complete control over a nation and you use that to declare war then i'd say the blame for the deaths can be put no your shoulders.
Get rekt dailyfags!
Chile is so right wing even Nazis get massacred
Fucking based Chile! Holy shit.
I'm not mad and I'm Libertarian
He can't even refute him.
When Authoritarianism is in play, you cannot tell Left from Right.
pigoychet wouldve been gassed
>free markets and individualism
AKA the things that brought down western society.
>Hitler already did the work of Pinochet during the Night of the Long Knifes.
This I pity Strasser
>constantly tell Hitler that this is a national SOCIALIST party where they do national SOCIALIST things
>he kills you and all your comrades to suck corporate dick
>fuck everything up
>years later everyone blame his failings on your ideology