For me it's tied between Trotsky getting BTFOed by an ice pick or gif related
Most epic assassination in history
Oh this one's easy
brutal as fuck
-Gandhi getting BTFO in the garden
-my boy Gavrilo Princip seeing the archduke roll by the cafe where he is sipping coffee and deciding to take the course of human history into his hands
-Diem dying in a hail of gunfire in his backseat
a classic
is this what mexican assassins look like irl?
Carrero blanco
Julius Caesar
For me it'd be Inidira Gandhi.
>destroy the sacred site of the Sikh
>Oh, I'm sure my two Sikh bodyguards won't mind
>33 bullets later the two bodyguards immediatly surrender, die
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
> tfw the target car ends in a fifth floor from the blast
> machinegun jams
> target takes off his gun and fires back at you
> your pal desperatly throws a hand grenade
> run a few blocks and escape on a passing bus
Spain has been on a hell of a ride since their Civil war. Even the war was insane, as I read more about it.
There was a Canadian doctor who oversaw the blood supply for transfusions, and said that he was administrating about 10 gallons a day.
If you don't think this is the obvious correct answer, you need to fuck off to another board.
Giving sand nigs guns was the stupidest thing ever.
Giving pigskins guns was the stupidest thing ever
It really is a work of art
Looks straight out of a movie
Well "pigskins" made the guns in the first instance.
>pigskin education
He didn't say most deserved assassination silly!
God I wish I could die as aesthetically
How many full humans of blood is that?
prove me wrong [spoiler]youcan't[/spoiler]
1.2 to 1.5 gallons per human adult so between 6-8 people. More if you're talking about children.
>pic semi-related
Boring af assassination desu
>where we're going we don't need roads
creative terrorism
lol.... he wasn't attacked with a pickaxe but an ice pick aka the thing bartenders use (see picture)
Fanny Kaplan when she rekt Lenin.
The classic
>Entire theater of senators ganging up on Caesar
>The immediate aftermath resulting in the shit-flinging war between the assassins, Octavian and Antony.
>survived the blow to the head
>span on the guy and managed to wrestle with his assassin,breaking the guy arm
>convinced his guard not to kill the assassin
>survived for a few days and having enough time to tell stalin did his job
>ice pick
It was an Ice axe
But what was a mountain climber doing in Mexico?!
Killing Trotsky apparently.
Climbing mountains and killing commies
>Trotsky was killed by one of Stalin's agents in Mexico
>Assassin is therefore a Stalin clone wearing a sombrero and poncho
This never fails to amuse me.
Cept that was the Chinese pardner.
Climbing Popocatépetl.
who is this gook?
Some Japanese politician pushing for communism iirc
loving this picture, cheers!
There something wrong with that picture
1. your hand looks like a whimpy faggot.
2. Doesn't hold it properly
3. Not the type of gun used
Go back to school Kid,
Common misconception. What we call a pick axe, they call an ice pick across the pond.
The 12th film by Quentin Tarantino
How's that bait taste?
A reference to this assassination in the wrong time and place almost got charges pressed against me once, so I'd have to say this one
oh? do tell.
I came here to post this.
>Heydrich sees you pointing gun at him, alone in his Mercedes
>stops, gets out, walks up to you
>gun jams
>Heydrich is visibly upset
>(end my suffering)
>lob a grenade
>car explodes
>Heydrich emerges from the smoke, wounded but Luger firing
>run for your life
>Heydrich tries to chase you down, but collapses from blood loss
>taken to hospital
>seems to recover
>doctors goof and fail to administer anti-infection medications
>slips into coma and dies of sepsis
>Gestapo kill about two-thousand Czechs while screeching autistically
Also the Assassination of Rasputin, and earlier attempt by bomb, that left his guts hanging out, from which he recovered.
is there furry ghost version?
That was gunpowder
Protip: only a tiny percentage of WWII casualties (even among soliders) were due to small arms.
On the surface he looks calm and ready
Ceaser above All
His assasination was Shakespearian
pushing for Maoism in defeated Japan was piling on humiliation, he did good
>Ignoring that like 30 million of said casualties were in China
Okay Chaim
>that face
jesus christ, is that before or after he had an anti-tank grenade thrown at him?
why has no one posted this yet?
That photographer has to make bank
I have to admit, hating someone so bad that you use enough explosives to blow his car above an entire building is impressive (video is dramatization, btw).
15-20 million. 7-8 million killed due to military activity and crimes against humanity.
For the Soviets its 27 million. 10 million killed due to military activity and crimes against humanity. For Poland it's almost 6 million. That's all Germans. And let's not forget about Yugoslavia and other European countries.
What is more important is the percentage of people killed compared to general population.
For China it's "only" 3%. For the Soviet Union it's almost 14%. But for Belarus it's 25% and for Ukraine it's 16%.
For Poland it's 17%.
Now compare it to Germany (8-9%) and Japan (3-4%). This is still not a fair comparison because in Poland most victims were civilians, but in Germany and Japan soldiers.
Giving brainlets internet access was the supidest thing ever.
Did you think Europeans invented the gun? Asians did, and they brought primitive guns to the Middle East and Europe.
>Is a pickaxe and not just a steel rod with a handle like basic instinct
The executioners were bush league as fuck. 60 bullets to kill a man, a woman and five children.
Typical commies
It's Rasputin. All other answers are wrong.
if only they had to a helicopter.
Patrician taste right here, anons. Does anyone have any jokes left or did you spend them all with the controversy a few months ago?
This, just for what he said after he did it,
The look on that guy's face lmao.
>that third hand
Spooky desu
>boring af
At this point, maybe, just because it's the most (over)analyzed assassination ever
Truly a classic quote
Socialist politician with open maoist sympathies in post-war Japan. The left had briefly united under him in the context of the revising of Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, which was very controversial, and became a credible threat right before elections. Then this highschool student put him down. The leftist coalition quickly broke down, signaling the beginning of the end for the Japanese left. It never really recovered, and a few years later terrorist acts by far left groups like the Japanese Red Army put the final nails on it's coffin. Even with a slight rebound when the Bubble Economy burst, and the recent relative successes of the JCP (getting around 10% of support), the left has never even been close to power again.
Uesugi Kenshin
>"It is also speculated that he was victim of one of the most famous ninja assassinations; a ninja been waiting in the cesspool beneath the latrine at Kenshin's camp with a short spear or sword." wiki
I know its Wikipedia but this one always made me laugh
"I bring you a message from God"
You gotta admit, Yamaguchi got exactly what he wanted out of that assassinatiin
Probably one of the most fruitful assassinations in history (fruitful=bringing about what the assassin wanted)
That's what I would do if I was a dictator with political enemies. Get a lookalike to dress in stereotypical clothing and kill them.
Pop pop pop, watchin niggas drop