Can we get a ww1 meme thread? I began reading into it and god damn I am in love. I am currently in France visiting some memorials.
Can we get a ww1 meme thread? I began reading into it and god damn I am in love...
Yes similar to those! Know where else I can find em?
not quite WWI, but close enough
The top panel is how I play Zoo Tycoon lul
Bottom left is how I play Zoo.
>Not moding it so you cab play as bottom right?
Ik this is said every time it's posted but honestly the funniest part of this picture is that he's driving himself
so after seeing this for like a year, why did this drawing happen?
I know, right?
>not mein
you had one job
I made a German version. But my German is not amazing. So there are probably mistake .
"Die Vereinigung ist nicht Frei. Das Reich muss with des blut der Österreicher bedeckt. Franz Joseph, auch bekannt als „AufSeineknie bloesph“ ist nicht mein Kaiser. Er ist die schlampe des ungarn und Vielleicht auch Französich. :DD KLEINDEUTSCHE LÖSUNG nicht GROẞDEUTSCHE lösung ok. Gott mit uns."
I've learned to stop questioning what the furries do
it just happens
Does fallout from WWI count
/k/ommando here. That's not the type of gun he used, and it's triggering my autism.
Oh, good! It's not just me.
Why the hell didn't the artist continue drawing the rest of the picture? They're just in a grey room
holy shit
in proper it'd be:
Die Vereinigung ist nicht frei. Das Reich muss mit dem Blut der Österreicher bedeckt sein. Franz Joseph, auch bekannt als AufSeinenKnien bloseph ist nicht mein Kaiser. Er ist die Schlampe der Ungarn und vielleicht auch is gut
>political cartoons will never be this metal again
This is one of the very few political cartoons I like
Why is Luigi assassinating Mario?
>bright cheerful colors to contrast THE BRUTAL GORE AND VIOLENCE
why are nips so edgy?
one of the few cases of propaganda leaflets being 100% true
I remember an interview from the 90s with a very elderly black veteran, an infantryman in the WWI.
>They send us [Negro soldiers] pamphlets 'cause we was whoopin' 'em! Tellin' us to give up.
>They tell us to quit fightin' for we wasn't gon' get nothin' for it.
>They was right.
Jesus Christ that vocabulary I'd laugh if it weren't a desperate attempt to get a edge in a brutal war of attrition
Jesus Christ that vocabulary, I'd laugh if it weren't a desperate attempt to get a edge in a brutal war of attrition
Did Germany produce this or black Americans? It's written in US dialect of the time and talks highly of Germany
Krusty version of this, please
It's propoganda m8, it's meant to be understandable to the soldiers.
Where does this Serbia artillery training field meme come from?
The point is the innocence of childhood spoilt by having magic arm sword powers
>this ducking captcha
Upon the initial invasion of Serbia the AH army marched directly into a Serbian military base and people were training and cue a really awkward engagement
Sounds like a myth, can't find any reference
dude memes lmao
the austrian army attacked over a serbian artillery range during the first invasion and the attack didn't go too well. One of many mistakes that could have been prevented if the invasion had actually be planned in advance and intel on serbia been gathered.
In their defence, serbia had extensive territorial changes just 1 year prior to the war and was never even considered a threat, but their experience in the balkan war gave them an essential edge the austrians lacked after 60 years of peace.
Battle of Cer seems to come up but I do think it's been exaggerated and changed for humour
Many German Americans returned to the Fatherland to fight. At the outbreak of war, America seemed committed to neutrality, so they did so with a clear conscience. By the time of America's entry, Germany had plenty of people capable of writing in the American vernacular. On the flip side, Americans (and probably the UK, come to think of it) had Germans capable of writing propaganda in pitch perfect colloquial German.
You think that's bad? I hear in WWII some allied paratroopers landed on an SS shooting range.
market garden was a complete failure like every british lead operation that wasn't an island defense.