What could've Iraq done here
What could've Iraq done here
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Damn. What did they do to piss off that many people at once?
lotsa countries need oil
Invade Kuwait
Have oil
Tried to annex Kuwait after sucking up to the 4 other countries in the top left for decades.
All 5 had also supported Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.
meme excuse
Iraq had oil, America no longer needed Iraq (they already "shitstomped" Iran for them, which was feared to be a power vacuum for communists) USA had the perfect excuse to go to war with Iraq. Aside from the participation of many corrupt CIA members, arms dealers (chiefly Bush Sr., his family being historical arms dealers who made many wars happen).
This is pretty dead-on and free of political bias, if not bias against specific people.
take out the weaker countries first, maybe start with Niger and then when you have everyone else distracted sneak up on New Zealand with a well timed beach landing
>Be massive Seleucid Frankenstein of satrapies
>plucky Greco-Persian horse-tribe declares war on you for having a different voice-actor than them
>dis gon' be good...
>"Call on your allies for help"
>your entire empire balkanizes in one turn and half of your former allies declare war on you
Literally how do we keep dragging 1/3 of the entire world into war, just to go after one country that's not playing ball anymore?
>le oil maymay
The US was, and still is, more or less self sufficient when it comes to oil, only really importing from Canada.
The Middle East's oil feeds Europe.
>I'm retarded and I don't know shit about economics: the post
You moron, if you control the majority of a certain resource, you can control the price of it.
The middle eastern countries namely the gulf and iraq combined produce a majority of the worlds oil.
Why do you think USA often acts like Saudi Arabia's bitch? If they increase the price per barrel, Russia benefits because their economies is mostly based on oil, while the us crumbles because their currency is based on oil, and they are too reliant on it.
Should of used their WMD's
Pulled its forces back to the desert, build lots of industry there out of range of the West, then roflstomp the coalition once they'd researched level 6 tanks.
Should've launched baby incubators into orbit
>should of
never fails to trigger me
Used their WMDs
Muh petrodollar
>Iraq had oil
kuwait and the gulf states had even more oil and saddam's invasion of a gulf monarchy boded ill for the authoritarian, but very stable, petro-monarchies especially saudi arabia which kept the oil spigot open for the western world, ensuring cheap oil for amerilards and their corporations, thereby keeping amerilards from complaining about muh oil prices. also not to mention the geostrategic value of the persian gulf and arabia and the necessity to protect american air bases
Iraq has the 2nd largest oil reserve in the entire middle east you literal tard
Also Saudi Arabia wasn't very tame with its oil, USA was optimistic that Saddam would take Iran which had alot of oil itself and than make it flow their way at dirt-cheap price. Saudis threatened USA to cut off their oil run or increase prices many times before.
Take out America by an invasion from Louisiana ad Rhode Island
Rile up Algerian sentiment and cook up revolutionary undertones to destabilise France
Open up Karbala as the next big pilgrimage site for moslem to sap off Saudis
Saddam supported the Palestinians against I$raHell. For this he was murdered, and his country perma destroyed
dumb fucking nigger
But generally wouldn't be surprised if Israel was a supporting factor.
guerilla warfare Vietnam style
Iraq could've defeated most of these countries easily, but when it pissed off Belgium, it was a point of no return. If you manage to do that, prepare to get vaporized
Sadam thought he could inflict a Vietnam-type war on America without realizing that doesn't work in open desert.
Not provoke new zealand, that sealed their fate.
Not possible in a desert without mountains you retard.
They should've bluffed and said they had nukes and would use them if invaded.
Could buy them time to form an alliance.
>piss off Czechoslovkia who were having an identity crisis
It was about getting good goy points
>Yeah, that's me
>I bet you're wondering how I got in this mess
What if they built sandmarines?
Israel is behind every Middle Eastern war, just like how Jews are behind every war in human history, as Jews are bankers and bankers only profit off war.
If that was the case they would have gone into the country itself rather than stopping at Kuwait.
it wasn't that they invaded kuwait. it was that the Saudis were worried that they would be next.
>Bush's son restarts the Iraq war under false excuses and goes into Iraq
Really gets the hamster running
This thread is about the Gulf War, user.
The medicis got bankrupted because they opened a bank in Angloland during the War of the Plantigenets and both sides keep defaulting
What the fuck are you turbo-plebs doing????? Are you guys fucking retarded??? This Iraq oil-shit is common knowledge, its not "HURRR DURRR AMERICA NEEDED OIL"
The only reason this theory exists is because Cheney had a possible conflict of interest with Halliburton which made a bunch of money because of the Iraq war. Other than that there is literally ZERO reason why anyone would think the US invaded Iraq for oil.
You're confused. The US COULD be self-sufficient but they aren't, at least not economically. The US oil market still relies on OPEC and the international price for oil,not to mention the Petrodollar is important to American hegemony. All of that being said the US does gets most of its oil from foreign soil, Canada is about 20%, South America is about 20%, and about 13% from the middle east. Self-sufficiency is not an argument against the potential making money on cheap oil prices.
Wanted to keep their oil profits for them selves instead of giving them to America.