What does Veeky Forums think about Stefan molynuex?
What does Veeky Forums think about Stefan molynuex?
Used to be pretty alright
He's basically Alex Jones with a larger vocabulary and better syntax now.
>Dude, if we abolish the government all the problems will just disappear
A hack.
Also I can't stand his manipulative tone of voice.
He's a blithering ideologue and a crypto-fascist, and I'm being unrionic.
He's entertaining when he hams it up, that vid where talks about the "final argument" is hilarious
The modern Socrates.
He redpilled me on IQ and race and influenced my transition from liberal to white ethno nationalist-libertarian.
Fuck off to reddit faggot
What's wrong with fascism?
You mean, besides the suffocating authoritarianism and genocidal tendencies?
Is that what CNN told you? Sheep
What are you doing on the history board if you need people to help you catch up on basic shit like this?
Can you please provide concrete examples or stop talking out your ass.
And please spare me the "6 JILLION JOOZ" crap. It's been debunked over and over
So this is... the power of the alt-right
CNN is fucking irrelevant when covering the history of fascism. You don't need CNN or other so called "fake news" to get your information on fascism and authoritarianism. Plenty of scholars don't get their talking points from CNN and they are generally respectable historians and scholars on fascism.
Who did Mussolini genocide? Who did Franco genocide? Who did Pinochet genocide?
I'm not talking about genocide. I'm talking about fascism period. And national socialism is a form of fascism.
You said that fascists have a predilection for genocide. But you can only name one fascist who committed genocide.
Democracies commit genocide too.
Not that great from what I've seen. I watched him debate a creationist once, and even then his performance was pretty weak. He let the guy get away with a lot more than I would have.
>what do you think of ingesting faeces
>I don't like ingesting faeces
Pseudointellectual who thinks he is smarter than he really is and interprets free studies he got off of pubmed without considering the context and all the intricacies.
Half if his arguments are one sided despite the fact he claims the left does that all the time.
The only time fascism worked was when it was used to pave the way for free markets
I often like his material, but he says some really weird and confusing shit sometimes (often exclusively in his call-in shows and old videos)
>That one episode where he said alien invaders would only make contact with Earth to trade, as only free market societies could be capable of space travel
>That one episode where he went on a rant about a 20 year old video game about shooting people online (unreal tournament) because he viewed the "story" as being critical and unfair towards corporations
Hes alright except for believing the free market is the cure for everything
>romans had to work only 2 days in a year to pay their taxes
When did he talk about race?
They can do a case study on his narcissism alone, holy shit.
>white ethno nationalist-libertarian
Lmao. You think any serious white nationalist movement would let you keep your precious libertarian weed, bitcoins and tentacle rape if it came to power?
The fact that it ruins almost every country it sets foot in?
I used to watch him but the way he conducts himself is honestly a bit unsettling and cult like, also when he does his call ins and someone disagrees he starts abusing his control over the call, often mutes them and doesn't let them speak.
dude go through his videos, like 6 of them are pretty much exclusively about race and IQ
which he carelessly ignores the rising IQ of black populations and that their verbal IQ has always tested within 9 points of average, sometimes exceeding depending on the study
>And please spare me the "6 JILLION JOOZ" crap. It's been debunked over and over
Lol, please tell me who "debunked" this.
He has a psycho face.
Cult leader
Brilliant philosopher. I just renounced family and getting ready to move into his compound.
Why does every moderately popular person always end up subject to the same weird, canned thought termination clichés? Sociopath, cult leader, etc.
I mean I don't even follow the guy but he certainly seems to be rustling some jimmies.
I take it he's being called a cultist and a sociopath because of how seriously he takes himself. The first video I watched of his was his Manchester bombing video, and as sobering the subject matter was, I started laughing. He isn't very down-to-Earth in his videos. He speaks as if he's in a documentary- and though the production value is decent, and he has some money/resources to throw at his content, which I really don't care about (spend your money on your ventures how you please), it just goes to reinforce that he takes his views and content quite seriously.
For some, this might show drive and passion- for others, arrogance and delusion. There's not much you can do about that- some want to spend money improving their content and making it as easy and eye-pleasing as possible. Molyneux overdoes it and it looks like he's trying to pass himself off as a genuine philosopher, when in reality he's a political commentator (which is fine- I think it's excellent that people are allowed to and have the potential to do as Molyneux does).
I've never heard him speak because his videos are too fucking long. His supporters are retards who don't realize that white nationalism and capitalism parted ways ages ago. I assume he's basically just doing what sovereign citizens and Ron Paul did.
thank you based ben garrison
What are his books like
>even commie memes are pale imitations of right-wing ones
>Who did Franco genocide?
The Basque people, to an extent.
You criticize this, and not the fact that he advocates dissociation from all family members?
>Spare me the evolution crap, it's been debunked countless times
Franco and Pinochet weren't fascists. Not all authoritarian governments are fascist, more often than not the traditional authoritarian elements (the army, aristocracy, church) are anti-fascist. See the Iron-Guard's experience in Romania.
All you need to do now is watch richard spencer so you can become less lolbetarian
You asked for people's thoughts you reddit dipshit.
This. These people have a cognitive disorder.
>Dude I like weed and degeneracy
>Niggs suck though
>lets support the people diametrically opposed to nearly everything i want
Try your luck. Liberals siding with fascists either get sidelined or a special place in the night of the rope 2: Electric Bogaloo.
You know Mussolini killed 1/3rd of Libya's population in concentration camps? Cock-daffi even demanded an apology from Italy because he was a giant pussy.
incredibly narcissistic just like jpw
thinks he holds the absolute truth about everything just like jpw
His videos on history are absolutely absolutely incorrect and one-sided. He has high verbal IQ but don't be taken in by that; his philosophy and knowledge of history is shit
They're shitty, but is that really a surprise?
You're looking up to that faggot Spencer?
are you sure he has not really said that?
That's still a really stupid meme, but like pretty much all Garrison edits, it's better than the original.