Is it true that skin color was not a consideration in the Roman Empire?
Is it true that skin color was not a consideration in the Roman Empire?
It wasn't because most Romans wouldn't consider even other Italians citizens.
t. Sulla
The group that was most reviled in Roman society was Gauls, who we nowadays would call French/German.
Yes the Roman Empire was the height of tolerance. A golden age of humanity.
As time went on, the definition of "Roman Citizen" was slowly expanded, until the logical conclusion was reached when Emperor Caracalla decreed that every free man living in the Empire was a roman citizen.
They seemed to hate germanic/gaulic/steppe people a lot so they probably discriminated them a lot too.
Culture was more important. The Greeks thought the same too.
Funny how neither of those civilizations exist anymore. Really makes you think
really fires up my almonds
Germans yes, but Gaul became a central part of the Empire, and Senators from Gaul were quite quickly inducted, albeit those senators were Roman immigrants. Over time, they intermarried with the local gallic population, but still continued to send senators to Rome.
I guess it depends on the time frame.
In empire that large, you're probably gonna have to deal with a few brown people.
No, punics were hated above all else. Jews too. Gauls got fully integrated and accepted, jews never were.
Disgusting piss hair germs would have been killed or enslaved on sight and rightfully so.
Niggers would have been good for a laugh unless they killed or raped people in which case off to the chopping block.
You mean deal with white people. Romans were the brown ones.
Ebin meme xd
Romans were olive skinned to White. They weren't as Brown as Indians, for example.
Please go back to /pol/ you retards
Well the g*rmans destroyed them
Daily reminder the Romans had no concept of racial purity
>Black people and Jews want to treat Southern Europeans as if their historical experiences have been no different from wasp their entire existence despite that not being an iota true
>/pol/ are nordcucks who hate Southern Europeans and treat them like Arabs
Seems like we get screwed and misunderstood anyway you look at.
>'Please go back to /pol/ you retards' he says...
> he cuddles his wife's son, Kanye Lincoln Goldstein.
>He sips his chai-tea, makes a smug look at the racist, nazi trolls on Veeky Forums (go figure?).
>This place needs to be more like Tumblr, that site his Woman's Studies classmates told him about.
>We'll get there, he thinks, we'll get there.
Grow up. I don't know why drumpftards are so immature
>talking about Romans and Italians
>Brings up Donald Trump
I can't tell if it's satire anymore.
Roman civilization is still around tho