>The American South was the poorest, most economically stagnant region of the USA because their economy relied on cash crop plantation slavery
>The USA was built by slaves!
Pick one and only one.
The American South was the poorest...
Definitely the top one.
>but but muh 5% of the population built the nation
slaves were barely profitable, lincoln was an economic wizard
There were white and Asian slaves in the US too, contrary to what some blacks propagate. The Chinese were imported to build the transcontinental railroad for example.
>lets lose out alot of potential market because niggers are property n shieeet y'all
>also lets gear all our economic towards this commodity which gives a monopoly
>island anglos get tired of being dependant and just plant cotton in pooland
>still believing the chinese and irish slave meme
alt-right plz go
Lincoln was a fascist.
Fuck him.
Because the alt-right is such ardent defenders of the treatment of Irish or Chinese, right?
The fact that niggers and kikes feel that people discussing the plight of Chinese and Irish in the USA somehow is opposed to Jewish and Black interest only shows how narcissistic and egotistical they really are.
Lincoln being a fascist is bad but hitler being a fascist is good
Really makes me think
Native americans were enslaved too.
They were slaves in the sense that they were barely considered human and paid very little, but they were not enslaved. No difference than any Mick or Guido working on the railroad.
My Great Grandfather went back to Italy because the conditions building the railroads were so horrendous. .
Not by English to my knowledge.
Yeah, but he was free to go back to Italy and got paid, somewhat. He wasn't a slave.
Living before Workers' rights was shitty for everyone, but that doesn't make you a slave.
I'm not that user arguing that it was slavery. imo it wasn't. Just a relevant anecdote I felt like sharing.
By this logic would you say undocumented mexican and central americans as well as prisoners are not contemporary slaves? Cause they basically are.
>Ancap Gadsen
I thought people thinking Libertarians were alt-lite was a joke.
>Be Irish person taken against your will to work a plantation in the Caribbean
>Not a slave
Okay Tyrone.
If you mean they serve as a progress retardant in the same way slave labor disincentived industrialization and agrotech in the South then yes. Now on the cusp of automation we have an undereducated and unassimilated underclass just in time to be supplanted by robotics.
I am honestly excited for automation, I hope it replaces truckdrivers (who are assholes), illegals, chefs, farmers etc.
I think the point is that industrial expansion in the North--which allowed us to become an economic powerhouse and develop our infrastructure and generally have a strong manufacturing base--was fueled pretty substantially by natural resources we accessed and exploited with slave labor.
waaaa it was indentured servitude while the blacks were under chattel slavery waaaa were victims no one else has ever had anything bad happen to them.
The south was lagging behind long before the cotton gin.
Enjoy your surplus population then. As to trucker hate do you serve in the industry? Because honestly trucking provides a means of capital accrual for lower class families not normally available and I feel the current direction DoT is taking is going to have dire consequences.
Tell me of the great ore mines of the Carolina tidal planes or the slave quarters you can find all over the Appalachian mountains that slaves clear cutted.
No one said shit about chattel slavery. The tens of thousands of Irish who were taken as literal slaves against their will to labor in the americas as opposed to the one who signed up to go WERE slaves. Whether it was a particular form of slavery known as "chattel slavery" is just bullshit semantics by organizations like snopes to spread an ideological agenda. Indentured servitude isn't slavery but thousands of Irish were actual slaves, not indentured serve to. Slavery doesn't have to be chattel to be slavery.
guy im agreeing with you! im doing the thing where blacks claim they are the victims and because of that no one else can be either, EVER. google "red legs" from barbados, the ancestors of the irish slaves still live there
another interesting fact is that they sent so many slaves from ireland, they basically depopulated the country, and with the sugar plantation owners needing fresh bodies, they needed to find them. enter west africa, west africa had an established, well established slave infrastructure and network. so much so, they were able to seamlessly fill the void left by the irish. i could go on...
Holy shit, calm the fuck down dude. Most people here agree with you in sentiment, you're just sperging in some imaginary oppression contest between potatoniggers and regular niggers.