Seems like the full scale and scope of the effort to remove native populations from 'US land' is poorly understood, and missing from public school curricula. Any good primary documents on techniques used by the military, or treaty disputes?
Native American Genocide
>60.5 Million of these savages still live today
Genocide my ass. The redskin population was 10 million before Europeans arrived.
fuck off...
I suggest looking into the genocide of natives in California around the time of the gold rush.
US census says only 2,932,248 are registered and another 2,288,331 are mixed natives.
Forgot to add in total it's about 5 million, I don't know where you got 60.5 from.
Its not really a numbers game attempting to destroy a people is genocide and it is certainly true that the United States attemtped to destroy at least some of the native groups.
Total redskins in the world today, in Americas.
The only people we censure on this board are tankies and stormfags. If you want to be rude at least be witty.
Its called the Indian Wars which lasted into the 1920s.
Also its thought in American schools numbnuts, the most famous teaching is about the Trail of Tears.
The Indians had it coming though and many Americans can agree with removing them, but it was necessary evil and feel bad for removing them.
They mostly became assimilated with the other groups that came to America. Most americans with native heritage are unaware of it, or it is seen as too insignificant to state on the census or make a big deal about.
How is it "necessary" to invade a foreign continent and murder every native citizen?
Tribal entities can not maintain sovereignty over large areas.
The US still put them down more gently than anyone else would have.
The manifest destiny was a bad thing and involved a lot of backstabing on our part, but in the end it led to a much stronger continent
In that case it wasn't 10 million really. That's probably how many were in the Inca Empire alone. Even Mesoamerica had more than 10 million people. Estimates point to 100-80 million for the whole of the Americas. Majority died of disease, but the survivors were even genocided especially in the US. But Caribbean, parts of South America also had genocides.
>Estimates point to 100-80 million for the whole of the Americas.
What happened after Columbus first arrived was a massive epidemic of diseases that the natives weren't ready for.
Once people started arriving en mass from Europe, the people they were finding were essentially the post-apocalyptic survivors. Those are the people that got genocided.
I know that's a bit behind what we're talking about ITT but that part is extremely important and isn't taught in American schools AT ALL
The Americans should have finished the job to be honest.
The Spaniards married them, imported they culture while including some parts to the whole and even let pure indians alone if they paid taxes and paid lipservice to the catholic church.
t. Stephen Smith
t. chief sitting drunkard