At what point in modern history did pudgier/"thick" women stop being preferred?
At what point in modern history did pudgier/"thick" women stop being preferred?
>Bette Paige
The point is they were never preferred, ever. The delusions of ham planets from Tumblr and healthy at any size mobility scooter racers are not indicators of preference.
Thicc does not equal overweight.
Fat women were very rarely seen as attractive. Also, there's no way that bettie Paige is considered pudgy today. She's practically skinny by modern standards.
She may have been pudgy by 90s/00s standards, but not nu10s
the girl in your pic is pudgy though.
that is indeed pretty perfect
anyway, men started liking sticks in the 70s. thankfully we finally got past that
Gay men took over and demanded models resemble twinks
You've been jacking it to too much anime. Just because she doesn't have the body of a little boy doesn't make her pudgy. Women naturally have fat stored in the hips, stomach, and legs.
Not defending the amerilard "thicc" fags but people like you are just as bad liking anorexic skellies. A healthy woman has a little meat, but not too much. And that has always been the case.
No this is proper thicc.
Edie Sedgwick
That's not thick, that's just a fat ass white girl. Thicc girls are thick all over, without being fat.
200,000 years ago.
This is a picture of a pornstar taken in the 2000s.
When the patriarchy began using their evil mind control powers to oppress women.
That's literally a pic of a current porn star named Aria Giovanni, not someone from the 1950s and not fucking Bette Paige you retard.
She's not thicc
Niether is she
Too thicc imo
>Abs line
LoL, is your “thin” the heroin thin
Modele aren't supposed to be attractive to men though.
Gays aren't concerned with sexual attraction, they're concerned with image in an artistic sense. Fashion models need to be skinny because the body does not distract from the fit and design of the clothing. They are modeling the clothes, not the woman.
if you want to only model the clothes then you could use a mannequin on rails to go over the catwalk and turn a few times so you would ONLY model the clothes and NOT a woman...
The supermodel skinny fad is a ploy created by the Jews to make you attracted to infertile women.
THICC runs deeper because it's associated with fertility.
>Too thick
no such thing friendo
How thick is too thick?
Thats made up bullshit from fatties to feel better bout themselves. Fatties were never prefered except for chubby chasers like Rubens.
Fat women are all the craze in America. 70% of the country is either fat or morbidly fat.
Even the "thiccc" meme is born because of their standard of beauty has changed to include fat as being desirable (as thats the normal they see)
>argued on an ig page about beauty being subjective and that theres culture who prefers fat womyn and fat acceptance is just people wanting to change the narrative
The American mind is so easy to change than it's incredible funny. It's because they don't have a definite culture?
Its not just Americans, its the entirety of humanity.
People's opinion changes on the drop of a hat. Highly cultured civilizations suffer from same psychological shifts.
What people do you think do have a definite culture?
According to research, men generally tend to prefer a certain waist to thigh ratio. That's just a ratio, though, so thicc women stand with lithe women in that. Our preferences are informed somewhat by what women we think will give us higher social status, given current cultural proclivities, though, so things vary by culture.
That's a pornstar from today, you idiot
You fool, you must go thicker
Science has determined this is the perfect woman. Look it up.
>At what point in modern history did pudgier/"thick" women stop being preferred?
Fashion magazines becoming very popular and table top essentials in cosmetic shops, whatever female barbers are called in english, the fashion shops sending out their catalogues, etc.
Basically 20th century american culture.
He said pudgy/thick, not fat. Even at the height of absurd corsets fashion women were mostly pudgy, because it was a feminine thing to do to eat a lot of desserts, and you were expected to have very full breasts.
Look at the top fashion models, they are all tall and flat. One of them is literally a man posing with female clothes.
>female barbers
We call them hairdressers
>thankfully we finally got past that
And moved onto the most perfect and wonderful world of 2D and moe.
The moment when God died.
they never stoped being preffered
the trends come and go, also theres never one model assumed to be 'perfect female beauty'
there was a forced thing with skinny bitches in the 70-80-90is in fashion and such, but thats pretty much over
the notion that there is at any point one given ideal and that this ideal somehow radicaly changes and anyone is expected to follow that, let alone that it effects what people are attracted to somehow, is just fashion magazine tyer nonsense, not that it isnt true, timeperiod to timeperiod ideals of beauty change a bit and that does effect what people learn to want and how they learn to see themselves, but its usualy all within variables of male and female anatomy and typical forms, even if theres some fetishistic extreme here and now
ummfff that is perfect
>Hamplanets thing I can't tell the difference between a modern picture filtered black and white and an actual vintage picture.
Nice try.
she wouldn't look good naked
Go back to one of your autistic weeb containment boards, virgin.
Go back to tumblr, butthurt landwhale.
>get called out for being /r9k/ tier faggot
>m-muh tumblr
Lmaoing @ you
When homosexual took over fashion and decided the ideal female had the body of a 15 yo male.
>2d and moe
Lurk more before posting.
I'm just saying, in the past men were more powerful, more muscular, and had higher testosterone levels. And they certainly enjoyed the touch of somewhat soft pudgy flesh more.
would not tap
>literally nobody has mentioned the model Twiggy yet
*blocks your path*
Sorry I'm not up to date on all of my whores my man.
Shit like that looks like someone fucked up their sliders in CC. Not attractive at all.
I challenge you all to find the woman this king requests.
So far she is the closest.
This is officially a thick women thread.
Pretty gross desu.
To keep things on topic, why has the fashion of what we deemed attractive shifted so much? What forces cause this?
That's just a skinny girl with butt implants
>/r9k/ tier
As in being a faggot who hates women because you can't socialise properly, up your literacy game.
That body is still considered attractive today, and the delusional morbidly obese landwhales who think they look like that were never considered attractive ever.
The internet.
haha, I just pulled out the ol' ctrl+f for Twiggy.
Good for you sir, saved the thread from my rants.
ara ara~
>when muh thicc goddess ages 10 years
All of you are small time
visual signs of health and fertility will always be prefered, no matter how the current models look. they only represent what the current designers think looks best in their clothes.
>70% of the country is either fat or morbidly fat
This is the future we choose.
idk bout none o dat but I like skinny girls simply because it's irritating as fuck to move a thicc girl around in bed. If they're skinny, fit, or a skelly, I can toss them around in different positions, move their legs around easily, and everything is tight, so for example if their boobs are over my face they are tight and bouncy, not droopy socks flopping onto my face.
Whenever I've boned a thicc girl it's just been kinda irritating
holy fucking shit
Never. The current beauty industry just has a lot of skinny women. Why? Because it's geared towards women, not men and thin = less materials needed.
find a thicc gril that moves around on her own, nothing worse than screwing a literal doll my man.
makes sense, women can feel threatened by the superior fertility of other women.
Normie head back to ribbit.
>that's not a dick
until the 20th century, having extra weight on you was usually a social cue that you had enough money to buy a lot of food. though now it usually means you're of a lower class and buy a lot of crap food and don't have time to exercise.
pale skin meant you were of a high enough class to not be outside working all day. though now it usually means your a working stiff and don't have time to be outside.
That carrots stopping my boner
You sure you're not just DYEL, user?
>ab lines
>bad in any way
unironically the jews
>Working stiff
You forgot basement dweller and W.O.W nerd
Absolutely not.
The thicc meme is completely American and doesnt exist elsewhere.
The world doesn't like sticks. Only ones pushing the skinny fad is fashion and hollywood industry.
Historical thicc
Just kill yourself out of Veeky Forums already.
Healthy amount of tits too.
Pure virgin pusy
When modelling became a big thing in fashion and designers realized their clothes looked better on twiggy women.
Up until then, models were mostly illustrations on advertisements or packages of fabric.
Nope, actual white people have always preferred STICC
when women started having a word in waht is hot.
women like women way thinner than men do
Where the thicc Ming dynasty hos at?
would marry/10
not sure how to feel, but her skeleton must look interesting
T. Beta Male
>everyone should be a neet loser like me
kill yourself, some of us have jobs and lives.
>he thinks all anime are like that
plebeian, 80s anime were full of huge tits and they are coming back, I like petite bodies too tho
also nothing wrong with proper THICCs like