What is your strategy Veeky Forumsraelis?

What is your strategy Veeky Forumsraelis?

i ask god which coins to buy

i trade based on Veeky Forums desicions


trusting KEK

>do the opposite of what biz says
>do the opposite of what jews say
>only trade the top 3


Crypto TA, ie. read whitepaper, read threads, install wallet, buy the dip.

if shills put out really good arguments to buy a coin ill buy it

Which god?

Literally this .

kek, the archangle Micheal (not really a god, but still), Thor and the Norse god, Freyr

i just go balls deep in a coin i think is going to go up soon

i just bought in CVC wish me luck

my strategy would've been the same if only i hadn't lost all my investment on dgb. lost 45% of its value since i bought.

This is literally the dumbest strategy. Why not buy two? Reduce your risk.

t. All in on NEO.

Legend has it that Vinny is the first potty trained indian. That alone is reason to but Civic.

I made some good profit from Civic already, I bought it a day before it mooned hard. Looks like a solid long term buy, its a product many people can actually use.

im in a pump and dump group

keep playing until the market drives us out

No coiner here. What means dip?

you're a dip




it's a meme you dip

i select coins with bullish sentiment and use simple TA (obv, macd) to find a optimum entry and exit.

Fundamentals generally go hand in hand with sentiment.

Also I don't hold random shitcoins and take major losses thinking theyll come back, akways calculated entry and exit. This is why i make money and shrubs give me their money via buying high.

How do you recommend going about learning how to find an optimum entry/exit? Investopedia seems to be a good place but idk if there's somewhere better or not.

I read tea leaf under the moon light while flipping a coin.

Legit, this is how I got into OMG at 25k sats.

I buy high and sell low.

Same, although not deliberately. I'm just a brainlet who can't do otherwise :(

I pray to Mercury, the ancient God of commerce, for good luck in my investments

taking out a loan to buy at least 5 BTC worth of a shitcoin that Veeky Forums is shilling at the moment

do you sacrifice?

sacrificing all his gains