Hey guys. I landed in deep shit. I fucked up big time and i truly need help. I lost at life and now I own 200$ any way anyone can help me. Please. This is life or death for me
Hey guys
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Like I'm a beyond screwed if i cant pay. If i cant. I'll kill myself
yes I can help. I happen to know that there are many poos and shitskins in the world that make a bitcoin clone, shill it with multiple IPs, and make bank. they might even be the ones that took your money. my tip is that you need to hunt them down and take their money.
Unfortunately I dont have a computer. And no shitskins stole my money. I was mugged by nuggets and they stole my last paycheck
Rob someone else. Circle of life.
I'm a scrawny white guy
if youre truely at the end of your life theres nothign to lose and the sky is the limit without the possibility of being punnished
either that or a shit larp
inb4 btc address
Sent ;)
That's the thing. I just got the girl of my dreams and a good job. I dont want to die but if it comes to it I will
The strongest men in the world are white you fucking knobjockey
Not against a monkey with a gun
Take your clothes off and rub yourself into them until they give you their money. Niggers hate that shit.
And get shot or stabbed ?
you just lost all sympathy
go kill yourself you fucking normie
I am a normie after years on Veeky Forums I want to be normie
Why dont you stab them first?
you got mugged have a good job and have a nice girl why would u want to kill your self? if you cant afford rent go on section 8 housing for a bit. go get stamps go get some welfare as long as u dont get addicted to it. its fine to use it every now and then. chin up and forget about those nig nogs
Backstory faggot. Why are you so bad with money
dat insecurity kek
I used to do a lot of crack before I got my life straight. But i still owe people money. They got thugs to hit me up they got their money but now I'm broke and I'm gonna end up homeless and jobless
If you have a job, what is the problem?
I'm only in the training period. If i miss a day in fired
How did they steal your paycheck? How are they going to cash it out?
Bring it up with your boss. He can possibly arrange an advance pay. Next paycheck you get, you fucking save so you have a buffer.
>implying this isn't just some cunt trying to beg
It was already cashed. I was on my way from bank
So, don't miss a day. It's not hard. Even if your homeless, just campout near work. Or just be a little late on rent and pay the fee.
I'm 100% male and I'm 100% serious ive never been this scared and frigthened before
I tried talking to my boss. He said rules are rules for a reason
What are you scared of?
I sent ya some bitcoins
At least post a wallet address or something so we can, you know, actually fucking help?
Living on the streets. Being only a mistake to the people I hold close. And dying on the street alone
I'm making one now
I've been homeless before, it's not that bad, there are probably homeless shelters and food stamps you could use. Just don't miss work.
Where do you live, what city?
Baltimore maryland
What's the site to make a bitcoin wallet
Does this work?
Ok thanks
Why the fuck do you keep your paycheck in cash
Sorry that's for women and children but there are at leat 28 shelters and programs in your city, just show some agency and figure it out. A simple google search will show you a shitload of resources, people are homeless because they choose it or lazy, don't be either.
>I'll kill myself if i dont get this money back
>handed the money over in the first place
If it was life or death you would have fought tooth and nail no matter what.
Clearly you have never met anyone with mental illness you have not a clue.
you'll be fine. if not, kill yourself. gl user
Can someone please just help me with money. I dont want to be homeless and lose everything I just gained
He has a phone with service, SPRINT. So he has a CC or bank account linked to pay those bills. What a shitty larp. If it's not that then you cashed your check for more crack instead of keeping it in your savings like a regular person.
>I just got the girl of my dreams
Can your girl loan you money?
You live in Nigera or something?
I dont.
She doesnt live with me. And I'm to ashamed to go to her
Actually this is my last month on this phone. Bill is to much
Everyone is also missing the fact that he's a crackhead.
And like i said. I quit drugs. I just want to get my life together
If your really REALLY desperate go to one of those churches, the ones where they pass around the money basket and loot the damn thing. Jesus will forgive you
Was. I hated that life. Is was nothing but pain and feeling useless all the time. I hate it so much
Also in a load of debt. Send what you can generous anons.
What site is it that i can make one
You sound like a desperate junkie.
>guys help I'm a perfect member of society fallen on hard times
>why yes I have tried everything expect getting anonymous money from the internet
>none of your ideas will work just give the money
>did I mention I do hard drugs
Don't give this cock lick money
Fuck off. I used to do drugs. Used to. I've been clean for a year and 3 months
user. if you the girl of your dreams and she sees that you ahve changed your ways tell her the truth. she might even let you stay at her hours "parents" for a little time. man up tell your partner if you keep secrets from her the relationship wont last. if she loves you she will help you
I need money
no bamboozles
give me now
I am one of you
Nice, just bought 100k
I want to. But if she sees me as some loser who will always fuck up. Then I'd lose the 1 thing that I'm happy for
Move to another place maybe?
Im broke man
look at what you are saying you said you would kill yourself. thats selfish think about how sad the girl will be and how sad your family will be. chin up tell her your past fucked you up either she shows u love or not. or go get a pay day loan how much money did u lose anyways? time stamp something for biz to show ur not a larper?
Does this help
What's the site for bitcoin wallet