Why is bitcoin cash still being mined at a loss? Whats jihans endgame?

Why is bitcoin cash still being mined at a loss? Whats jihans endgame?

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He's going to destroy your Segwit coin.

Difficulty adjustment in the next 400 blocks.

It will then be more profitable to mine BCC. You will then start seeing all but the most loyal miners switch their hash power to BCC.

jihan also mentioned him and 3 of his mega whale buddies might start buying up BCC once it is more profitable. He is literally satoshi

I'm so glad someone stood up to Blockstream

Upvote this if you don't understand wtf bcc is

Daily reminder Chinks don't fuck around. If you fuck a Chink up with your silly little game, the Chink will turn around and fuck you up in your own game.

Source: Look at how the yellow skinned squinted eyes steal all your jobs and shit.

to reiterate what user said

the difficulty hasnt been adjusted. it is about to be halved.

have some reddit gold, m'lady


Just wanna sell my .12 bags.... I feel bad for anyone who bought higher

i dont think you understand how this works
more hashpower is going to BCH early, so the difficulty is not going to go down as much as it could have.
I think this is an attack on BCH

The chink has been fucked without recourse for millennia. You're talking out of your ass.

click here for some insight:

they are giving it enough hash power to keep the chain alive dumbass

if they didn't maintain a few blocks per hour the chain would have no credibility

this is how it will play out:

(1) jihan takes 25% mining over to BCC after BTC difficulty adjustment

(2) BTC block time spikes to 14-15 minutes

(3) BTC mempool starts building, fees spike to $10+/tx

(4) confidence in BTC erodes, price starts falling, BCC price rises

(5) miners start following jihan over to BCC as the BTC price goes down and BCC price goes up

(6) block times start climbing to 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours ....

(7) fees hit $100+/tx, BTC chain collapsing

(8) a couple days into this process, BCC is worth $10k and BTC is worth $100

ETC made some pretty big gains after their fork

He can claim it as a capital loss in future tax years when he makes substantial gains when selling assets.

The ultimate tax dodge.

Omg i would cum if true

This sounds pretty convincing too

BCC will spike way above BTC ATH when the switch happens because it will be a mad rush, panic sell of BTC and panic buying of BCC as the new chain

lol that girl about to pass the fuck out, does anyone have the source of it?

What if no body buys jihans coins. Like, its profitable, yeah it get that, but no one buys it then there is no volume.
All vendors accepting btc are on the cors chain there is no reason to switch. They might as well switch to etherum.


Chinkland has been around for thousands of years. They know how to chink.

All this drama is going to kill crypto. People will leave when they get tired of this shit happening every few months.

Doubtful. Even polo added it

Blockstream is going to nuke Jihan from space.



Yeah but I buy bitcoin to buy drugs and I pay cam whores on chaturbate (I don't want a credit card) who the fuck takes bcc for anything, no infrastructure exists that makes people buying it.

the infrastructure to accept BCC instead of BTC is practically just copy pasta ...


blockstream principle investors are:

(1) AXA - fund owned by former bilderberg chairman

(2) mosaic ventures - Mi6 front

(3) etc. there is a coordinated effort by international finance / blockstream / core to kill BTC by making it uncompetitive against alt coins, split the market, prevent any coin from being a real currency (network effect of mass adoption)


the bitcoin community proved they can detect malfeasance and organize in s decentralized way by forking BCC away from the bilderberg/mi6/cia/core chain

really this proves that bitcoin is more reliable than anyone ever imagined. we forked away from a full on assault by US and UK government and will be fine. you can't stop it.

once people realize that BCC has defeated the US/UK governments best efforts to kill bitcoin, confidence levels and mooning are coming that you can't even fathom today

None of that really has anything to do with what I am saying. I'm saying everyday people who would potentially want to buy any crypto will eventually be scared off by the constant problems that crypto as a whole faces what seems like every week. Without any new money flowing in it will just be funds transferred from crypto to crypto and being slowly bleed out as people withdraw their funds.

If BCC becomes king and BTC goes to the shitter what happens to alts?

this is a single, one time problem

MI6/CIA infiltrates dev team > take over attempt fails > censorship resistance of the bitcoin blockchain is proven > we moon to $100k+

bitcoin is literally in the process of proving itself more powerful than the most sophisticated intelligence agencies in the world, and winning

this, and low transaction costs, are the two primary value sources for bitcoin. censorship resistance has always been largely hypothetical, and low transaction fees hasn't been available for the last 6-12 months. both problems are solved now.

bitcoin is just now getting ready for launch off

True. But thats why you can make such huge gains from it. But it wont replace fiat currency if it remains so volatile.

Its not winning, at least not this week. The only reason it reached 4400 is because it was being heavily spoofed. That is currently the biggest weakness of crypto. it can be spoofed to rise or fall by anyone with enough money to do so. The exchanges should be stopping it but they are not. Its going to hurt the market in the long run.

daily reminder that this is false-flagging and Bitcoin Cash is the real jewish takeover. Jihan's only mining pool outside China is in Tel Aviv.
Bitcoin cash was done with the purpose of bringing anonymous early adopters and whales to move their coins from 2009 and 2010, thus to breach their privacy and get identified so they can be killed by the CIA and Mossad just like it happened with Satoshi.
Gavin who probably sold out Satoshi is in favour of big blocks.
Jeff Garzik who sells anti-privacy tools for Bitcoin to governments is in charge of the Segwit2X hard-fork.

Just like in every Mossad handbook, they are selling you fake conspiracy theories so you don't see the real one, and you become their useful tool.

BCC is a bomb vest that's literally, unironically powerful enough to kill and replace BTC. you should be praying jihan doesn't decide to pull the trigger.

>blockstream literally funded by bilderberg chairman

look how pathetic the segwit shills / cia / mi6 astroturf campaign has become. defending bilderberg chairman and pretending to be "against (((them)))" in the same sentence

bitcoin (BCC) has won.

You fucks really think BCH will replace BTC?

>Chinese shitcoin is gonna overtake BTC

lol kys

unfortunately you r/btc cucks are completely outside reality. Only redeeming factor is that 99% of you are sockpuppets and paid shills. Pic related is just an obvious example:

there's a real possibility, simply from a game theory standpoint

if jihan moves his pools to bch, bitcoin will not have a difficulty adjustment for several weeks and the network will stall. Fees will go through the roof and the mempool will grow linearly. Bitcoin needs a shorter readjustment period to prevent this type of scenario.

>hurr durr Jihan is bitcoin
>without Jihan bitcoin can't exist
do you r/btc cucks even listen to yourself? Why don't you just go suck Yellen's dick? You clearly don't understand how bitcoin works.
There's plenty of different big actors getting into mining right now, Jihan can't do shit

>thinking Jihan can't do shit
>thinking it's only Jihan


he controls over 20% of the hashrate you buffoon

>simply from a game theory standpoint

Ok you fucks. I own 12 BTC, so if I convert just 1 to BCC I can get just under 14. If shit plays out like you think and the prices basically swap then my investment is saved

what is wrong with that description

hash power is finite and jihan controls a ton of it. If he shifts it to bch, bitcoin will not be able to adjust for a long time. If the reverse happens, BCH can adjust in 12 blocks. BCH can react better, thus giving it an advantage when profitability is oscillating between the two coins

BCH is worth .35 bitcoins right now.

it's a safe hedge

>being this retarded


Get ur eyes checked son

>hurr durr blockstream are taking over bitcoin, we most stop them, they want to decide everything for us hurr durr
>well, of course I submit to my lord and supreme leader Jihan Wu, he rules bitcoin with an iron fist, without him there is no bitcoin, I will always do what he wants because he is rich and powerful

Ohh, I was looking at the wrong number.

I don't give a fuck about the "debate." My only point is that due to the difficulty rescaling adjustment put into BCH, it has a strong advantage if Jihan switches chains. It's a legitimate threat, you can ignore it if you want to (because you are only worried about your BTC increasing in value) but that doesn't mean that the miners will. I've hedged accordingly.

I was going to buy bitcoin after the next crash
Should i rather buy bitcoin cash?
Im a little confused now

>buying only 1 coin

You think I didn't check the prices before posting?

>implying nobody had foreseen this and taken countemeasures
you are free to hedge and lose your money, but Jihan is no threat

yeah, and what counter-measures would those be? You know bitcoin is open source right?

I personally don't think Johan is a threat either, but I'll fucking kill myself if my BTC hodlings evaporate and BCH wins. Better to be safe than sorry


a countermeasure: diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/milan/fast-difficulty-adjustment/

countermeasures that were actually taken:

Can u summarize. I am illiterate

>our coin is the true, decentralized Bitcoin
>also monopolized by chink miners both in supply and hashpower

>reading this thread

jesus christ it's one page of text, why can't your generation read anymore

even if it is the inferior coin (who knows), that doesn't mean it can't crash bitcoin. In fact it is the perfect coin to crash bitcoin.

>faster diff adjustments
>supported by >20% hashrate
>the only people who sold it did so willingly because of greed to buy more btc or to purposely crash bcc
>payment processors can easily switch chains

Again my point is not to argue which coin is The One True Bitcoin, just that BCC does pose a significant threat and it's worth addressing

Most of the people who sold off their bcc are just sicking their fingers in their ears because they REALLY don't want to be proven wrong. Human nature, i get it.

What makes it different from other shitcoins that use the same algo as bitcoin?

They don't mine them because they are not profitable because people cant do stuff with them so nobody buys them.

Same with bitcoin cash.


But nobody gives a shit about slow transfers. If they did Bitcoin would've died a long time ago.
And what's stopping Core from fucking with proof of work to speed it up if they're no longer dependent on the chink miners adopting their changes?

Just converted 1 BTC into 13.8 BCH. That's my hedge and I'll leave it at that.

so when is that being hard forked into the BTC chain then?

Is there a wallet for BCH?


it's not, that's the problem

Core shot themselves in the foot by making hard forks some type of dirty policy. BCC already made it through its hard fork, diff rescaling changes and all, and is still standing. If Core wanted to destroy BCC, they missed their opportunity. Now they are facing a competitor that can react faster to profitability oscillations.

the difference is that it is holding at least 20% of BTC's hashrate hostage. No other alt can claim that. If those miners do switch then bitcoin will be crippled for weeks, possibly months.

it's entirely possible the market won't care, you are right. They will continue to use a crippled network until the diff adjusts.

Bitcoin cash will fail simply because it isn't Bitcoin. The capabilities of a coin aren't as important as its brand recognition, and in that regard BTC is king. Otherwise litecoin or some other shitcoin would have taken over long ago. The only reason BCC has any steam is it's use of "Bitcoin" in the title, giving people free coins when it forked, and timing it when even normies are hearing about BTC. Other than that, it's literally indistinguishable from any of the other hundreds of shitcoins.

The 1st post in this thread says that there is a difficulty adjustment in the next 400 blocks. Is this BTC or BCH? If no happenings after this difficulty adjustment can we safely say BCH is a shit meme?

BCC/BCH bag holder here.

I want Jihan to do a hostile takeover but it's clear to me he just wants to keep mining BTC for profit and slowly take BTC market share by innovating BCC with smart contracts and forcing another segwit2x bitcoin to further dilute segwit coin's market share. the whole scorched earth tactic of pulling mining resources is a final resort we won't ever see.

shills for bilderberg
they're afraid lol

Any big company/entity/country/rich individual can build a big ass bitcoin mining farm and compete with the chinks

no they can't, not unless the electricity is subsidized like it is in china. The U.S. government barely acknowledges that crypto exists, do you think they are really going to pass some nationalized mining laws to compete with the chinese? They should but they won't because they can't legitimize the currency lest it beats out the USD

They will keep it alive until the hard fork in november for 2MB blocks goes through at least. There's too much risk of blockstream loyalists backing out of the deal and they need to hold the network hostage so they all keep their word.

Upvote :^)

Delusional m8

What you're calling the bitcoin "community" is a centralised bunch of Chinese twats headed by Jihan.

If bitcoin does fail I won't be using his piece of shit altcoin. I'll use literally any other.


>He is literally satoshi

>until the hard fork in november for 2MB
That's not going to happen. themerkle.com/upcoming-bitcoin-core-client-will-disconnect-segwit2x-nodes-automatically/

>BCC is worth $10k and BTC is worth $100
reach senpai

>You fucks really think BCH will replace BTC?

Do you honestly see this as a real possibility, not even a long shot?

Are u really not buying equal amounts of bch when buying btc????

Read my other posts

i dont know much about this bitcoin bitcash mumbo jumbo but can I get a source on that pic lad?

millions are being lost mining teh bcash and not bitcoin
fucking hilarious really
people are even mining the trash to keep the difficulty up so it fails LOL

where is OPs pic from?

Gonna need sauce on this too, damn it

bitcoin cash is a meme for the time being, and I don't see it changing soon

> solar power doesn't exist

>solar panels are free

nothing beats North Korean gulag coal

No ragu my cunts


yup that's exactly how it may become another split
maintained by 2 separate groups
that could happen

chink shill want jihan to run a bank for him

Hmm fuck it buying a few even tho I feel they are extremely over valued

no saus boss

Shit b0ss

Why did people mine bitcoin when it was $1?

money for pizza