Hey Veeky Forums I am an 18 y/o student looking to invest early into crypto currencies...

Hey Veeky Forums I am an 18 y/o student looking to invest early into crypto currencies. I lurked a little bit but the threads use a rather obscure vocabulary. Are they any Veeky Forums approved link to learn this stuff ? Any books I should read ?

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>Invest early

Time machine mah boy, and a spice of i whish i know the future

There are no books because this market changes so fast they'd be obsolete within a month. This is trading on steroids.

Just lurk more. That's it. That's all you can fucking do. Lurk and throw your own money in the pot and suddenly you'll start caring and understanding everything. Use Investopedia and look up all the trading terms you don't understand and work from there.

As a fucking noob you will make losses and your losses will be my gains.

DYOR and follow memes

you sound too rational to invest. the market fucks over 'smart' people the hardest

thanks, I'll look up Investopedia
I usually like to play it relatively safe but I also like to take risks if i seems like it could be worth it. Only I am bad at calculating them

What kind of trading platforms are you guys using ?

Read about block chain technology and learn how to read charts. Tradingview is good for technical analysis.

From there buy eth or btc from a broker with money you can afford to lose. This helps remove emotional trading and fomo. coinbase or gemini are good.

From there take that currency to an exchange like bittrex and buy altcoins.

Have a plan for your portfolio and work hard.


Invest a small amount of money you are willing to lose. Like $50 or $100 or so. You won't be seeing massive gains, but start toying around with the market and trying out different ideas. The fastest way to learn is to start doing it.

It's your lucky day Here you go.


Read every word

There's no safety in crypto, that's your first lesson. This is the Wild West and one man's losses are another mans games. Many people have their livelihoods invested into this shit.

Don't underestimate it with stuff like "well I'm super safe n conservative." Being too conservative can get you crushed, and being too aggressive and selling your bags will also suck.

Lurk, lurk, and do more research. Pick coins you personally like or have a hunch for. Don't just listen to this board.

Crypto currencies aren't the stock market. They're not investing. They're not the lottery. They're not even a casino.

It's a gold rush. Some people are telling you there's gold in the hills. Some people say the gold is in the streams. The guy next to you dropped $10 on the ground and when he went to pick it up there was a gold nugget underneath. The guy next to him spent $20k digging in one spot and got nothing.

Also at anytime someone can just steal your gold and you can't do anything.

Ton of youtube videos. theres a guy named Ameer Rosic that i really like for basic entry level stuff.

this. you have to learn. My initial investment was $1000 and i started last week. Right now im even but there is a learning curve and ive already done dumb shit.

I spent over 1month lurking Veeky Forums and if I woulda just started with $100 a month ago i would have learned faster and gotten in a bigger investment before NEO mooned.

But the fork shit scared me.

>i started last week
>already handing out advice on Veeky Forums

fucking lol

Theres a lot of truth in that but to be fair, if you invest in a few thousand in a few coins that arent shit & HODL you'll almost for sure have nice gains in a few months

B-b-but I lurked a whole month!

but who better to give out advice on starting out than someone who was completely blind to all this and now is a newcoiner

Besides which part of the advice i gave him wasnt good?

can you buy cryptocurrencies with a prepaid visa card
i got $10 for filling out a government survey and want to use it to fuck around with some coins

because you haven't seen shit

you've never seen a bear market

you have no idea what it's like to be down 50% in a span of two days, the psychological impact that has

>I've already done dumb shit
Kek. You have seen nothing. Nothing. When shit hits the fan in here, and it does, like tether going to 0 and thus Bitcoin tripling in price in a few hours and ETH dropping 80% as a result, THEN you'll see some real shit.

That's the kind of stuff that happens in this market.

This. The kind of stress it puts on you to hold something when you're like 70% down on it is unbelievable.

>obscure vocabulary

what did he mean by this?

In general i still dont know shit. I get a little confused sometimes just buying and selling. Pretty ignorant to shit i should be on the lookout for when it comes to whats gonna crash and whats gonna moon. Barely understand charts at all. I have trouble understanding which coins have potential and which are meme copies. whitepapers and most of the technology i barely understand.

...But im slowly learning all of this. From what i understand blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt so many industries. For example, what SIA wants to do for cloud storage and what BNT wants to do for advertising is really fucking interesting to me. So many of these companies could be the next fucking google or facebook. Feels good to get in on this while its still in its infancy....when normies are too scared to try to understand whats going on

Im excited desu. Im in it for the long run. Gonna try day/week trading for a month or two and after that im just gonna put money in coins i think have potential and HODL for the most part

Fuck off underagedb&
>but im 18-
No you're fucking not

another post to show how clueless you are

the technology and fundamentals mean absolute jack shit when you are day trading. The only thing that matters when day trading is to be emotionless as possible. It's really fucking hard and some people can't ever learn to do it. You have no idea if you can do it yet because you haven't ever watched your money dwindle to a fraction of your starting investment. IT WILL HAPPEN. It's also not as fun as Veeky Forums makes it out to be. It's a soul-sucking hobby/profession. Yeah it can make you a lot of money, but at what cost?

If you don't want to learn into a soulless ghoul and you believe in crypto like you laid out in then your best option BY FAR is to buy the dips and hold. Never sell. That is what any seasoned investor would tell someone like you.

Just transfer me your funds now.

It will save us both time.

kek im not some NEET faggot. Maybe you should go outside every now and then or do something else if this is so soul crushing

This isnt my hobby or profession. Im not relying on crypto to make my miserable life alright. Things are actually going pretty well.

This is fun and exciting for me. Thanks for the advice tho, i'll make sure i dont get too sucked into this; i do see what you guys mean.

>This is fun and exciting for me.

the last two weeks have been fun and exciting for everyone. It's been the best two weeks in the past 5 years. For every down there's been an up and for every up there's been an up.

It won't be that way much longer. In fact, you are hopping in right at the top of a euphoric phase. The fact that you feel "fun and excited" should IMMEDIATELY tell you not to buy in, that's the whole point. You need to buy when you feel sick to your stomach and the front page of Veeky Forums is pink wojaks and suicide hotline numbers, not blockfolio threads.

>18 y/o student looking to invest early
sorry mate, you are born too late for really cheap cryptos, and this is coming form someone in their early 20's. Anyone born before the early 90's had the opportunity if they even heard about it.

Q U A L I T Y post.

>but the threads use a rather obscure vocabulary
I started reading Veeky Forumsa week ago and I have no trouble understanding when I have to hodl for the upcoming moon. If you don't know what an ICO is by now, you are just retarded.

Hi you can email me for help on [email protected]

I've been trading for 4 years and started as a poor student while now I have all the money I need (okay I can't buy a good house yet)

First it's important to know how much money you have. If this is below 2000$ you should become a bounty hunter/beggar/get a side job

The more money you have the more money you can make. Bounty hunting on bitcointalk is a great way to get some initial money. So is begging/following free money on Slack and other places.

A side job to save some money to start investing is great too ofc, very important is not to SPEND IT on useles shit, like tasty unhealthy food, hedonistic shit, drugs, stupid events your friends who will always stay poor consumers go.

Now that you have some initial money, let's make some money. There's lots of ways. To start with, you can simply copy the pro's. You can do copy trading on etoro, follow pro's on tradingview. Follow some smart people on twitter and simply copy their trades. Meanwhile you learn shit.

Even if you have more than 2000$, a bitcointalk account is geat, you can find all the new altcoin projects at the announcement section and see which coins are getting prepumps.

Want to take a little more risk? Why not make a deal with yourself to kill yourself if you lose it all and love live if you make money. MARGIN TRADING, how great if you're suicidal. You can easily x50 your money with this if you have some luck of make the right calls. Bitcoin going back to 3000? Use x50 leverage on 1 BTC and you're 10 BTC richer in a single week.

Not suicidal? Just take it slow, you have decades to become a millionaire, it will be easy if you have patience. Just buy and hold promising coins, like Waves, Lisk (after rebrand), BAT, ETH (not too much eth, it's so high already), BTC itself when it dips.

otherwise is a pessimistic delusional hater or simply ignorant. (supply and demand)