Was Marx a racist?

Was Marx a racist?

Everyone was racist back then

What went wrong?

We developed genetics and now see the human diversity as a spectrum of ever merging genetic clusters, and not as a set of subspecies with biologically determined outcomes in life.

>ever merging genetic clusters
No. In fact, if you tell a genetic software to divide a set of samples into 4 populations, the results are basically going to be races as traditionally conceived.

He's trying to argue that intermediates mean that the extremes don't exist.

Yeah, it's the usual fallacy of grey nonsense.

>are leftists racists

what a stupid question, yes leftists are racists

No, I am trying to say that lines are arbitrarily placed, and on the opposite side of the lines will be people who look more like each other than they look like their own sets.

Nigga is literally colors, draw a line between green and blue and see if there aren't "blue" pixels that are almost identical to "green" pixels, and different from their own sets. The lines are arbitrary.

The concept of race that you prescribe to isn't what Marx and his contemporaries proscribed to. To understand quotes like this that are taken out of context, you should understand Marx's interpretation of Hegel, specifically Marx's idea that societies need to pass through primitive, feudal, and capitalist stages before becoming socialist. Marx thought that the subjugation of non Western peoples' would accelerate their development towards a socialist society. Pre colonial Africa, Asia and America were stuck in inertia according to him.


You are wrong, when Marx lived race was literally about skeleton features, and saying people with bigger X are better at Y.

>on the opposite side of the lines will be people who look more like each other than they look like their own sets.

Uhhh, no....?

As I was saying, fallacy of grey.

Grouping numbers by their value, we get...
Set 1:
>0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Set 2:
>10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

9 is closer in value to 10 and 11, than it is to more than half of its own set.
Thats what a spectrum is. Thanks to the science of genetics, we know that human diversity is such a spectrum.

The way /pol/tards dodge it is the "one drop of blood" rule, by which any person with a single "non-white" relative isn't white at all. Which of course makes almost all humans non-white.

>Thanks to the science of genetics, we know that human diversity is such a spectrum.
No, it isn't. There is no subsharan african that is closer to europeans than to the average subsaharan african.

Wait till you hear about Bakunin.

Some Africans are genetically closer to Euros than to pygmies.

>there are no mixed race people
>there are no children of mixed race people

>The way /pol/tards dodge it is the "one drop of blood" rule, by which any person with a single "non-white" relative isn't white at all. Which of course makes almost all humans non-white.

What does /pol/ or the one drop rule have to do with anything?

Biological differences between continental groups don't rely on their opinion.

By subsaharan african I mean negroid, no pygmies and no bushmen.
>mulattos magically invalidate your reasoning!
No. Again, just because grey exists, doesn't mean black and white aren't real.

>continental groups

People travel, and mix. Mixed race black+white people are called by most to be "black". Yet they aren't africans, not born in Africa, never seen Africa, and genetically closer to Europeans.

Are you twelve? My dog would've understood me by now.

Q: Black and white don't have a clearly defined border.
A: Gray exists!

Q: Gray and white don't have a clearly defined border.
A: Fuck off back to tumblr.

You are just moving the issue, not solving it.
Races don't make sense, because there are each race that are more like elements of other races than their own race. This requires you to create new races, like "mulatto". But now there are people in the mulatto group that are more like some whites/blacks than their own mulatto group, so you need "second generation mulatto" or whatever.
You have to keep creating new races to fix the fuzzy borders issue, until every person is his own personal race, and at that point you are beyond tumblr.

What does that have to do with anything?

The fact that you can't tell leads me to believe you have subsaharan african IQ, so to speak.

Colors don't make sense because there are elements in colors that...see? It's idiotic, stop it, just because something has fuzzy borders, (which constitute what? Less than 5% of the variance?) doesn't mean it's not a useful category.
Look, classifying people into populations given their DNA works 99.999999999% of the time.

Mixed individuals are in a category of their own.

Nothing to do with the biological differences between continental groups which have emerged over the past 60000 years or so.

>Mixed individuals are in a category of their own.

Category 1: hypothetical pure whites.
Category 2: hypothetical pure blacks.
Category 3: mixed white-black.

Okay, so now a guy from Category 3 has sex with a woman from Category 1, because women from Category one love Category 3 dick.
Then their child has sex with Category 1, and again. The offspring is still Category 3? It looks less like Category 3, and more like Category 1.

So this person who has some pure black race, since his grandparent came from the mixed race, is now much more like the pure whites in appearance than to the rest of the mixed people.
Your categories make no sense in that way. Its like pouring hot and cold water in a pot and drawing a border where the hot water ends and the cold water begins. This border lasts a microsecond. The moment people could walk through mountain ranges, ford huge rivers, and sail the sea, they were breeding across races.

And yet we can categorize people into different populations based only on their DNA with no problem at all.
Sounds like your analogies aren't quite similar in quantitative terms to human diversity.

These are YOUR categories idiot.
It's best to think about race in term of percentages instead of some autistic categories. I don't even think the word white has that much value.

If he was alive today he'd post on /pol/

>And yet we can

We can, and do, I am just saying its retarded and every group has people who objectively don't belong, and are put there for convenience.


Okay. So we have the 99.9999993245295692952% white race, the 99.9932583421532% white race, the 99.93253295923852% white race... this is going to take a while, since humans have been on the planet for long enough for the number of possible combinations to be longer than the distance you had to move the goalpost to get here.

> I am just saying its retarded
it isn't the only thing that is retarded is your analogy. Just because something has fuzzy borders doesn't mean it's not real or useful. Japanese-russian borders are fuzzy, they are still both claiming some shit islands in the northern pacific. Does that mean classifying land as japanese or russian is useless/retarded? No, of course not.

Now your analogy is shit.
Nobody is using japanese borders to decide which people get genocided to advance the other, or to call themselves genetically superior.

I am talking about very abstract stuff. You can't have categories where members of one are more like members of another than their own set. Your categories don't make sense, they aren't categorizing at all.

If Germans became 1% Chinese admixed they would be the same as that's not a statistically meaningful number. If they had 20% Chinese admixture their IQs would be higher.

It's not about arbitrary concepts and numbers but the very real differences between continental groups.

>which constitute what? Less than 5% of the variance?


>Look, classifying people into populations given their DNA works 99.999999999% of the time.

DNA ≠ race

>1% "african" genes still means you are white

Don't let the whites hear you.

>Was Marx a racist?
Jews are racists, yes

>hating nation

Was racism in his genes then? Because he wasn't a jew in any other sense.

1 shekel has been deposited into your account

>stormnigger is incapable of supporting his retarded worldview and resorts to calling everyone a jew
How surprising

forks and spoons dont exist guys!

jesus christ youre fucking retarded

Marx thought America to be the next greatest country in the world next to Germany
Of course he didn't mind Mexico getting a beatdown

I remember reading that he and Lincoln were pen pals. I wonder if any of their letters are available somewhere.

eh not really marx wrote one letter to lincoln

Maybe, just maybe, it isn't genetic but cultural, and the global culture will dismantle those differences.

Man who lived in the mid 19th century was racist by today's standards. More news at eleven

>Colors don't make sense because there are elements in colors that...see?
Yes they don't on a scientific level, that is why proper categorization of colour is done with their wavelengths

>being raised by jews doesn't make you jewish.
oy vey

>if your category doesn't work 100% of the time it's wrong!
then we're not going to use any category at all

If your category has something that is a better fit for the neighbor category 100% of the time, its shit.

That's not how biosystematics software works, tho.

>t. biologist

You insert the data and the software is going to develop the relations between the groups/taxa YOU introduced. If you set Negroid and Caucasoid people as a single group, the software is going to treat them as the same and develop relations based on that. That is why every biosystematics work begins with defining what a taxa is according to the researcher.

I don't care about what you said about human races, just talking about those fucking softwares.

>tfw working with a species complex right now