Who was primarily responsible for WW1?

Who do you think was responsible and why?

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The Austro Hungarian Empire REEEEEEEing out because muh pride instead of just taking the concessions Serbs offered.

Then everybody saw an opportunity to knock off everybodies empire and voila.

Serbia and Austria-Hungary then Germany and Russia



London, because they were fucking scared of an economic axis between Germany, The AH Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

>London made Germany invade and rape the shit out of Belgium

Prince Henry of Prussia.


Everyone in Europe expect a war to happen
The animosity and bad blood between them was immense

Serbia for funding terrorists that killed AH's next leader.


The eternal Slav

Germany; invaded a neutral country thus making it a world war

Every participant apart from Belgium were responsible for their own headaches. It only became a World War because they all figured they had to get in on it.

Kaiser Wilhelm II for making it outside the balkans

wrong, it was the bourgoise

the working class of all these countries did not want war, yet they were conscirpted to die by the upper class

>pretending every bourgeois in every country had the same interests just because they were bourgeois
Found the tankie

Archduke Franz Ferdinand for getting shot.

The German Foreign Ministry--->Kaiser Wilhelm II---->Austrian Foreign Minister Berchtold + the Austrian Chief of staff-------------->Tzar Nicholas----------------> Serbia.

This motherfucker right here.

This. Don't be a dick and ride around in the wrong neighborhood desu.

The Germans

Germans>French>Austria>Britain>Everyone else
>Wilhelm II being a massive fuckup who wanted to be better than Britain leading to him doing stupid shit
>France for still being incredibly angry at the Franco-Prussian War and literally looking for any chance to start a war with Germany
>Austria for actually starting the war by declaring it
>Britain for being isolationists and not trying to stop it it in any way and also doing a naval arms race with Germany prior to the war

Only one person to blame.

He got what was coming to him.

>oppress people
>riots break out
>violently suppress them
>some Serb kills a monarch
>declare war to defend the Serbs
>basically supporting regicide
>ally with the regicidal French government
>ally with the cucked English """""monarchy""""
>alliances erode your credibility as a monarch
>send army out to war despite your civil unrest
>even worse, try to play at general
>get tons of people killed
>get self killed
>get family killed
Did he ever make a good decision?

>They started it tier

>They allowed it to happen tier

>They went on with it tier

>Oppurtunistic/Greedy/Agressor tier

>Victim tier

>Shouldnt have been there tier

Attempting to bring in their communist world order demanded Soviet to engulf europe. Something that could not happen with a strong Germany. Thus they poisoned it with cultural marxism, created the Weimar degeneracy and tried to finish the job. As they always do, look at life right now and tell me we are not near peak-Weimar.

Um... Desu. Technically its was the Imperial German Government responsible for Soviet Russia.

I mean they could have arrested Lenin and not given him a free train ride to Russia with the knowledge he was going to overthrow the Russian government.

Unless you mean the Kaiser is Jewish?

Well damn... Everything makes sense now.

>implying the same banks didnĀ“t sponsor both wars (and both sides, not to mention)

Yeah user, shit hurts. Not saying they were IN on it, but they sure were used as tools.


The Kaiser and the entire general staff were crypto-Jews who supported multi-cuturalism, communism, and Jewish big banks and the destruction of Germany.

The even groomed Shitler whose goal was to breed white German with Africans.

>summons Shitler poster


How were the Ottoman being any of those? As far as I know they didn't do shit and got war declared upon them because some germans went and attacked some russians and then blamed it on the Ottomans.

Apparently if /pol/ logic is right, Mehmed was a Jew too and not a Muslim ruler and helped bring multiculturalism and communism to Europe.

>Dindu Amerenians

list of British generals who died in ww1

Findlay, Neil Douglas BGRA 1st Division kia 10/09/14
Hamilton, Hubert Ion Wetherall GOC Infantry Division 3rd Division kia 14/10/14
Fitzclarence, Charles GOC Infantry Brigade 1st (Guards) Brigade kia 12/11/14
Gough, John Edmund MGGS First Army dow 22/02/15
Lomax, Samuel Holt GOC Infantry Division 1st Division dow 10/04/15
Riddell, James Foster GOC Infantry Brigade 149th Brigade kia 26/04/15
Hasler, Julian GOC Infantry Brigade 11th Brigade kia 27/04/15
Cole, Arthur Willoughby George Lowry GOC Infantry Brigade 25th Brigade kia 09/05/15
Nugent, George Colborne GOC Infantry Brigade 141st Brigade kia 31/05/15
Nickalls, Norman Tom GOC Infantry Brigade 63rd Brigade kia 26/09/15
Thesiger, George Handcock GOC Infantry Division 9th Division kia 26/09/15
Capper, Thompson GOC Division 7th Division dow 27/09/15
Wing, Frederick Drummond Vincent GOC Infantry Division 12th Division kia 02/10/15
Wormald, Frank GOC Cavalry Brigade 5th Cavalry Brigade kia 03/10/15
Trefusis, Hon. John Frederick Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes- GOC Infantry Brigade 20th Brigade kia 24/10/15
Fitton, Hugh Gregory GOC Infantry Brigade 101st Brigade dow 20/01/16
Gordon, Alister Fraser GOC Infantry Brigade 153rd Brigade dow 20/01/16
Heyworth, Frederick James GOC Infantry Brigade 3rd (Guards) Brigade kia 09/05/16
Mercer, Malcolm Smith GOC Infantry Division 3rd Canadian Division kia 02/06/16
Ingouville-Williams, Edward Charles GOC Infantry Division 34th Division kia 01/07/16
Prowse, Charles Bertie GOC Infantry Brigade 11th Brigade kia 01/07/16
Holmes, William GOC Infantry Division 4th Australian Division dow 02/07/16
Philpotts, Louis Murray BGRA 24th Division kia 08/09/16
Clifford, Henry Frederick Hugh GOC Infantry Brigade 149th Brigade kia 11/09/16
Stewart, Charles Edward GOC Infantry Brigade 154th Brigade kia 14/09/16
Howell, Philip BGGS II Corps kia 10/10/16
Glasfurd, Duncan John GOC Infantry Brigade 12th Australian Brigade dow 12/11/16


Bull, George GOC Infantry Brigade 8th Brigade dow 11/12/16
Long, Walter GOC Infantry Brigade 56th Brigade kia 29/01/17
Bulkeley-Johnson, Charles Bulkeley GOC Cavalry Brigade 8th Cavalry Brigade kia 11/04/17
Gosling, Charles GOC Infantry Brigade 10th Brigade kia 12/04/17
Matthews, Godfrey Estcourt GOC Infantry Brigade 198th Brigade dow 13/04/17
Ormsby, Vincent Alexander GOC Infantry Brigade 127th Brigade kia 02/05/17
Brown, Charles Henry Jeffries GOC Infantry Brigade 1st New Zealand Brigade kia 08/06/17
Broadwood, Robert George GOC Infantry Division 57th Division dow 21/06/17
Gordon, Charles William Eric GOC Infantry Brigade 123rd Brigade kia 23/07/17
Johnston, Francis Earl GOC Infantry Brigade 3rd New Zealand Brigade kia 07/08/17
Maclachlan, Ronald Campbell GOC Infantry Brigade 112th Brigade kia 11/08/17
Peake, Malcolm BGRA I Corps kia 27/08/17
Maxwell, Francis Aylmer GOC Infantry Brigade 27th Brigade kia 21/09/17
Rawling, Cecil Godfrey GOC Infantry Brigade 62nd Brigade kia 28/10/17
Bradford, Roland Boys GOC Infantry Brigade 186th Brigade kia 30/11/17
Cape, George Augustus Stewart BGRA 39th Division kia 18/03/18
Barnett-Barker, Randle GOC Infantry Brigade 99th Brigade kia 24/03/18


Feetham, Edward GOC Infantry Division 39th Division kia 29/03/18
Fulton, Harry Townshend GOC Infantry Brigade 3rd New Zealand Brigade dow 29/03/18
Forster, George Norman Bowes GOC Infantry Brigade 42nd Brigade kia 04/04/18
Gore, Robert Clements GOC Infantry Brigade 101st Brigade kia 14/04/18
Martin, Cuthbert Thomas GOC Infantry Brigade 151st Brigade kia 27/05/18
Husey, Ralph Hamer GOC Infantry Brigade 25th Brigade dow 30/05/18
Lumsden, Frederick William GOC Infantry Brigade 14th Brigade kia 04/06/18
Lumsden, Alfred Forbes GOC Infantry Brigade 46th Brigade kia 24/06/18
East, Lionel William Pellew CHA XIII Corps kia 06/09/18
Sanders, Arthur Richard Careless GOC Infantry Brigade 50th Brigade kia 20/09/18
Follett, Gilbert Burrell Spencer GOC Infantry Brigade 3rd (Guards) Brigade kia 27/09/18
Kay, Sir William Algernon Ireland Bt. GOC Infantry Brigade 3rd Brigade kia 04/10/18
Taylor, Stuart Campbell GOC Infantry Brigade 93rd Brigade dow 11/10/18
Lipsett, Louis James GOC Infantry Division 4th Division kia 14/10/18


Kaiser Wilhelm actually did quite hate Jews but for different reasons to the Nazis

>austria started it!

they were functionally satellites of the germans

yes, they had hawkish elements and retards and sometimes people who were both (looking at you conrad) but they only dropped their ultimatum on serbia because they asked germany for the game plan first. germany said "go fucking ham let's fuck these guys up," not because they figured russia would back down, but because they figured they had to fight a war now before the entente became too strong.

tl;dr Germany was dictating foreign policy to A-H, ergo Germany did it.

p.s. serbia deserved SOME kind of fallout for straight-up killing the heir apparent of another country

>pol spews infograhic tier nonsense in a history thread episode 69

I say France. France didn't need to go to war with Germany.


Ironic since German Crown Prince and the British Crown Prince were both fighting on the frontlines and leading the men during battles. Along with other members of the royal family.

>Germany; invaded a neutral country thus making it a world war
How does including Britain make it a World War? The French had a huge intercontinental empire too in striking distance of German colonies.

>it's not okay to completely generalize one race or ethnic group based solely on their race/ethnicity but it is entirely okay and even correct to generalize all members of the bourgeois due to their class
>t. Commie scum

Well there was also the ship full of gold trotsky got from ameican bankers when he left for russia.

> As far as I know they didn't do shit and got war declared upon them because some germans went and attacked some russians and then blamed it on the Ottomans.

The Ottomans were turbos jews who thought that they could get their massive foreign debt (60% of which was owed to France) canceled.

They had war declared on them for the same reason Japan did, they lauched a naval attack on Russia in the black sea without any formal decleration.


French colonies in striking distance of German is understatement since many of Germany's colonies were essentially encased by Frances African colonies and the others in Africa and around the world surrounded by Britain or Japan

>jews were behind ww1
>jews sabotaged war efforts during ww1
>jews revolted against the weimar republic
>jews were in charge of the weimar republic
Doublethink? Stormtards are at quadruplethink at this point.

Sort yourself out.
At least make an effort to actually understand shit that happens in the world instead of just spewing /pol/ infograph shit. Also read them closer you'd know that everything you alluded to happened after ww1.

the bagdad berlin railway had the brits shit their pants knowing german colonies will no longer be dependant on suez canal, there was a country in the path of this railway, who could potentially stop the entire ordeal, that country was Serbia

the eternal anglo knows no boundries of evil


More like they were scared of German dominance in Europe and mad at Germanies Tanzanian colony blocking the Cairo-Cape town railway
Germany invading belgium gave them the perfect excuse the solve both problems
>people think the allies were the good guys

there were no good guys in WW1, both sides painted themselves as the good guys, but it was in essence a collission of imperialistic ambitions.


You all know its true

Germany violated a treaty they themselves signed. You Germaboos are the worst. You will excuse every action of your shitty idols. They can lie, murder and steal and you will still do it.

>haha, don't worry austria-hungary, we will be sure to take judicial proceedings against accessories to the assassination! no need to send delegates over to take part in the investigation :^).


The Ottoman navy was ordered by enver Pasha to fire upon the Russians, causing the Russians to declare war on them. The Germans supported them of course, picking up another ally is never a bad thing, but the operation was masterminded by Enver pasha, though without consent by the rest of the Ottoman government.

France may have escalated the conflict, but did in no way start it.

Serbia literally agreed to extradite anyone with no evidence needed.
Serbia offered a joint investigation.
You German fucks need to seriously sod off.

when did this dictating of foreign policy take place? Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia but was afraid Russia would intervene. FJ rand to Wilhelm who said that Germany would assist AH if Russia intervened. Wilhelm was an idiot who merely wanted to strengthen the bond between AH and Germany. he didn't think AH would actually declare war, and believed that if they did, Russia would intimated by Germany and not intervene. But it was the Austrians who declared war and were pushing for the whole thing, Germany had no interest in Serbia.

The failed state of Austria-Hungary comes second.

Serbia literally agreed to all the demands in the ultimatum. AH then went REEEEE and started the war.

True, but by including Brittain every continent in the world was automatically involved.

>...As regards the participation in this inquiry [which Serbia intends to hold] of Austro-Hungarian agents... [Serbia] cannot accept such an arrangement, as it would be a violation of the Constitution...

>According to the wishes of the I. and R. Government, the Royal Government is prepared to surrender to the court, without regard to position and rank, every Serbian citizen for whose participation in the crime of Sarajevo it should have received proof. It binds itself particularly on the first page of the official organ of the 26th of July to publish the following enunciation...

germany couldnt sign any bong treaty about neutral belgium since it didnt exist at that time

you are thinking ww2 lindy
>anglo lies


>it was German Confederation it doesn't count!
More excuses.

you forgot romania from the oppurtunistic tier

does anyone know more about this picture?why are those men being executed

>i dont know international law

Point out where I defended Germany
But to think Britain came into the war as the "benevolent good guy looking out for the little guy" is uneducated normie tier thinking

>they lauched a naval attack on Russia in the black sea without any formal decleration.

Did you even read my post retard? They didn't. It was the Germans who attacked the Russians while flying the Ottoman flag.

>The Ottoman navy was ordered by enver Pasha to fire upon the Russians

No it wasn't.

>tfw it took the fucking Wonder Woman film to get me to see this

Everyone was responsible. Competition among European nations were at a all time high. Allies were made by who was the best traders that contributed best for the nation's economy. Nationalism was at a all time high. Industrial revolution lifted off, which led to an arms race. Imperialism and colonialism was a factor in which European nation could conquer the world first and most efficiently. Zionist Bankers saw this as an opportunity to instigate war and profit from it. Americans also saw this as an opportunity to sell arms to England for profit. It was a volcano ready to erupt.

But had the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand not have happened, then it could have been avoided, or at least delayed.

>historical responsibility

>muh Balkan
Austria-Hungary and Russia
>muh naval supremacy

now try counting the names of the regular soldiers that died

wrong, it was the jews

the gentiles of all these countries did not want war, yet they were tricked to die by the hebrew cabal

The way I heard it was some bloke named Archie duke Ferdinand shot an ostrich because he was hungry

Fucking Austria being a warmonger shit hole

I think you mean it started when the arch-duke of of Austro-Hungary got shot

Pretty much everyone was just ready for a good fight. There really wasn't one power that was indisputably at fault in terms of the big picture. Sometimes people like to argue that Germany was at fault for so strongly backing AH, but that's looking at things too narrowly. If it wasn't that particular crisis, it would have been another.

Every continent was involved when just France was involved to.

While you're probably memeing there is some truth because Japan's defeat of Russia showed it as weak to places like Germany and AH and also because of Russia's loss and loss on influence in the Far East Russia returned to the Balkans to influence bringing it into conflict with Austria.

Both of you need to shut the fuck up

t. George Clemenceau

Ocean, North-America, South-America?

> a communist king
Couldn't make it up.

>p.s. serbia deserved SOME kind of fallout for straight-up killing the heir apparent of another country
Some extremist fuckwit doing something stupid is not the fault of the country said fuckwit is from, especially if the country is willing to allow for a joint investigation, only having constitutional concerns about it.


New Caledonia, St. Pierre and Miquelon, and French Guiana.

Anne Frank

>no rothschilds


Correct answer. Literally burned europe to the ground over his waifu.

Because they're partisans. Don't believe the bullshit about how the poor innocent belgians dindu nuffin wrong, it's bullshit.