If Jesus died for our sins to save us, we can do anything and we won't go to hell then?
I don't understand
If Jesus died for our sins to save us, we can do anything and we won't go to hell then?
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Yes. Just repent and you're fine.
This is your brain on Protestantism.
read about theosis and orthodox theologumenon of hell and you'll get it
>If Jesus died for our sins
lel no
some user explains it in this thread
Because there's this thing called the Unpardonable Sin, and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
In short, it is Unbelief.
So while your sins were forgiven you before you were born, you still have the problem of being spiritually dead; you lack the living presence of the Holy Spirit in you.
Salvation is being born again in the Spirit; the forgiveness of sins made that offer possible.
But blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Unbelief? If you die in that sin, you go to hell forever, permanently separated from God. As God is Life, being separated from God is Death.
Most of you are dead, and don't know it.
Especially you.
No, it's garbage. Barabbas' name was not Jesus Barabbas; Barabbas was a pseudonym a rebel took in order to not have his family exterminated for his murderous part in a failed revolt.
Barabbas does mean Son of the Father, but Jesus/Yeshoshua does not.
Pilate, in a last ditch effort to save Jesus, made an offer he thought the Jews would take: Jesus spared, Barabbas the murderer crucified.
The gambit failed.
I have a serious question. If Jesus died for our sins, and he resurrected, doesn't that "invalidate" the deal? And why is suicide the unforgivable sin? Is it really that hard for such a loving and forgiving Lord to understand some people just have it too rough and want out of this hell?
>People actually believe this
What's next? Vaccines cause autism and smallpox is dead?
>Incoming 30 different interpretations
suicide is unforgivable because in order to be forgiven you must voluntarily repent. But you're dead, so how can you repent?
suicide is a sin because the right to take your own life does not belong to you, but it belongs to God alone. God lets you die or live, so you are literally doing his job without his consent, which is a sin.
theology try-hard user here
Jesus did not die for our sins. That's theologically incorrect. Jesus died to free us from death. What is death? Death is the impossibility of salvation. When Adam sinned, he brought death into this life. So nobody from Adam until Jesus's death could be saved, so after death they all went to Hell. But Jesus conquered death by dying, and defying death, because he is God. So now if we repent, if we achieve theosis, we can also enter heaven.
Sola fide is heresy m8.
because holy spirit is a lifegiver and a few """problems""" is not a reason to kill yourself
>God gives you joy of life
>You throw it in garbage
>"why is this a bad thing"?
to be honest life without God is pretty shit
>Barabbas was a pseudonym a rebel took in order to not have his family exterminated for his murderous part in a failed revolt.
[citation needed]
Jesus could also classify as a rebel
>life without God
is hell, thats the point of hell.
What is joyful about life?
Legitimate question, literally every society is filled to the brim with corruption and its own form of depravity. Why is living in them, being born in them, some sort of gift?
>What is joyful about life?
when you'll stop being an edgy teenager, you'll get it.
life is not a joy
life is a struggle against evil
if you win, they you'll enjoy life ... an eternal one
Im 30
Now answer the question
Or admit you have no idea and insult me some more.
I believe everything God says.
Why don't you?
Catholic rubbish.
All of your sins, including murder, and suicide is murder, were forgiven you at the cross.
Born again Christians who despair and kill themselves go to heaven, not hell.
Devout Catholics go to hell, not heaven.
>you are literally doing his job without his consent
Do you know who does not consent? People who are born. Nobody chooses to be born. Imagine someone who is born into an Eastern European shithole into poverty, has abusive parents, is bullied through all his school time, is ugly, short, has several illness - both mental and physical -, no friends, nothing in life but extreme suffering and misery every single moment of his day, every single day. You are telling me if this person decides to suicide which is perfectly reasonable given the circumstances, he would also end up in hell. The so called Lord can do everything but yet he makes the world this way.
Fuck God. God is evil. When the man and the woman ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God was infuriated, because He was so selfish He thought only Himself could bear the knowledge of good and evil. This supposedly God of righteousness, love and forgiveness, punished them to feel pain at birth and to work for all eternity, and also stripped away the tree of eternal life, condemning all humans to death for all eternity. God have fucking HEMORRHOIDS to an entire nation, is this the God of love you call? There is so much bullshit through the entire Bible, I'm not even saying it's false. And literally GOD FORBID YOU TO EVEN QUESTION HIS BULLSHIT.
"Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?" (Romans 9:23).
God is evil, He doesn't care about humans. This Universe is hell, it is wretched. There is no salvation.
You're just lucky if you don't know what suffering every day is like. You are not blind, you are not deaf, your parents love you, you don't have any major mental and/or physical disabilities, I will also risk saying you are from a first world country. You don't have any debt. This world is pure evil. Condeming someone to be born in this Universe, this Hell, is not the work of a loving God.
>Jesus did not die for our sins.
You shouldn't be part of any organized Christian or Catholic practice with this as your starting point.
You were created in image and likeness of God, you are member of highest race after God, for whose sake everything was created, including angels (deut 4:19) and to hom God calls "gods" (Psalm 82:6) and to whom He gave dominion over His creation. you have an opportunity to become like God (theosis/divinization) and after that you ask what is the joy of life? Study more.
I believe everything God says.
He just didn't tell me anything.
Some people claim books written by men are his words, but how can i know.
Godless people have no access to God's Joy; only to happiness, and happiness is a poor substitute, and circumstantial. Godly people can sing joyfully in prison. And do.
I was bullied in every class during 12 age, never have friends until later age, I have severe case of autism and live in the shithole at the edge of Eastern Europe, but I never lost hope, or became an edgy teen mental gymnastic, with stupid thoughts like
>This world is pure evil.
Are you listening?
Are you reading what God told His prophets?
Are you reading what God told His men to write?
Are you reading what God said through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus?
Are you listening to the adopted sons and daughters as they tell you the good news?
You have the free will to ignore God, but don't pretend He never reached out to you.
>Some people claim books written by men are his words, but how can i know.
By reading them and judging them for yourself.
> life is bad so suicide is ok
> implying God can't give you a shitty life
newsflash: God can give you a bad life. He gave it to you not because he's capricious, but because he sees it fit. If you follow his will and you carry on in the life that he gave you, you will achieve salvation and another life, one that is more joyful than anything here and one that never ends.
this is actually the orthodox pov.
This race is a plight unto the planet and itself. Life itself is a plight. Everywhere you look the strong devour the weak, all life extinguished in agony. Those that try to make this a universe of happiness inevitably beaten down by the inequities of their peers or the crashing of the waves of time long before their tasks are done. From mountains to sea, life is suffering for too many. Even those blessed with a mostly harmonious life are granted that only by the immense suffering of those far away. This race, this species, is pathetic.
And when asked why life itself must be so your answer is nothing but hollow platitudes and promises of wisdom that never manifest.
C*lvinist or any kind of predestinating bydlo, pls go away
Yes, and why papists and papist-lites are not born again Christians, but pagans through and through.
> not calvinist
> not predestinating
A hard calvinist would never say "if".
hi /pol/
plz go back with non-arguments to /pol/
if you want to talk theology plz bring arguments instead of your heresies. thanks
t. Edgelord
sage and bye
I can't ask why life must be a constant fruitless struggle without being an edgelord?
"For any man who has a defect shall not approach: a man blind or lame, who has a marred face or any limb too long, a man who has a broken foot or broken hand, or is a hunchback or a dwarf, or a man who has a defect in his eye, or eczema or scab, or is a eunuch." (Leviticus 21:18-19)
If you have any disability you are not going to get into Heaven, no matter how pure you are, no matter how much you pray. Your worship just doesn't count. Wheter it's blindness, deafness, anything that is not your fault for being born with, you're going to Hell for being born that way. This probably includes autism. So I'm sorry, but God doesn't care about you, you have believed in Him for nothing. You're going to hell for being disabled, and so am I.
"“He who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the LORD." (Deuteronomy 23:1)
If you were circumcised at birth, sorry bud, you could literally be Jesus Christ, but you won't get into Heaven. God doesn't want anyone with small cocks into Heaven.
"Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh." (Peter 2:18)
If you are slave you should just accept things the way you are, even if you are beaten everyday, forced into captivity, tortured, forced labor, it doesn't matter, it's wrong to complain about it. It's really no surprise since all humans are just slaves to God.
"For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him." (Leviticus 20:9)
If a child is spanked and abused by their parents for their entire life and as a result once dares to curse their parents in return, this child should be stoned to death, it's not the parents that are at fault.
These are just some of the many passages that show the true nature of this God. He is not good. God is evil. He couldn't hate humans more. There is no salvation. I'm sorry, but you were lied to.
I don't know if they are his prophets.
And if they are, i don't know if that's what he told them to write.
I can judge if a book is well written, i can judge if it's interesting or logic, but i can't tell just by reading if a book is inspired by God.
Leviticus and Deuteronomy passages is about Priesthood (assembley of God)
And thanks for taking the Peter chapter out of context, you ignorant buffoon
2 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,
5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,
8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
Like the position "the orthodox church does not believe that Jesus died for your sins" was substantiated?
Since they accurately, 100% told the future, yes, you can know they are God's prophets.
By studying the 30% of the bible that is prophetic in nature, the bible will prove to you that it is inspired by God, the only one who knows the end from the beginning and can write the future as though it is history.
Or you can hope willful ignorance will get you through Judgment Day.
Your choice.
Arent those prophecies vague and applicable to various occurences?
Jesus was a deceiver though.
Whatever you say isn't going to change the fact that God is Evil. There's so much shit wrong with Christianism. Only an ignorant retard with an easy life with no worries our troubles could turn a blind eye to all the evil there is in the world. If God is forgiving, why did he punish Adam and Eve? Why did He punish all of the Philistines with fucking hemorrhoids? Why does He feel like He can just doom all of Egypt to fucking plagues just because? If God is loving then why did He create an Earth full of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, lightning, pain? In Jacob 42:11 God does evil to someone who is otherwise holy and sinless, why? If God is omniscient, doesn't He already know how this timeline will end? Doesn't He already know the people who will be saved and who will burn to Hell? If yes, then why did He create this timeline anyway? Why does God let child mortality exist? Will a child who is born and dies under the age of 1 go to Hell just because this child has never prayed, prayed at a church etc? I could do this forever. This Universe is hell my friend. I really, really, really envy people who have such easy lives that they think they're loved by the Universe, or that any hardship you face is a mere test of this God. People who have it so easy they think there is a thing such as "free will". Did you choose to be here this day? Did you choose to be reading this? Did you choose your height, your skin color, your family, your country? You didn't even get a word at being born. All your so called decisions happen inside your brain, in a microscopical world. Do you have control over your microscopical neurons in your brain? No. You don't. Then it's foolish to say there is a thing such as a free will. And the worst part is that there is no salvation. Life exists as a dream, and this dream will day end, and nobody will ever remember their dream. Even if God exists, I am going to Hell for merely saying these truths and not regretting it.
Daniel prophesied the exact day that the Messiah would be cut off. The exact day.
483 years from a future event that took place a century after Daniel died.
The precise day, almost 600 years in the future.
Imagine how shocked the world would be to find Christopher Columbus' diary contained the note that Donald J. Trump would be POTUS elected November 8, 2016.
Jesus is God.
The devil, your father, is the deceiver. I say that because there are only two spiritual fathers, and none of Jesus' children call him the devil.
do your research, it does not technically believe that
Wow, there's a lot to unpack there.
On what basis would God forgive Adam and Eve for joining satan's rebellion against Him? Do you not know all forgiveness has a price that must be paid?
Do you not believe in crime and punishment? Cause and effect? Natural consequences?
Of course God knows the end from the beginning; He is God.
No child who dies before reaching their age of accountability goes to hell.
Sin let death into the world, death and suffering and sorrow. Hate sin, not God. God did not sin. Men and angels sinned against God.
Free will only allows you to choose from among your available options; it does not grant you Godlike powers.
Of course it doesn't. It has to counterfeit Christianity better than that.
The source is in Babylon, with Nimrod the sun god, his wife the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, and their son Tammuz miraculously "raised from the dead".
All pagan religions go back to Babylon.
In the King of Babylon's dream, the statue of the empires contained two legs made of iron; these two legs are Rome, east and west. Each ruled for a thousand years. One was based in Rome, the other in Constantinople.
Both legs of iron will be pulverized by the Rock that is Christ Jesus, and all of its works will burn.
As to the counterfeiting, nobody counterfeits $4 bills.
so what is not paganism?
Protestantism that didn't even exist until some guy decided "fuck the church" and made his own religion?
Thats all with hindsight and assumes the ideas around the initial writing of the scriptures is correct and it wasn't all cobbled together at a later date after the event prophesised already happened. Did it predict something more recent or substantial?
>So nobody from Adam until Jesus's death could be saved, so after death they all went to Hell
Christianity is not paganism. What you call "Protestantism" was a catholic civil war that ended 500 years ago.
>Cause and effect?
Then you are admitting that cause and effect exist, but yet people must be punished because of things that are out of their control. If you are admitting cause and effect, you should also admit determinism and naturalism.
>No child who dies before reaching their age of accountability goes to hell.
Which is? How do you define an age of accountability? Is there even a mentioning of this age in the Bible? If yes, what is it? 18? If I murder a priest and rape his parents at 17 years, 11 months and 29 days of age, I'm cool, but if I drink a bottle of beer to celebrate my 18th birthday I'm going to be punished for consuming alcohol. What about people who are mentally insane? Do they have accountability?
>God did not sin.
He did. He did evil to Jacob by killing his entire cattle when he was holy and sinless. Why?
>Men and angels sinned against God.
That's retarded by itself. God is the one who came up with the idea of a sin.
>Free will only allows you to choose from among your available options
This is retarded. Why do some people get to choose more things from then? People who are born rich can pretty much choose anything. People who are born into poverty and can't get a job must be forced to either starve to death or rob from a priest, in which they case they go to Hell. Such a loving and caring God. As for me thank you God for letting me choose between living a life of extreme suffering every single moment of every single day, and painlessly ending this with suicide in which case I go to Hell. Such a very loving God indeed. Next you will tell me it just is the way it is and I can either shut up and stop complaining about this extreme misery like the slaves in the Book of Peter or literally go to hell. I will die before you, but when you die too and I see you in hell I will be laughing my ass at you because I was right. If you really have a disability you are forbidden to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Enjoy your life while you lucky cunt.
Your analysis is absurd, as you do not know any of the facts and have not studied the matter at all.
Not only was Daniel written during the exile, but the book was translated into the Septuagint 150 years prior to the messiah being cut off. The dating of the Septuagint is well known.
So you attempt to reduce this most amazing 600 year prophecy into an amazing 150 year prophecy, and then dismiss it entirely.
You are not seeking truth, or answers; you are in open rebellion against God Himself, and your side already lost.
If you want to redeem yourself, study the Dry Bones prophecy that was fulfilled on May 14, 1948.
Why conflate cause and effect with crime and punishment? The first is natural; the second is societal. Your autism may be too much for me to answer too many more of these posts, and for that I apologize in advance.
God defines every single person's age of accountability, not me. And God makes good decisions.
God did not kill Jacob's cattle, and God did not kill Job's cattle either.
Not being up to God's perfection and glory is the definition of sin. Missing the mark. Not being perfect.
Because life is not fair. But it's not fair the opposite way you think; the rich man has less of a chance of being saved than the poor man.
And yes, you can thank God very much for providing a means by which you do not have to pay the price of your own sins; that you do not have to go to hell.
You can thank Him on your knees every day for eternity for that. I'm going to.
Also, if God knew how this was going to end, as you admitted it, why did he make the world the way it is? He knows how this timeline will end. He knows who will get to enjoy Heaven, and who will rot in Hell. And yet He created the Universe, and keeps telling Himself that it's people who make choices, when he already knows how things will end but chooses not to intervene. He knows that people will rot in hell, his own creatures, but does it anyway. IT IS ALMOST AS IF HE DOESN'T CARE, OR REALLY HATES HUMANS. Do you really not see it's God who is vile? Life is misery. There is nothing good about it. People suffer every single instant of their lives. God is Evil and you are siding with this Evil. There is no true good in this planet. It's all a torture. If God is indeed real and every single word of the Bible is true, it's very likely He created humans just to watch them suffer. You are an accomplice of this evil, you lick this God's balls in the face of all the evil. It's literally selling your soul to the devil. You get eternal pleasure but in turn the rest of humanity rots in hell and there is pain everywhere. The nature of this existence is wretched. There is not one single good thing about this miserable piece of shit Universe. It's all a fucking piece of trash. You are disgusting. People like you are the worst of the worst. Keep patting yourself in the back telling this God is right without for once taking off your blinders.
I thought the whole point of the crucifixion was that goyim couldn't go to heaven until G-d decided to sacrifice himself/his son.
>tfw dumb
Explain blease christfriends
oh are you one of those "organized religion sucks let's just all believe in Jesus and be saved" people?
> well they didn't stay there forever, Jesus let them in heaven after his death.
STOP. You are so brainwashed it doesn't matter how many times I explain it. Do you need me to start spamming pictures of animal gore for you to understand this entire Universe is Hell? Is it really that hard to understand your life is meaningless? This Universe is full of pain. There is not one good thing about it. Look around you, what do you see? Pain, poverty, crime, rape, malnourished children, illness, disabilities, inequality, hatred, this world is hell. You must be extremely fortunate to not understand this. You must life in some kind of bubble. Tell me, why did God make things the way it is? He knows how it's all going to end, He knows that regardless of how much someone suffers or how much someone doesn't suffer that person is already predetermined to go to either Heaven or Hell, after all, he is omniscient, unless you start contradicting yourself even more than you already are doing. God did all of this. He created all of this suffering and you are selling your soul to this devil by signing a pact that gives you eternal ecstasy in exchange for the suffering of all of humanity for eternity. And that's of course assuming that this so called God exists. Subhumans like me aren't welcomed in neither hell or heaven. We are just born to suffer like animals for our entire lives, we see and dream of wonderful things that we will never achieve, and then we suicide, all of this suffering was in vain and the dreams will never come true. You don't understand. You wouldn't be saying the things you are if you did. Don't expect me to give you any more attention you piece of shit.
>Hurr ur going to hell 4 asking questions u heretic
Are you fucking retarded? Is that who heaven is for? Retards?
I don't have to admit what God reveals. It's there for anyone to see.
God compared creating the universe to a man building a tower. You plan, estimate the costs, estimate the benefits, make sure you have enough assets to finish the job, and make your decision to go forward, or not.
If a man runs out of money half-way, he becomes a laughingstock.
God weighed the costs and benefits of creating this universe, and went forward. Clearly to God in God's economy the benefits outweigh the costs.
You're so obsessed with the costs that you're going to be a cost, and not a benefit.
you have one thing in your life that you must do.
Become a benefit, and not a cost.
Jesus dying to pay the price of all of mankind's sins satisfied God's holiness, justice and righteousness. All crimes are paid for.
So in God's mercy and grace, He can now offer mankind the free gift of salvation to any who believe, because the sin barrier between man and God was torn down by Jesus on the cross.
And quite literally, as the three foot thick veil before the Holy of Holies was torn in half from top to bottom when Jesus died, indicating that the Holy of Holies is now open for business to anyone who wants to approach God, not just the Jewish High Priest once a year.
So when you were born, your sins were forgiven you "in advance", you might say. But that still left you dead. Dead but forgiven.
And heaven is only for the living.
To become a living being, you must be born in the Spirit; you must be resurrected from death from the inside by the Holy Spirit of God.
To have that happen, you must confess out loud that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead.
Do that, and you will be saved.
Jesus saves people, one at a time, whoever comes to Him.
No church has ever saved anybody, ever. That's not what churches are for, and The Church is already comprised only of born again believers.
I'm trying to tell you how to get into the next universe, the one you crave and do not find here.
Listen to me, and abandon your foolishness.
> tfw christianity only exists because Constantine converted to organized religion
Christianity only exists because Jesus is God, died for the sins of humanity, and rose from the dead.
Constantine was never a christian and came about almost 300 years later.
Do you need another crusade you Cathar pos?
You know this poster?
Hey not that guy but I'm all on board with that. I think that dudes problem is your inability to accept this universe fucking sucks and is irredeemable shit.
>Most of you are dead, and don't know it.
user? Yeah he's kinda a faggot. Loves those dicks.
I mean I can't deny a guy with ad hominem arguments :P
I do'nt want to get into any other Universe you pathetic idiot. I just want a second chance. I want so much to live the life of my dreams. It's not something that is too much ask. It's not like anything in the like of being a millionaire who fucks whores in a yacht. I just want to go back in time, and start over, this time, without any poverty, abusive parents, no paranoia, no schizophrenia, no pain. It's autistic but it is what it is. I don't know anything about anything. It's all random and nothing makes sense. That's the truth to everything. The only things I know is that something exist and that I hate it. I'm tired of this eternal suffering. I can't stand it. You have no idea what is like. People like you have it so easy, you can't possibly imagine the scope of suffering a human person can go through and yet here you are talking to me as if I have a choice at anything but to suffer for eternity in this life or hell. The worst part is that people like you go to Heaven if this so called God exists and people like me go to Hell. I will never worship a God who created all of this suffering. You don't understand you naive creature. You're too immersed in your bubble to see any of it.
I don't think I ever said anything to the contrary.
Everything is broken, cursed, dying, and falling apart. There is horrific evil that takes place daily.
My focus is on getting out of this place where I was born, and getting into the place I can finally call home, where none of the evils of this place exist.
>I just want a second chance.
And I am telling you how to receive that second chance, when it matters. In eternity.
Your short life here is not a significant fraction of your eternal life in one of two eternal destinations of your choice.
I think he (I cuz that's me lol) is referencing the Albigensian Crusade agains the Cathars who had a similar view of Christianity.
if you want to think this way, whatever. but you have no theological basis for doing it the way you're doing it, but organized Christianity has theology behind it.
Also check out apostolic succession.
>Also check out apostolic succession.
I don't spend a lot of time checking out lies from the pit of hell. Just kind of sniff them, smell the brimstone, and move on.
if you think they are lies, tell us why.
>Hurr ur going to hell 4 asking questions u heretic
Are you fucking retarded? Is that who heaven is for? Retards?
I have no idea what your greentext refers to.
Ask as many questions as you want of God; He is longsuffering.
People go to hell because they're born dead, stay dead, and die. There's no place for people like that in the Kingdom of the Living.
It's YOUR CHOICE to stay spiritually dead; it's YOUR CHOICE to think that only the physical exists/matters.
You are implying that people make choices. I will say it in caps lock so you can understand.
There are so many more other arguments against free will. For example, demographic tendencies. It's a known fact that poor people are more likely to do drugs, perform crime, and so on, and rich people are less. If free will really was a thing, then the statistics of crime rate, divorce rates, drug use, and so on, would be evenly spread among people with different incomes. It isn't, which hints at causality.
If this God is real, then He created humans, made them (including people like you) believe there is free will, and then send these same humans to hell. God must be having a really good laugh at you right now dumbass.
This Universe is hell. There is no salvation. There is nothing good to it. People are born to suffer and they die in absolute misery. You are an accomplice of all this evil.
You're not reading what he's saying. He's angry that this universe exists at all and questions the benevolence of an omnipotent creator that would allow it to continue.
First, there is no magical unbroken chain from Peter to the current Petrus Romanus. Second, that broken chain is filled with homosexuals, thieves, murderers, pedophiles, whoremongers, and some of the most evil men to ever walk the earth.
There is absolutely nothing in the bible that supports the pagan proposition that one man has to hand the baton off to another, lest all is lost.
There is, however, in the bible, the clear notation that the apostles were specially chosen by Jesus, and that they were to go forth and make DISCIPLES, not successor apostles.
Your traditions are all of the very same men that usurp authority over you and keep you away from knowing the true living God.
Which anyone can do on their own.
It wasn't Hell
It's still your brain.
And how do you rule out that your subconscious mind does not have a subconscious keeper?
And how do you rule out that your unconscious mind does not have an unconscious keeper?
No, the sooner you learn personal responsibility, the better your life will be.
I'm just asking you for legit unquestioned prophecies whose creation isn't mired in legend and aren't up for interpretation and you respond with anger and talk of redemption and now go so far as to say i deny spirituality entirely.
> it wasn't hell
ok it wasn't the hell where you burn to death ok
> nothing in the scriptures
>He's angry that this universe exists at all and questions the benevolence of an omnipotent creator that would allow it to continue
It's worse than just that. He not only allows it to continue, but, if He is truly omniscient and omnipotent, He already knew that things would turn out this way. He knew, from the exact moment He created Universe, which individuals would live lives that would lead them to Heaven, and which ones would lead them to Hell. Moreover, it was God himself that created sins, for before God, there were no sins. Imagine if I were a God, and drew a line on the floor. "If you cross this line, you'll have eternal suffering". Why would He even do that in the first place if he's benevolent and omnipotent? It gets worse when you realize this line you shall not cross is everywhere. If you are poor and you rob, you go to Hell. If you are abused by your parents and call them names because they sexually molested you, you go to Hell. If you are forced to fight in a rich man's war, you to Hell. And on top of it all He tells us "you have free will, it's all your choice". It's all a fucking joke. I am not even going over the fact that the mere idea that a beardy old man created this whole Universe is completely ridiculous. I'm assuming that this God exists and everything in the Bible is true.