Childhood is idolizing democracy
Adulthood is realizing totalitarian government makes more sense
Childhood is idolizing democracy
you got lost, but the nice people on Veeky Forums are always willing to help. is that way.
>PAUL! Muh PAUL! Go to PAUL!
Fuck off. It's getting old already. Oh, and it's not an argument.
holy shit other user was right, they took out /leftypol/ from that pic the sneaky breekies
t. /pol/
>>Third Reich lasts for 12 years.
>> totalitarian government making "sense"
>> Meanwhile the United States constitutional republican government has been lasting for over 235 years now.
Yeah makes total sense.
neither is National Socialism
Should have /leftypol/ there as well. Veeky Forums is a radical centrist board.
I like this version more
Totalitarian government's will, with enough time, fall into the hands of people who are more subject to their own passions than to their nation, with democracies these idiots can be discarded, with totalitarian governments they cannot be stopped from bringing the nation to failure.
>implying Veeky Forums isn't just /eugenics/
With democracies the idiots still decide. There needs to be a cycle where a small minority of people who know what the fuck they're doing temporarily take power and get shit fixed.
Veeky Forums should really be Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums.
Well say goodbye to Veeky Forums because I doubt a totalitarian government, never mind Nazi Germany would allow something like Veeky Forums to exist. Most /pol/ users wouldn't last a day in a concentration camp, let alone survive under a totalitarian state.
So you want the pre-Erdogan Turkish system with the army stepping in to correct populist fuckups.
Or the Italian system where the presidential monarch can form a technocratic cabinet in a crisis.
Both are bad.
The king might be an idiot and the army can be corrupted.
Childhood is to think happiness and fulfillment come from the exterior. Adulthood is realising the exterior is absolutely trivial.
I made that version before some user edited /leftypol/ in.
Anyway isn't /pol/ more or less just a combination of all retards regardless if left or right?
childhood is idolizing universal suffrage. adulthood is realizing meritocracy makes much more sense.
[would you like to know more?]
A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life, a civilian does not
This is just as much of a bunch of retards as anywhere else on Veeky Forums. You belong on reddit with that attitude, you fuck.
quoted straight from the textbook, but do you actually know what it means?
Well Holocaust denial and shitposting is a little less common on Veeky Forums than on /pol/ but yeah, I get your point.
If someone wants to dispute the numbers of the Holocaust, then fine, but you better give some damn good evidence besides "fucking kikes!!!" Yes, the shitposting is annoying, but posts like this also keep us from becoming a giant counter-/pol/ circle jerk, which would be just as annoying.