Gold predicted to rise 5-10X in the future. Silver predicted to rise 20-100X in the future, when paper implodes...

Gold predicted to rise 5-10X in the future. Silver predicted to rise 20-100X in the future, when paper implodes. Central banks across the world are stockpiling it.

How much silver have you bought? Its dirt fucking cheap right now. If you are not diversifying you are setting your self up to lose everything.

If economy crashes to the point where you will have to use gold and silver it's better to buy guns because they will be worth a lot more.

Okay peter schiff

sitting on 100 oz of silver, baby. keep it in the same lockbox as all my crypto stuff. we are the silver marines.

Considered buying silver ~4 years ago when everyone was saying:

"World supply of silver is smaller than golds, it will rise - we need it for machines and such"

"Silver will rise in the future"

It was ~$30/oz back then, now it's $16/oz, and been declining since pretty much.

Was the 20x prediction supposed to be in 100 years?


i'll just shoot you and take your gold if the world dumps fiat

Why not both? You going to barter your bullets until your gun is a bludgeoning tool?

>boomers bags intensifies

>having value soon
asteroid mining fuccboi
it'll become what aluminum did

so what are the best cheap guns?

>Gold to go 10x
>Silver to go 100x
Bitcoin is projected to go 1000x if that happens.

Fuck your babby metal. Bitcoin will win.

Got me 150 silver coins sitting in my closet, ready for any kind of scenario.

If crypto is the real next big thing then i'll survive.
If we go full primal silkroad merchants with metal coins then i'll survive.
If every thing is fine and /pol/ is wrong again then i'll survive.

God wills it.

you can make your own ar-15 (just buy a lower, lower parts kit, and complete upper) pretty damn cheap.

for handguns, the good "cheap" guns are ruger, some springfields.

Thats what diversification is all about.

these fellas can help you with that

I hear this all the time. If you think people who hoard gold and silver aren't also gun owners you're a fucking retard. In fact they probably have networked with all the other gold/silver/gun owners and will most likely kill you, take your pee shooter and rape your wife.

This is where I am, except still need more help increasing meme money supply.

Cant protect your physical currency with masterkeys. Thats what the gun is for. I do get sick of the same moron always, mah guns. Its pretty much a given for anyone who gives half a shit about their future.

I have a serious question for Silver and Gold anons.

In a scenario where Silver and Gold are used to barter for goods. Wouldnt all coinage be just as useful?

For example: government collapse, etc, and now you have to offer silver or gold for goods, wouldnt all coinage be just as valuable?

I have around 100 silver dollars. I also have around 100 Eisenhower Dollars, because I believe these will be just as valuable as my real silver dollars.

Also: Since gold is so much more valuable than silver, would anyone be able to trade using gold?

As a hedge I also maintain around 10k rounds of ammo for my safe full of guns because shit is gonna get real if society collapses. And people wont care if I have silver dollars.

Coinage means nothing only the quantity and quality of the silver.

How are people so deluded that they think hoarding precious metals is going to save them from a post apocalyptic scenario. Food, weapons, medication, shelter, and fuel are going to be the only valuable commodities. Gold was sought after by ancient civilizations because it was shiny and believed to be esoteric. Kings wore it to flaunt their wealth and power. Today it serves only as a medium of exchange. If the world goes to shit it will be absolutely worthless.

Theres another one.

I've got about 550 oz of silver and 4 oz of gold. I read endless articles on Zero Hedge and other sites about how a silver shortage was coming, how we'd reached peak silver, how silver demand was skyrocketing while supply was dwindling, how silver would reach $100/oz in the next few months. The price is about the same as when I bought it two years ago.

Meanwhile my bitcoin has increased about 800% since buying. If I had put all the money I invested in silver into crypto instead I'd be sitting pretty. Instead I've earned zilch. PM is for people who hate gains.

It's so obviously the grasshopper and the ant situation. These fucking faggot ass grasshopper anons think they're just gonna show up to my door with a gun when winter comes. Good luck with that nigger.

user, there will be a day that you'll be very happy about this supply of PM's collecting dust in your basement.

Stop listening to retards are on /pol/ then.

They may hold value when the world begins reconstruction but prior to that you are wasting assets.

When you wish you had it, you wont be able to afford it.

i have stopped listening. I haven't bought any PM for over a year since I realized all the doomsday prophets and goldbugs don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Just as the wise, omnipotent op said, you should have both. You clearly have enough silver. Start buying crypto. Why is this so fucking hard?

I am convinced that should society collapse, we would return to a more communal style of life, where we would live in a community, and you would have a "job" within the community in order to pull your weight.

That might be a farmer, a baker, a smith

there woldnt be any freeloaders, or you would be put out of the community.

I've been buying crypto since 2015 and have done rather well in terms of gains. My complaint is that I paid a huge opportunity cost by putting money into silver which has gone nowhere instead of bitcoin which has gone to the moons of Jupiter in the last two years. The silverbugs have been saying we're going to see >$100 silver any day now for years and the price has gone absolutely nowhere.

Explain this please I know nothing about guns

the hopes and dreams of a baby boomer. It'll never happen grandpa, the future is now. They just grew meat in a tin can and fed it to a vegetarian. She ate it because no animals were harmed. It's all downhill from here.


Gold and silver are forms of money for sure, but they're also commodities which are good insurance for when the market recedes or outright crashes, and they are a hedge against inflation. That's it.

You know why gold and silver aren't good for your apocalypse faggotry? Because they're not for the apocalypse. This isn't some apocalypse fantasy shit. Put your chode away.

Same here, about 120 oz. Maples, Eagles, Britannias, even a few Kangaroos. Some 40% silver Kennedy Half-Dollars that I regret buying, because of their lower silver content. A lot of private minted stuff too, Sunshine and A-Mark mostly. For Gold, I have some various gram bars and nice rings I got for below melt value.

Go to /k/ and hickok 45.

It's not like there are only two scenarios: fiat continues vs. total and complete apocalypse

I think the reason people are bullish about metals is as a hedge against inflation. Given the amount of money that's been printed people are expecting to see rapid inflation as all this extra currency starts to flood the economy

I don't think people buying silver are doing so to barter for food in a mad max style future. I guess they're just paranoid about high inflation and low interest rates from the bank.

Rising inflation does seem probable in the near future. But not to the extent that society completely collapses and goes full mad max

Tell me more about this ICO, what id the marketcap and on which exchange is it available?

You do realize the original purpose of banks was to store gold right?
That's where the word banknote originated from.
Thats why the gold standard existed.

you can get a PT111 G2 for under $300, people seem to like them. Mossburg Maverick 88's are under $200 as well.

Then build your own AR-15 and you have the big three right there.

Just mine it yourself bruh.

psst.. you use the silver and gold to bribe military officers in an apocalyptic scenario.

>ever being wrong

pick one

in an apocalyptic scenario, people are more concerned about food, water, and medicine than they are of useless shiny metal

End of fiat wouldn't lead to an apocalypse.
It would just lead to the reintroduction of the gold standard.

if you don't think the end of fiat would lead to the Apocalypse, you clearly do not know who it was that made the fiat system in the first place, and why they don't like challenges to their power

they'd rather WW3 than lose their grip on the world

With gold and silver you can't go anywhere if something major happens. You're stuck where your gold is, if you keep it yourself. Bitcoin is like gold but you can move everywhere in the world with all your fortune, just hop up on a plane and flee.

>It would just lead to the reintroduction of the gold standard.
Unless this time it will be the bitcoin standard.

There will be no barter scenario. Cryptos have eliminated that as a possibility. However, silver will still gain 20-100 times as the dollar dies and silver is needed as tier one money and also as an industrial commodity.

Also, the reason the price is so low is because the jews are suppressing the price on comex. This is very obvious if you pay attention.