Help me, Veeky Forums. How do I quit being a beta numale cuckboi and ask the girl out who keeps walking by my cubicle. I've seen her checking me out before as I walked past her. When I turned around to check her out, i saw that she was already turned. It made for an awkward moment when we made eye contact. Wat do?
Help me, Veeky Forums. How do I quit being a beta numale cuckboi and ask the girl out who keeps walking by my cubicle...
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Tell her you have 3 whole BTC.
I'm actually willing to help you out with a little advice. I'll give you the prelude then you gotta follow up and answer my questions before I give you legit advice
>Have you ever talked to her before
>If you have, what's the extent of the conversation
>Does she work in your office or is there for business occasionally etc
>Have you ever seen her with any dudes at work
>Do you dress as sharply as you can without overdoing it and keep yourself well maintained?
"Hi, how are you doing?"
"That's great, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me?"
Done, stop overthinking. You can't hit a home run if you never swing the bat.
Hey, hows it going?
Where do you usually go out for lunch?
Want to try ___? They have great sushi! Does Thursday work?
I've never talked to her before.
She works in my office, but there will be consecutive days in which I don't see her.
I dress business casual with the clothes I have: 5 different pants; 8 different shirts; two different shoes.
Give it to me straight, doc.
>just bee yourself
Fuck off, chads. Go masturbate in front a mirror.
user, im a woman, in the same situation. a very handsome guy ryan gosling like lives on my building... so probably you are no ryan gosling... but if you do not know each other personally.. a normal handhsake and hey.. we have seen each other often, but i do not think we have been introduced, my name is this....
(that will make you look very masculine and confident..)
sorry not a native english speaker
Just talk to her u faggt
forgot to add, say something afterwards.. like i work.. in this.. or whatever, that she answers.. otherwise, youll be stuck saying hi and hi like a creep forever.
Alright you need to do your research first. If you have a confidant at the office like a bro to help you out you need to find out her name and a little bit about her WITHOUT being sketchy. Always good to do a little digging before going in. For all you know she could be a raging whore or drug addict. Facebook/Insta/Tumblr whatever you can find.
You can look her up on FB, do a little creepin and see what she's about. Once you did your research then get an idea of when she's in your office, try and figure out her schedule to plan for an optimal time to talk. If she seems super busy then don't go balls deep.
You haven't talked to her before but have you said hello? I'm the guy at the office that has no remorse saying hello/good afternoon to everyone. You come off as super amicable if you do it properly, so just saying hello/hi how are you when you see her and play it cool and go back to what you were doing.
If you somehow can manage to ignite a convo or if you're like me and just dive right in there because literally, YOLO then say :
>Hi how are you
>Smalltalk her, ask her which department she works in. "Oh do you work on this floor, or do you work up in fiscal, IT, management" etc. Ask her how long she's been working here
>First talk should be insanely formal and short and sweet. "Did you do anything fun this last weekend." Get a little action then get out. "I gotta get back to work, have a good day," or maybe "You're prob super busy I'll let you do your thing.
TLDR: go at your own pace but don't wait forever. Don't try too hard and don't lie/try to be someone your not. Don't dress how you wouldn't dress and if you think something sounds stupid, good chance it probably does. The more formal the convo the less room for /awkward pauses. The whole idea of just starting day 1 with a hey how are you with a wave and then waiting a couple encounters before talking is to warm her up is so she sees you as a familiar face. Lmk if you have questions, AMA.
Stop making excuses
if you're over thinking something about one girl you see occasionally this much i guarantee she wants nothing to do with you
Grab her by the pu$sey fukboi
What if she earns more than I do?
First fuck off of biz. We are here making money not teaching virgins how to get laid. Secondly just keep in mind the only motherfuncikg law with women wich is BE CONFIDENT (if you don't have money this is your way) just think what girls would like a strong attitude man (not mean being a douche bag) o a weak knees one. The third option is having money and you can start by buying shitcoins but if aren't going to, pls fuck off of biz
Tell her that you want to flick her bitbean
>le shitcoins meme
No thanks, friend. I'd rather invest my money in myself: i.e, education, language courses, and traveling.
You probably already fucked up by not introducing yourself/making small talk. How long has she known you existed/when did you first see her? Just going up and asking, unless it's the first time you've ever had a reason to meet, is going to look like a sign of weakness. You need to introduce yourself and make small talk gauge her reaction before asking her out or she will think you're weird
Open with an indirect canned opinion, hook, escalate kino, DHV, then neg.
Well I will stay for a while to see where does this end, sure we can talk about it buy keep in mind you are in a bussines forum the nex time. So wath are you doubting or fearing of?
I see you're a man of culture yourself
>How do I quit being a beta numale cuckboi
It seams like you don't understand fully why you are one
>I dress business casual with the clothes I have: 5 different pants; 8 different shirts; two different shoes.
It's very feminine thing to say. Women are not aroused by fancy closes. You never met her, so you don't like her personality, you just a frustrated boy who wants to get his end wet. You don't make woman emotionally interested or wet with bells and whistles. It's all in your personality and in the way you handle yourself.
TL;DR talk to her and 'le be confident meme'. Don't hide your intentions but be subtle and playful. if you think you're not confident enough figure out why, meet more woman to practice your communication skills
Show her your blockfolio.
If you have more than 20BTC, she will suck your sick.
If you have less than 20 BTC, she will not suck your dick.
Good luck user.
This is actually one of the most truest things ever said and probably accounts for 90% of all work environments where guys get crushes on attractive girls. This would help with a lot of heartache.
Кaкиe твoи гэйнc(з)ы бpaтишкa?
Op is gone. Wish him luck, (he will need it without biz advices)
Yeah but it doesn't mean just jump in, considering that most "newbies" could freeze or panic
Then you play it even smarter because then you're upgrading from a girlfriend to a sugar momma. I've had one in the past, it's pure insanity ( in a good and bad way ). Money shouldn't be everything though.