What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
A black guy fucked his wife
"It means that white people invented racism and slavery." - Professor Goldstein
Ibn Khaldun was white. Not that white people invented racism or slavery anyway.
>Ibn Khaldun was white
Arabs aren't white.
"White" is a retarded category Amerifaggots.
Arabs aren't white, deal with it.
Nice meme amerifat.
What the fuck is wrong with you. You're obviously arab shitskin. How are Arabs white exactly? They have brownish skin, cartepillar eyebrows, dead black eyes and are hairy everywhere like a fucking monkey.
How are they even compared to Europeans? They're not even the same people.
They come from Indo-European origins like we do- the Caucus mountains. Hence, Caucasian.
So yes, they're "white", but have darker skin because of the desert sun. It's almost like their isn't a dozen races but rather one race of humans with dozens of phenotypes. Crack a book nigga.
This meme again. Literally every genetic test has shown that the Muslim conquest of the MENA region made them more similar to Sub-Saharan Africans than they were beforehand. It's not a coincidence that mulattoes tend to look extremely similar to Arabs.
Skin colour is a mere phenotype which tells you nothing about individuals, in this case Ibn Khakdun. You're a retard for even thinking about his skin colour: it shows that you have a weak mind and a bad attitude for any psychological reasoning.
>Semites are Indo-European
Kill yourself.
Unlikely that he was an ethnic Arab. Most people living in the MENA are fairly light-skinned.
Where do you think they came from? Atlantis?
They weren't Indo-European you fucking moron.
The Semitic settled across Syria, Mesopotamia, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Arabia, some went to eithiopia.
>Don't feel bad about enslaving them and treating them like trash guise, turns out they were destined for it all along!
>i'm a big dummy who don't even kwow what an haplogroup is
>Veeky Forums related quote about the perception of black people in north africa
>/pol/tards want to make it a debate about the definition of whithness
Slavery is forbidden in Islam so he say blacks aren't humans so he can enslave them
Islam promote the release of slaves but do not forbid slavery.